Sequel: The Way You Lie
Status: Hope you love it as much as you loved How To Save A Life :)

Been to Hell


I awoke in a cold sweat, shivering and whimpering from some sort of pain. It wasn’t a pain in my rib or my cuts, but a nightmare kind of pain. Like the kind you get when you had one where if it had been real you could’ve died. But not only that, but I found myself clutching as close to Zane as possible. Which-of course- couldn’t be very comfortable for him. But right now all he was focusing on was stroking my hair back and quietly beginning me to calm down.

“Shh, honey. Its just a dream.” He whispered, running his fingers though my greasy dirt caked hair. They haven’t gotten around to cleaning us up yet. All they did was sterilize the wounds and give stitches or casts if needed. I had actually been surprised, but they said they would do it in the morning. What was the point of doing it now if we were both to tired to hold our own weight? We were willing to wait.

“I’m sorry.” I hummed, realizing my death grip on his hospital shirt. That’s what he was lucky enough to get, paper pants and shirt. Of course I was the great women, so I got the damn tie in the back dress. I hadn’t been to happy about that, especially considering I felt vulnerable in the thing.

He sighed and pulled me back to the spot I was in. I found myself nuzzling close and ignoring both our pain. Honestly all we needed right now was each other. I don’t think we would be able to make it without each other, we were to attached now.

“Was it about him?” He questioned. I knew who he was talking about, the one who he beat the crap out of. But I guess it did do me some justice to see the man I love take his anger out of the one man who hurt me. Not only back at the house, but though out my whole life at high school. Zane has been the only one to stand up for me so far.

“Ya.” I informed. Thinking the dream though. It wasn’t something wanted to think about. But Zane wanted to know, and I don’t exactly have a say in the matter. “I woke up back in that house and he was there again. But you were there this time, my knight in shining armor coming to save the day once more. I really don’t know what I would do without you.”

“That dream only did me glory if I got to beat the crap out of him again.”

He demanded, landing a kiss on the top of my head. Though we didn’t get to finish our conversation, because a swift knock landed on the half ajar oak door. We both froze, thinking that we had been caught again. But the person-or rather persons- who walked though the door made our hearts dance with excitement. The cops, the ones that had saved us back when I was shot. Finally help had arrived, maybe we could finally rest in piece.

The man smiled, showing off his off white teeth. The skin covering his long face was sagging with wrinkles and age. Although those eyes in his sockets were bright blue orbs of youth. I was glad to see that he was happy to see us.

His partner smiled as well, but he was a lot younger. There were signs of wrinkles beginning, but his pale body had years to go. Not only that but his brown eyes looked just the same. He wasn’t aging very well to be honest.

“Emily.” The cheerful one-Charlie- exclaimed. “I thought for sure you’d be sporting a baby bump by now.”

“Not exactly the right situation to place a baby into, Charlie.” I smirked. Feeling Zane’s arm tighten around me as he nodded. “Where’re we going this time?”

“You’ll like it, I was sure to find someplace warm.” He informed, pulling up a chair on Zane’s side of the cot and opening up a folder. “Florida, again. But a smaller city with a job already made up for you, Zane. You’ll be able to start in august. Which leaves you a good four months to heal. But I am the bearer of bad news, I’m afraid.”

Zane looked like his heart was breaking. Did he know the bad news already? “Please don’t saw what I think you are.”

“Sorry, but I have to. Emily, you were taken out of school at sixteen. Which means that you should be fined, but do to the circumstances we made an exception. You will have to be accepted into Base. Which seems harsh, but let me explain what this town does. Its called E20/20. You complete all your classes on a computer, and are able to pass at any speed you can manage. Now, you are a smart girl and I can assume that you’ll finish with in no time. Before you were…taken,” Zane winced at that, and so did his partner. “you were already a grade ahead. So now you really just have a year to finish up. Not only that but you are going to need to get caught up on your shots and take a mental evaluation because of the stress you were put under at such a young age. Zane, you have some community service to do and also have to the evaluation. But I’m sure that you will both pass with flying colors.” Charlie seemed like everything was going to go along smoothly, and I was happy about that. “Zane, you are required to get back on your medications and both of you are to attend counseling once a week.”

Now, none of that really sounded bad, except for the school thing. I was instantly thinking of ways to get out of that one, and I think Zane could see the gears clicking inside my head. He was instantly trying to get us a different scenario.

“Do you think that we could get online classes instead of base?” He questioned.

Charlie paused for a moment, and then took out a pen to jot it down on his papers. “I think we could set that up, but let me look into it.”

That was a relief, at least I know that I might have a chance with staying home to do school. I guess I have never really fit in at school, and now with my social problems I might be more of an outcast. Not to mention all the bulling I went though. I guess Zane kind of took me away from that, and I wasn’t ready to leave him. I am not going to all this to be taken away from me, I’m not sure if I can handle the real world anymore.

“So, we are going to leave in the morning.” His partner explained, leaning against the door frame. Charlie shot him a look, like he didn’t want him talking.

Charlie shook his head a little bit. “Ya, we will be leaving soon actually. Its six am right now, and we are going to leave at seven. So, we are actually going to start getting you guys ready soon.” Zane and I nodded, not really ready to start on another journey that could potently kill us. Hopefully we can get where we are going safely, and if not; I hope that he at least gets caught this time.
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So............What do you guys think? Come on, comments. We all love them