Saved By Her Guitar

Chapter Seven

“Sorry, Shelton but how’d you expect me to react?”
“I suppose.”
“She does always seem irritated when you question her. At least she doesn’t want to flat out lie to you.”
“And she seemed rushed to get back out even though I’d just walked in the house.”
“You know if you aren’t specific-
“Yes, I do know. Call my wife and tell her exactly what’s going on.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m going to find my daughter.”
He stormed from the suite.
Michelle picked up the house phone and pressed the speed dial.
“Is this Melanie?”
“Who wants to know?”
“So like your sister. My name’s Michelle, I’m-
“My dad’s whore.”
Michelle sighed, “So like your sister, indeed.”
“Did you want something?”
“I want to talk to your mother.”
“She’s unavailable. May I take a message?”
“Listen, you’re young. There’s still time for you.”
“Don’t let Morgan’s bad influence effect you. Don’t be like her. She’s rude, disobedient, ill-mannered, ill-tempered and worst of all, she’s a prostitute.”
“Show’s how much you know. She’s not rude, she’s outspoken. Passion is not disobedience. And she’s only ill-tempered when someone wishes herself or someone she loves ill-will. You don’t have the right to lecture me on the laws of ethics considering your ongoing affair with my father.”
“I am my sister’s sister. She can do no wrong.”
Michelle heard the disconnection.

“She said what?!”
“What’s happening?” Dillan inquired.
“And she topped it all off by calling you a prostitute.”
“How’d she come to that conclusion?”
Her line beeped.
“Mel, hold on.”
“Sure thing.”
“Where are you?” Shelton demanded.
“On my way home to teach your girl a lesson.”
“For desecrating my name.”
She slammed the hood of the M3 down and got into her Rabbit.
“Please, open the door.”
He hit the garage door button.
“What’s going on?”
“I have to go.”
She started the car and sped away.
On her way home, about forty minutes away, she picked up a cop. When she didn’t pull over, more cops joined the chase. By the time she got home and parked in three spaces, she had about ten cars on her.
She ran for the stairs feeling at least three of them right on her. She burst into the suite.
“We need to-
She pushed her father out of the way and punched Michelle in the mouth.
She grabbed Michelle’s hair and slammed her down. Her father tried to stop her but she pushed him back over the coffee table.
“She told Mel I was prostituting!”
Ignoring the cops and the guns on her, she continued her assault on Michelle.
“I said freeze!” the cop shouted.
When she didn’t stop punching Michelle, one of the cops tackled her to the ground and held her there while her arms were wrestled behind her and she was handcuffed.
“You have the right to remain silent…
“Don’t ever open your mouth to my sister again,” she said calmly.
“That’s it, Morgan.”
She looked at her father, her eyes showing much contempt.
“You no longer live here.”
“I only ever slept here so who cares? I can find another bed.”
“We won’t be pressing charges,” Shelton said looking meaningfully at Michelle.
Down at the police station, Ray was talking to Morgan.
“These boys, except Dillan, are friends. I don’t like females. That’s why you’ll never catch me with chicks. If he thinks I’m a nasty, low self-esteem, self-degrading prostitute, he doesn’t know me at all.”
“I’m not repeating myself anymore.”
“We’re still trying to get the charges together. You may get some jail time.”
“Do what you have to. I need to figure out where I’ll be living anyway.”
He looked at her sympathetically and left the room.