If He Knew of the Person You Have Became


At this point all I knew was to giggle, or stay silent and think deeply. Max is currently singing an Adele song that's on the radio. Right when I was about to join his singing there was a tap on the window and we both jumped. Max rolled down the window and I turned the radio off.
Max opened the door and stepped out; Brother Joseph got it. I laughed as I legitimately crawled into the back seat. The car started Max and I both stayed silent until we reached a near by Arby's. Brother Joseph grabbed the stuff I sat by and got out.
"He's going to change." Max informed me. I nodded in return.
Minutes later the door opened and a stranger climbed in and threw clothes in the back seat beside me. The guy turned around and I looked him deep in the eyes and looked at his arms.
"Holy shit! you're the rocker Hannah Montana!"
Brother Joseph He laughed, "I normally go by Ronnie. I'll explain later."

This voice repeated over and over as Ronnie drove us to McDonald's.


"Come on, let's get our engagement on!" Ronnie said opening the door.
I climbed out and nearly fell over. I soon heard Max giggle and I did the same. Ronnie took my hand and led me into the small building saying, "His dumb ass can't walk."
I gasped, "You said a bad word!"
"Shh!" Ronnie laughed.
As we walked into McDonald's Max skipped, again. We made it to the counter where you place your order. Ronnie looked down at me, "What do you want?" I continued to search the menu for something appetizing in the pictures. A smile played across my face as I found out what I wanted.
"Oreo McFlurry?"
He turned to the guy behind the counter, "Two Oreo McFlurries, that'll be it."
He handed the man the amount of money need, with the change he handed to Max and told him to get what ever he wanted. Ronnie led me to the side as I stood there holding in giggles.
When our order was finished Ronnie grabbed the tray and walked me to ta booth. I slid in first, and he sat next to me. As small as I am I sat with my knees to my chest. I reached forward and grabbed a spoon and McFlurry. I tore the plastic off of the spoon with my teeth and began to eat the ice cream. I heard another tray hit the table and I looked at it. There was a large fry and the whole tray was drowned in ketchup.
"Max.. You have a bit too much ketchup.." Ronnie stated putting a spoon full of ice cream in his mouth.
I laughed while Max shrugged, "I wanted more, but the lady said she'd kick me out..."
"Good job," I stated.
"When are we going to do it?" Ronnie asked.
"When you want to." I giggled.
"Okay since Max has to hold the camera lets wait for him to finish." he stated.
I nodded and continued to eat. I looked at Max, he was licking ketchup off of his hand. He shoved it back on the tray, rubbing his hand deeply in the ketchup. He looked towards the cashier and waved, smiling big. I looked and saw an angry short-like lady.
"You're terrible!" I slurred.
"No! I'm actually eating the ketchup."
I shook my head as he dumped the large fry on the tray.
"Do you do this on your?" Ronnie asked.
"Yea, remember? When Bryan and I got wasted we'd do this." Max said with a smile.
Ronnie reached across the table and took Max's face in his hands and stared into his eyes, "You weren't joking when we got out of the car.." Ronnie turned to me and put both hands on each side of my face.
"Your hands are warm." I stated bluntly looking down.
"Look at me, Kristie." he demanded softly."
I looked up, he was blushing. I looked into his eyes a stared.
"Damn it, Max." he sighed, "I can't take her home drunk."
"Take her back with us to your place?" Max suggested with a smile, "We can have a slumber party!"
Ronnie gave the pale man a death glare. I couldn't help but to laugh, "Lets do make-overs!"
"Max, I swear." Ronnie shook his head,"Text your mom and tell her you're staying the night at a friends house?"
"Will do!" I sung.
"I didn't know she was light weight.. But we did drink a lot.."
"Max, just hush." I said.
"You shush." he replied splatting his hand in the ketchup.
"Sh! I'm trying to type a text!"
He laughed.
"Shush!" I exclaimed.
I looked at Ronnie as he was about to laugh. He smiled and put his hands up like he was surrendering.
I began to text my mother;
I'm staying the night at Maddie's
"Text Maddie and tell her to cover for my, my phone is about to die." I told Ronnie with the best of my ability of remembering her name.
He nodded his head and pulled out his phone, "I'll just call her."

Ronnie's P.O.V.

The phone began to rang and I death glared Max some more.
"Hello?" she answered.
"Yea, Maddie? It's Brother Joseph. Could you tell Kristen's parents if they ask that she's at your place for tonight?"
"Yea, sure?" she said confused.
"Well, my friend got her drunk..."
"How long has she been drunk?
"About.. Thirty minutes." I stated.
"It's gonna' get worse.. Have you asked her yet?"
"To marry me? No.."
"Oh my God. Do it!" she laughed.
I groaned, "Why?"
"You lost!" she laughed some more.
"Yay! I'ma let you go!" she hung up quickly.
I hung up and looked at Kristen. She smiled and ate a spoonful of ice cream.
"Is it good?" I asked.
"It's so good!" she said with her cheeks stuffed like a hamster.
I laughed, "What do you want to do?"
"Take this damn skirt off..."
"Lets keep that on.." I suggested.
"How about when we go to your place?"
"I'll give you something to wear" I told her.
"Yay!" she hugged me.
I put my arm around her to hug her back, which was hard to do in a booth. She scooted closer to me and stayed at my side. I didn't pull my arm away, I let it rest on her shoulders. She pulled the skirt further over her knees and picked up the frozen desert.
"I want more ketchup..." Max pouted.
"You have a bunch left!"
"But I want more..." he pouted.
"Go get more, after I ask her to marry me." I said.
"Don't couples kiss after the guy proposes?" Max asked licking his hand and winking at me.
I looked at Kristen as she licked the spoon, giggling she said, "Oreo kissies."
"So, we're kissing?" I asked.
"Sure, I don't mind." She shrugged.
"Get your mack on!"
"You just lost the game." she whispered to Max changing subject with another giggle.
he eyes grew wise, "Damn it!"
"It's okay, Maxie-poo. I lost too." She smiled and took two of his fries putting them gracefully into her mouth.
I laughed and watched her chew the friend. She looked at me and smiled.
"Let's go get engaged and junk!" she said with a smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo, I hope this turns out long. @.@
She's drunk. I didn't want to make her a slutty drunk. Or one that's like "OHH AHAHHAAHAH!" Just kind of shy, yet giggly?
I'm so tired. I'll correct grammar and spelling later..
Feedback is like Nutella to mee.
Nutella = love.