Under A Paper Moon

chapter 17

Ava’s POV.

“So will you accept? Will you be one of my bridesmaids?” I ask glancing at Gen who is sitting opposite me at her dining room table, we have an open pizza box between us and two glasses filled with whiskey and coke.
“Of course I’ll accept! It’ll be an honour to be one of your bridesmaids” she says. “and of course I’ll be throwing you the most amazing bridal shower the world has ever seen”
“Sounds like fun, what do you have in mind?” I ask.
“That is for me to know and you to find out.” she says.
“But Ge-en you have to tell me! Alex is already keeping the honeymoon destination a secret, you can’t keep the bridal shower plans a secret too, I wouldn’t be able to bear the suspense!” I protest.
“You’re just gonna have to figure out how to bear it ‘cause I’m not gonna tell you what I have planned till the night of the shower, and I can pretty much guarantee that Alex isn’t gonna break either.” she says.
“I hate you guys” I joke poking my tongue out at her.
“Yeah clearly, that’s why you’re marrying him.” she retorts.
“Oh on the contrary I don’t love him, no not at all, I am marrying him for his money and fame.” I say. “because I’m to pretty to work and he can provide for me and buy me everything I want.” I add in a whiny tone.
“You do that way too well” Gen says “if I didn’t know for a fact that you’re not a gold digging bimbo I would have thought you’re a gold digging bimbo”
“And what would you do if I was a gold digging bimbo?” I ask.
“Tell Alex that you’re just after his money and hope that he believes me, I might even enlist the help of Jack and the guys, I mean I know I don’t know Alex all that well but I wouldn’t want him to wind up married to someone who doesn’t love him for who he is.” she says.
“Yeah I’d have done the same if I’d thought you were only into Jack for his money”
I say.
“So we’re on the same page then, if any gold digging bimbos come sniffing around the guys wanting their money we’ll beat them off with a stick” she says.
“Definitely on the same page, any girl who so much as dares to get their filthy money grabbing hands on the guys will be confronted with the full force of our combined wrath.”
“Sounds like fun, maybe we should go to a bar and flaunt them on purpose so we can get some practice at working together to scare of gold digging whores” she suggests.
“Perhaps we could, it wouldn’t be very hard, all we’d have to do is go to a club leave the guys alone for about five minutes and the sluts would be on them like flies on a dead animal carcass” I say.
“Wonderful imagery that” she say sarcastically.
“Oh I know, my mother always told me that I have an uncanny knack for that sort of thing” I respond in the same sarcastic tone.
“So you have absolutely no idea where Alex is planning on taking you for your honeymoon?” she asks.
“Ugh no! he wont tell me ANYTHING! It’s so annoying” I say.
“Did you ask him for a hint” she asks.
“Yeah, but all he said was that is on planet earth, and its not in the US. I even tried the ‘how will I know what clothes to pack if I don’t know where we’re going’ ploy but that didn’t work either, he just said pack an assortment of clothes for all types of whether, I swear to God Genevieve if I didn’t love him so much I’d hate him for being so damn crafty” I say.
“I think it’s kinda romantic that he’s keeping it a secret and going to the trouble of taking you to a secret location” she says.
“I’ll remember that for when Jack decides to abduct you and whisk you off to some far off foreign land without giving you any details about it” I retort.
“You do that, but I think you’re gonna be waiting quite a while for that, so don’t hold your breath or anything.” she says.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, but one day he will whisk you off to some exotic location without telling you about it and I will be there to remind you of your advice to me” I say poking my tongue out at her.
“I look forward to it” she responds with a smirk, before picking up her glass and drinking the last of her whiskey and coke.
“You say that now, but you might change your tune when the time comes” I respond.
“Maybe, speaking of tunes…isn’t that your phone ringing?” she asks referring to the sound of my ringtone which is none other than All Time Lows ‘I feel like dancing’ and yes I am fully aware of how corny and clichéd it is that my fiance’s band is my ringtone, but it’s one of my favourite songs, and it’s really good to dance to….even if Alex’s freestyle dancing leave a lot to be desired like for example not doing Elmo’s chicken dance every time the song comes on when we’re in a club.” I say rolling my eyes.
“Don’t deny it Ava, you and I both know that you think its sexy as hell when he does the chicken dance.” she says with a smirk..
“Yeah ok so it’s kinda cute when he does the chicken dance, but it won’t be cute if he does it on our wedding day, I keep trying to convince him to take dance classes with me so we can actually do a waltz at our reception but he just says he’ll be fine and tells me to stop worrying so much” I say glancing at my phone “speak of the devil, its Alex” I murmur “I should probably answer him or he’ll send a SWAT team here to see if I’m ok” I add.
“Yeah, you do that, I don’t particularly want a bunch of guys with guns busting my front door down, what ever would the neighbours think?” she says.
“Alex would have your door replaced” I comment with a smirk before pressing the answer button on my phone and bringing it to my ear “Hey sexy what’s up? Oh, hey Jack, yeah she’s here where else would she be?” I say into the phone “just a second I’ll ask her” I add putting a hand over the mouthpiece. “You don’t want to talk to Jack right?” I ask glancing at Gen.
“Yeah I wanna talk to Jack! Why would you even need to ask that question?” she asks.
“Sorry Jacky, she’s kinda busy, is it ok if she talks to you later? Ok sweetie can you put Alex back on now? See you later Jack-attack” I say. “Hey babe! How’d the meetings go? Did you get everything planned that you wanted to? just a second I’ll ask her. Gen do you wanna come back to Alex’s for dinner?” I ask.
“Sure, sounds good, actually no I have a better idea, they can come over here for a change.” she says. “that way we won’t have to cart all those cookies and cakes over there”
“Sounds good, I’ll ask him.” I say before speaking into the phone again. “You guys are coming here for dinner we made cake and cookies, see you soon! Oh and bring beer” I tell him before hanging up and setting my phone back on the table.
“Are they happy to come here or did Ichy scare them too much when we came over to your place the other week?” she asks.
“He say’s thanks and that they would love to come over here, I don’t think Ichy scared them, I personally love the little guy to death, and I’m fairly sure Alex does too…he loves any dog that plays nicely with Sebastian.” I say.
“Oh he can bring Sebastian as well if he wants, I’m sure Ichabod would love to have another dog to play with.” she says.
“You just want him to tire himself out tearing round the back garden, so you don’t have to take him for a walk later.” I say.
“I do not! Or well, not entirely, and besides, if Sebastian tires himself out here Alex won’t have to take him for a walk later which means you get more time with him all to yourself, and I KNOW you’ll approve of that, so you see I’m really considering your best interests as well.” she says.
“You’ve been talking to Jack haven’t you” I say narrowing my eyes at her.
“Ok you caught me, yes I’ve been talking to my boyfriend behind your back, I am terribly sorry, if there is anything I can do to make it up to you please let me know.” she says.
“Ha ha” I say poking my tongue out at her. “I’m gonna send Alex a text telling him he can bring Seb if he want’s to” I add.

