Pretty Big Deal

Audrey Kitching is a pretty big deal.

She's got a rich father, and great friends that always have her back. If Briarwood Day Academy were a magazine, she would be on the front cover of every edition. Her multi-colored hair is definitely the highlight of the school.

Since the 5th grade, Audrey has always been into modeling. She admires Twiggy and Janice Dickinson and gulps down diet shakes like tequila shots, and while her dad could easily get her a spread in any haute couture magazine in America, Audrey prefers to give BDA the daily scoop of her unpredictable life.

Every beautiful girl comes with enemies, and Audrey's got an army full. Ever since she broke up with her old boyfriend, Jason, he's been recruiting girls to break Audrey's reputation as Scene Queen of BDA, one of which would be Alaina Bleaton. But she's ready to fight back full force with a little help from her friends.

The writing style of this story was influenced by The Clique Novels by Lisi Harrison.

----------------------------------------2nd story in the series: Those Bold City Girls. (Coming soon.)