Status: Main story.

It Burns So Bright, This Flame Will Never Die.


***Next day***

Ronnie, Travis, and I were currently out to lunch with the band and Max. I hadn't seen them all in a couple weeks, so it was definitely needed.

"Gimme a french fry!" Max whined at Travis, pointing to his mouth. Travis grinned and shook his head wildly, stuffing the fry in his own mouth.

"Just like you're damn dad; never wants to share food." I laughed at the look on Ronnie's face, mid-taking a bite of his burger, and at how Max grumbled this.

"Excuse me?!" Ronnie scoffed, acting like he was offended.

"You heard me!" Max grinned.

"Oh boy. Why does it suddenly feel like 8 years ago again?" The guys all laughed, including myself.

"Wow...8 years since '06?" Ronnie asked wide-eyed. I nodded. "It doesn't feel like it's been that long..."

"No it doesn't." Ronnie glanced at me and smiled, making me return it. "I'm just glad all the bullshit's done and over with, and everyone's actually acting like adults." I stated, setting my fork and knife down as I finished the last bite of my grilled chicken. Derek smirked at me, and I noticed Ronnie and Max looking at me weird.

"Well that wasn't very subtle, Scar." Ryan laughed.

"I'm a blunt person." I smiled at Ronnie. He fake glared at me, making me giggle.

"Shut your facehole." He mumbled, putting his napkin on the table. "You enjoy your lunch, buddy?" He smiled at Travis, brushing his hair away from his face. Travis smiled and held out a fry for Ronnie.

"Oh, I SEE HOW IT IS!" Max huffed. I started laughing when Travis looked at him and Max stuck his tongue out at him, Travis copying his actions.

"You guys should have more kids." I snapped my head over and stared at Derek as he grinned at us. "You're awesome parents."

"That's what I said!" Ronnie flailed his arms. "She doesn't want another!"

"I said I didn't want another for at least one more year, not I never wanted another ever!"

"People want us to make more babies, Scar," Ronnie said matter-o'-factly, nodding his head. "We should grant their wish."

"Yeah, well I ain't no genie so they can suck it." Everybody laughed and I smirked. "Ohhh boy." I stretched in my chair and whined. "I ate too muchhh."

"Me tooooo." Max whined also.

"Well that's because you're a fat ass." He smacked me upside the head, and I reached over to do the same but Ronnie restrained me, laughing. "I am not!"


"SO DO YOU!" I blinked, realizing he was right. "Dumbass!" He laughed


We all went silent, except for Derek who started laughing hysterically as Travis said this and giggled afterwords.

"Oh shit-" I slapped my hand over my mouth and Travis squealed. "Shit!"

"You can pick up those words in less than 2 seconds flat, but you can't say "Love you Daddy"?!" I shrieked. Ronnie was nearly falling out of his chair as Travis kept saying "shit" and clapping his hands together happily.

"SEE WHAT YOU DID?!" I smacked Max this time.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SAID SHIT!" He laughed as Travis said it again, right after he did. "This isn't funny, Ronald!" I groaned as Ronnie threw his head back, crying from laughing so hard.

"Y-Yes it-t is...!!" He managed to choke out in between his loud laughter. It was safe to say the whole restaurant was staring at us now, some of them probably hearing what Travis said since they were also glaring at us.

"Travis, no! That's bad!" I couldn't help but giggle at the shit-eating grin on his face as he kept cursing, everyone at our table nearly in a fit of hysterics.

"That's my boy!" Ronnie lifted him out of his high-chair and grinned, holding him in the air.

"Oh yes, let's encourage it." I laughed. The waitress came over and we handed her our plates, and she gave us the bill. I put my hand over Travis' mouth as he started saying "shit" and "dumbass" louder.

"OK, I'm getting him out of here, you pay for this." Ronnie laughed as I shook my head and took Travis from him, quickly grabbing my purse and practically running out of the restaurant.

"Oh, NOW you shut up." I giggle as he chews on his fingers cutely, smiling at me as he doesn't make a peep now that we're out of the restaurant. All the guys came out a few minutes later, and we decided to walk around town before going to our cars.