Alex’s POV.

“Ok babe we’ll definitely come over to Gen’s place. See you soon! And of course I’ll bring beer! Have you ever known me to go anywhere and not bring beer?” I say into the phone.
“Alex! Stop having phone sex with your fiancé and come help us pack up!” Rian hollers at me poking his head into the room.
“Shut-up Dawson” I respond flipping him off. “Babe I gotta go. Rian’s getting his boxers in a bunch ‘cause I’m not helping pack up.” I say “love you, see you soon! Tell Gen thanks and we’d love to come, and we’ll be there soon” I say and flip my phone closed, sliding it into my pocket before standing up and walking over to where Rian is leaning against the door frame tapping his foot on the ground.
“I hope you used protection, we wouldn’t want an unplanned kids popping out in nine months” he says.
“We’re going to Gen’s for dinner” I say ignoring his comment and walking past him through the room, down the corridor and into the little practice room where Matt, Zack and Jack are busy packing up the instruments and other things we were using for the promotional photo shoot we’ve just finished.
“I thought they were coming here” he says following me into the room.
“That was the plan, but Gen just invited us to go to her place for dinner so we’re doing that instead.” I say.
“We’re going to Gens house?” Jack demands almost dropping the guitar amp he’s carrying.
“Yeah, she invited us over for dinner” I confirm.
“When are we leaving? Do we have to take anything?” he asks.
“We’ll leave as soon as we’re done packing up here, and as for what we’re taking well I am sure you can guess what that is” I say.
“Beer?” Zack suggests.
“That would be correct.” I say.
“Do we have beer in the fridge or do we need to stop by the store and get some?” Jack asks.
“We’ve got some, I bought a case yesterday, so there should be at least some of that left.” I say.
“There are twenty beers left, and what seven of us? That should be plenty right?” Matt says.
“Yeah, seven so that’ll give us two or three beers each. I’m sure that is more than enough” I say.
“Does she want us to take anything to eat? Or has she got it covered?” Jack asks.
“Ava just said to bring beer, so I’m guessing they have the food under control.” I respond.
“Are you taking Sebastian?” Rian asks.
“Yeah, he’s gonna come along and play with Ichabod” I respond.
“Who?” Matt asks.
“Ichabod, you know Gen’s dog, the little black and white Maltese she brought over here the other week?” I explain.
“He’s a pretty awesome dog” Jack comments.
“Are you saying that ‘cause you like the little guy our because of who his owner is?” Zack asks.
“Both” Jack replies “they’re both awesome”
“What about Sebastian?” I ask.
“Seb’s awesome too” he responds.
“Yeah, too bad we can’t say the same for his owner” Matt comments.
“Well I guess we know who’s designated driver tonight now don’t we” I say pulling the keys out of my pocket and handing them to him. “I was gonna offer to take the job but since I’m so un-awesome I think I’ll just let you drive”
“What? Hey you know I was only joking right? I actually happen to think you’re an incredibly handsome talented and witty individual the likes of which the world has never seen before” he protests.
“Thanks, glad you’re finally admitting that, you’re still designated driver though, I wasn’t actually gonna drive in the first place, I’ll just get a ride home with Ava” I say grinning at him.
“You’re an ass you know that?” he says.
“Whatever dude, it’s not my fault if you couldn’t figure out that I’d be riding home with Ava. And that I never let anyone drive my Jag” I comment.
“He’s got you there Flyzik, anyone who’s known him for more than about a week would know that NOBODY drives his Jaguar.” Zack chips in.
“That and the fact that his fiancé is there, he hasn’t seen her all day and will definitely be taking the opportunity to grab a few minutes of alone time with her in the car ride home” Rian adds.
“And anyone who wants to catch a ride home with them, instead of the rest of us will more than likely be subjected to a heated make-out session that quite possibly lasts the whole night” Zack continues
“The whole night, and most of tomorrow until one or both of them get’s hungry and/or thirsty.” Matt supplies.
“You know guys I’m right here, and can hear every single world you’re all saying” I point out.
“Yeah we are aware of that, we just thought you’d like to hear our discussion” Rian says.
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thanks for reading...who can spot the ATL reference from nothing personal