Status: Active

Don't Step Back, Saying You're Afraid.

Chapter Four - I Can Stay...

Taemin happily sighed as he ate ramen noodles, he was at a fancy restaurant, in a private booth. Alone. He was worrisome, it was 12 midnight and he had left the last hotel. He had no place to stay, he knew Minho's bodyguards were searching for him.

A young girl around the age of three poked his side, he flinched and thought it was Minho. He then looked down and asked, "Yes?"

"Unni says to give this to you," she handed him a sheet of paper, it was a greeting, and how the other girl loved the performance, "Where is your unni?" He kindly asked, the little girl pointed to a tall black haired girl. She walked up to him and said, "Annyeong, I'm Suzanne, this is my little sister Kiraya. I just wanted to say-"

"That the performance was really awesome, that you love SHINee and want me to tell the rest of the band."

"Yes, how-"

"I get that saying a lot, everyday actually," he nervously chuckled, "Would you and your sister like to join me?" Suzanne's eyes grew, "Ar-are you sure, I mean-"

"I'm asking you, join if you want, it's a private booth so no one can see."

"Then yes, definitely," she smiled and she sat down, putting her sister on her lap, "Thanks."

"For what? You're the one keeping me from looking alone."

"Do you mind if I ask why you're not with the rest?"

"Euh, I wanted to go eat, and everyone wanted to sleep so I left," he rubbed the back of his neck, nervously asking, "Do you know any hotel around here that isn't surrounded by many tall guys.

"Every hotel around here is now surrounded by bodyguards, I heard. Why?"

"Because I need to stay somewhere near here, and the apartment where I stay is too far away."

"Oppa, stay with us! " Kiraya shouted, though not attracting attention what-so-ever.

"Kira! He isn't allowed to do that, and don't shout, it's not nice." The sister hid her face in her older sis-ter's jacket.

"I would."

Suzanne looked at him strangely, "not to interfere, but is there a problem or something, you're willing to stay at a fan's house, isn't that overboard?"

"Yes, but what other choice do I have instead of the hotels."

"You're staying at my apartment?"

"If you let me."

"I am, but it's weird."

"At least it's settled?"

҉ ~ ҉ ~ ҉ ~ ҉ ~ ҉ ~ ҉

Suzanne flicked the light on as they entered the apartment, "Well this is it," she set down Kiraya and took the girl's shoes off, as well as hers. He did the same.

"Oppa! Oppa, let's play," Kiraya ran into the hall and in a random bedroom, "Kiraya, he's tired, you have to let him rest."

"Oh it's fine, I can go play with her."

"You sure? You'll probably get tired the first five minutes."

And he did, he may have been the baby of SHINee, but this was WAY different. The child was hyper, very active. First he chased her around the house, then he read to her, and as soon as the girl wanted to play dolls, he collapsed onto the doll house. Suzanne choked on laughs, and said, "Taemin oppa, wake up." He blinked uncontrollably, mumbling, "Key leave me alone."

"I'm definitely not Key, now Taemin get up," the younger woman whined.

"Key leave me alone," Taemin curled up in a ball, sticking his tongue out, "Oppa!" Kiraya shouted, and as if something hit him, he sat up in a flash.

"C'mon, you need sleep, you can sleep in my room. She helped him up, he didn't help at all, instead he just propped his head on her shoulder. He fell on the bed, she literally had to tuck him in.

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Early next morning, he woke up, see checked in Kiraya's room, Suzanna was on the bed across from the room, sleeping like an angel. He then poked his head back into her room, seeing everything he didn't see the previous night, SHINee posters covered the walls, an there was a framed one, it was a poster she made for a concert. He actually remembered it, written was "Lee Jinki, Kim Jonghyun, Kim Kibum, Choi Minho, Lee Taemin, SHINee!"

He took a look across the room, and found a stack of blank sheets of papers, he took a purple pen from her desk and wrote, "Thanks for everything, sorry to leave, but I have some stuff to do. Your sister is too cute, and you, beautiful. Hwaiting! ^^ -Taemin. He then signed the paper. After, he wrote on another sheet, "I remember that poster that is framed up on the wall ^^" and taped it on the frame.

As quiet as he could he left the apartment.
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I am embarrassed by writing this filler chapter, literally embarrassed that I want to scream into my pillow. Ugh I hate this one, really.