Under A Paper Moon

chapter 15

Ava’s POV.
A couple of days later.

I pull the car up next to the kerb and cut the engine before climbing out and walking up the path to the front door of Genevieve’s house, we are spending the day together because the guys are meeting with label execs to finalise plans for the upcoming tour, and since I wasn’t invited and the meeting is taking place at the house Gen invited me to hang out at her house since she has the day off. I knock on the door and step back to wait for her to answer which only takes a couple of minutes “Hey! Thankyou so much for inviting me over! Alex was stressing like a mother hen because he thought I was gonna be hanging out on my own all day” I say.
“You’re welcome here any time Ava, you know that. But why was Alex stressing out? Does he not like you to be alone?” she asks.
I roll my eyes “He always stresses out when they are doing band stuff that I am not a part of. He feels bad about ‘kicking me out of the house’ as he puts it, even though I have told him about a million times that I really don’t mind and that I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to go out with him, but he still feels bad about it.” I explain as she leads me into the lounge room and we sit on the couch together.
“What do you usually do when they have band meetings?” she asks.
“This is only the second one they’ve had while I’ve been living with them, and last time I just went to my parents house because they used to live here, but they retired a couple months back and moved to Florida so they could be near my Aunt.” I say.
“That’s kinda sweet though, that he cares about you that much” she comments.
“Yeah, I guess. Alex is always sweet though you know? He made be breakfast in bed this morning” I say. “but anyway enough about me and Alex, I want to hear about you”
“Ok, well my name is Genevieve Carly Kaos, I was born in Sussex in England, and moved over here with my family when my dad got transferred here for his job whenI was 13. We lived in L.A. for the next 8 years until he retired and they moved back to England to be closer to family..so I guess we have that in common, the parents moving after retirement thing. But anyway, after they returned to England I moved here and got the job working as a consultant for Mac cosmetics at Dillards.” she says shooting me a sly smile.
I poke my tongue out at her and roll my eyes “very funny” I say.
“I thought so” she replies.
“What I meant to say was that I want to hear about your date with Jack” I say.
“What about it?” she asks.
“Oh I don’t know, how about we start off with EVERYTHING” I say. “For example, where did he take you? what did you eat? Did he pay? Did you split the bill? What did you do after you had dinner? What did you talk about during dinner? And so on till you have described the night in vivid detail” I say.
“Well we went to Rocco’s Capriccio, he had Lasagna, I had penne carbonara, he insisted on paying said he wouldn’t hear of me paying a cent for our meal on our first date. Then after dinner we came here to watch movies and eat the tira-misu that we got to go from the restaurant and he met Midnight who actually liked him, which is crazy because she usually hates all men. He met Ichabod too, sort of but he was sleeping so they haven’t been properly introduced cause Ichy hates being woken up and has a tendancy to snap at anyone who tries to pet him when he is in hes bed ‘cause its his safe place” she explains.
“That’s understandable, I had a dog when in junior high and he was the same way” I say “but moving on, what movie did you watch? And since when does Rocco’s have take-out tira-misu?”
“We The Poltergeist and Jack screamed about half way through cause Midnight was sleeping on the back of the couch and her tail brushed against his neck. And they don’t usually have the tira-misu on the take-out menu, but I’m friends with the waiter who served us and the owner so they made an exception” she says. “Oh and Jack got a little jealous cause he thought Andre was flirting with me”
“Who’s Andre? And why did Jack think he was flirting?” I ask.
“Oh sorry, Andre’s my friend, and the guy who served us, and Jack thought he was flirting because I forgot to introduce them and Andre was being his usual sweet and very gay self…he’s dating the owner Luke, and was actually checking JACK out not me, but Jacky didn’t notice cause he thought Andre was making moves on me” she says.
“Aww poor Jack, did you tell him how things really are?” I ask.
“Yeah, I did, and he apologised to Andre and now those two are friends, and we’re gonna all catch up sometime.”
“Maybe you can invite them to the next bbq/pool party at the house” I suggest. “I wanna meet these guys they sound like fun”
“Oh they are, and they have amazing fashion sense, I’ll arrange a shopping trip sometime” she says.
“That would be awesome! Alex HATES shopping unless its for food. He go’s with me and puts up with it but he’s gonna love you for letting him off the hook” I say.
“Ok so I’ll call Andre tomorrow and arrange a day to go shopping, probably sometime in the next two weeks ‘cause they’re going to Hawaii for a month to celebrate their three year anniversary” she says. “and we’ll be gone on tour by the time they get back”
“That works for me, I need to go shopping before tour anyway, I need some new clothes!” I say.
“Yeah, me to, and I need your advice on what is appropriate for me to wear as one of their make-up artists” she says.
“To other make-up girls I would say you can wear what you want, as long as its not really slutty and screaming ‘do me’ to every guy within a 500mile radius” I say “but I know you’re not that kind of girl, so you can just wear what you want because I know you have common sense”
“Ok, cool, but I still need you to help me pick out a dress for when we go out to clubs and bars while we’re on the road. Something that Jack will like”
“Girl, Jack wouldn’t care what you’re wearing he thinks you’re gorgeous, and he would think you were gorgeous even if you were wearing a potato sack with the potatoes still in it” I say
“You should pitch that idea to Lady Gaga, she’d probably love it” she comments.
“Good idea, she’s already worn a meat dress, and emerged from an egg, so she’s covered the meat and dairy food groups, with the potato sack she can cover vegetables and then she could go as a fruit salad to another event down the track thus covering all the major food groups” I respond.
“We totally need to become fashion designers” she says.
“Definitely, and we can cater specifically to pop-princesses with crazy dress sense” I agree.
“Starting with the potato sack dress for the VMAs for Gaga” she says.
“Perfect! And you can do make-up to match, I think we are onto a winning idea here” I say.
“I can see it now, our names in lights. Headlining our own show at Paris fashion week with all the big name fashion magazines in the front row, Vogue, Marie Clare all of them vying for the exclusive rights to run photos of our products in their mag” she says.
“And we can even bring the guys along, they can play shows in a neighbouring venue and we can all meet up afterwards and hang out in the most exclusive bars and restaurants.” I say.
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thanks for reading guys! i kinda like this chapter, would love some comments! let me know what you think!