Sequel: The Way You Lie
Status: Hope you love it as much as you loved How To Save A Life :)

Been to Hell

Three Days

~Emily’s Point of View~

We all knew it was a lie before it even left her lips. Or at least Zane and I knew it was a lie. The fact that the hospital had me on birth control and we had been so careful that almost nothing happened. What ever this woman was doing might just get us into more trouble. But right now, it was probably saving our lives. So, the fact that we were planning on going along with it is probably the best thing we could do for ourselves.

“The fact that she has been here for the past two weeks without any symptoms of a pregnancy is proof enough that she is not pregnant.” Riley growled, fingers tightening on the gun once more. Zane was still completely terrified and I could tell from the tightness of his arms.

The man finally peeped up. I was beginning to think he was a mute, and I was scared that he was on Riley’s side. “Why are you putting them though this?” He whispered. That voice probably sparking more memories then it should, it was because he sounded just like Zane. I had heard that voice once before, when I was still in my room in that shack. It was arguing with the man holding the gun now.

“Dad don’t.” Zane whispered. For the first time in this life I was finally hearing about this man. Seeing this man. I never thought it would happen but it is. At least I know that Zane really isn’t alone in this life. “You shouldn’t be involved in this.”

The gun pressed to my head once more. “Shut up Zane.” So now I was being used as a silencer for Zane? Was I just property to Riley? He can dispose of my when ever he wants for any reason?

“If you get caught for killing us here, you will have life in jail.” Zane’s father whispered. Maybe in hopes that those words would change Riley’s mind. But we should know better, he has contacts to get him out of jail. Nothing phases this guy. What could any of us do to get out of this place alive? “Please put the gun down.”

When the gun moved away a little but I was a tad confused. Was he pulling away to cock it? Or was he giving up? My eyes opened, though all I could see was black because my face was still hidden in Zane’s neck.

“This girl is the reason why Zane’s mother is dead, aren’t you the least bit angry?” Riley growled, the sound of the gun being thrown across the room echoed. Zane’s body shifted over mine a little bit. Granting my sight of the room though a bundle of his hair that had fallen over my face.

Riley was pacing around the room angrily, and Zane’s father was sitting on the end of the bed. He looked nothing like Zane, everything was different besides the black hair. That looked like it was the only thing Zane had inherited from him. If I was never told that they were related, I would think they were from different families.

Now this was the one thing that I didn’t understand. Zane’s dad was huge, not weight wise but muscle wise. He could defiantly take Riley, so why didn’t he. One punch and Riley would be knocked out, that could give us the time to get out of here again. So, why doesn’t he do it?

Zane shifted again, tucking me further and further underneath him. Trying to make it look like nothing was happening. When he shifted this time his elbow ended up on my chest area, where one of the cuts from the knife resided. I whined quietly on accident and that attracted the attention of one of the people Riley had taken in with him.

“That women was dying from cancer, the drugs she was putting herself on with slowly making her go insane. What Zane did probably bettered her, she was suffering.” Zane’s father announced as one of the men beside Zane tried to separate us once more. Zane just about jumped up and tackled him, but only received a gun to the face.

Riley groaned in defeat. “Great, now I’m having second thoughts. I will give you guys a three day head start. Then I’m going to make up my mind. Now get out.”

Zane just about ran us out. Not bothering to set me down, he kind of just lugged me around the whole time. But his dad never followed, he just sat on the bed. Did he want to be killed?
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Hey, its me again. I haven't heard about your thanksgiving yet, but I thought I'd tell you about mine. So, here it is-

I got a zebra blanket that is neon orange on the bottom. It was amazing :). I got this blanket because we had a family Christmas on thanksgiving because everyone was 'off duty' (Or back from their military job), that way we could all exchange gifts and eat allot of food together lol. Anyway, my cousin is leaving for Italy, my grandparents for Florida, and my other cousin left today for the air force. So, we tied that into our little party as well. It was all fun and games really, half of them had hang overs and the other half was digging out the alchol so the turkey wasn't really feasted upon. Then when we all had to leave everyone started crying...lets just say I was a mess. But the black Friday 'deals' did make it somewhat better lol.

So don't forget to tell me about how much turkey you ate and the things that happened with you :)