"So..." I look over at my brother, bouncing Travis a little to get a better grip on him. "What?"

"I've got some news you may or may not like..." He smiled. We all went silent, Ronnie looking at Max nervously.

"......Please tell me I'm not going to become an aunt." I begged. He started laughing and shook his head. "No no no, not at all. Lexus and I are back together."

My eyes narrowed at him, and he smiled nervously. I handed my son to Ronnie before grabbing Max by the arm and dragging him to his car. "Unlock your car." I demanded.

"You're not gonna kill me, right-" I repeated what I said and tightened my grip on his arm, to which he yelped in pain and did so. We got in the back seat, and I started smacking him. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!" I screeched.

"DAMMIT! STOP IT! OWIE!" He whined as he attempted to swat me away. "You're seriously gonna bring that bitch back into our lives?! Into YOUR life?! After ALL the shit you and her went through?!?"

"It's been a while!" I smacked him upside the head again, and he continued whining. "Besides, I...missed her?" He shrieked when I started whacking him with my purse.

"YOU MISSED THAT FUCKING NO GOOD WHORE?! THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MAXWELL!?" He snatched my purse out of my hands and pushed me back.


"I'M TRYING TO BEAT SOME SENSE INTO YOU!" He let my purse drop to the floor of his car and grabbed my arms tightly, trying to restrain me. "Calm your ass down!" I reluctantly calmed down, crossing my arms over my chest like a 3 year old and glaring at my brother. "How long have you two been back together?"

"...Couple weeks?" I felt my anger bubbling inside of me even more. "And has Ronnie been around her?"

"......Yes?" He squeaked.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, GREEN!?!?" I went back to beating and smacking him, and he went back to swatting me away and whining at me to stop.

"THIS IS ABUSE!" He cried, shoving me away from him and protecting himself with my purse.

"When did those two see each other?!"

"Like, 3 days ago." He quickly held up my purse to arm himself in case I decided to continue abusing him. I was about to say something but I was cut off by laughter, and I turned around to see the guys standing by the car.

"If ANYTHING happens, and you fucking know what I mean by ANYTHING, your ass is mine." I threatened. His eyes widened and he nodded quickly before we both got out of his car. "Well, that was fun." I grumbled, smiling a little at Derek as he grinned.

"You looked like a little chihuahua attacking him in there!" Jacky laughed.

"Hey!" I giggled, playfully slapping his arm. "So, we gotta go home. It's almost Travis' nap time." We all exchanged goodbyes and I hugged all the guys, except Max. "I'm not happy with you." I pointed my finger at him and he pouted, making the boys laugh. "Goodbye!" I called as I walked towards Ronnie's car. Ronnie trailed behind me with Travis, putting him in his car seat when he caught up with me. I was already in the passenger seat buckled in when he finally got in himself.

"So Max tells me you saw the wh.....woman." I cleared my throat as I said the "appropriate" word, making him snicker a little.

"Yeah...I did." I looked at him as he put the keys in ignition, starting the car and then buckling his own seat belt.

"And?" He frowned when he noticed my tone. "Nothing happened, Scar. We talked for a little bit, then I left."

"What'd you talk about?" I looked away from him, focusing my attention on my window.

"Just how we've been...she's got a band now..." I snorted.

"Bet that's gonna be the next big thing." Ronnie laughed at my sarcasm as he pulled out of the parking lot and started the drive home. "What else?"

"Just what we've been up to, really. Nothing else." I nodded. "Oh really?" I glanced at him and he sighed heavily. "Yes, Scarlet."

Something didn't make me believe him when he said that.
♠ ♠ ♠

Thankies to MarriahShadows, TerriTerror13, MadisonFaps, xXBloodyRoseXx, Eeemsevenxx, Jacey, hachie, xFallingFasterx, Forever.Gone, KelseaNicole, muh wifeh, Mikayla, AkuRoku._., Alayna Elizabeth!?!, PrincessxxJazxx, and Clik for commenting last chapterrr! <333!!!