Time Turner

Humorless Old Bat

James Sirius Potter walked into his parents’ bedroom. He was looking for two items that would aid him greatly in his mischief making. The Marauder’s Map and the invisibility cloak, both of which his father owned. His Parents were at the burrow with the rest of the Potter/Weasley family so he had no risk at being caught rummaging through their things. James had excused himself to use the bathroom and apperated back home so he had little time before they realized that he wasn’t there. He decided to start his search in the drawers.
“Everybody hides things in drawers!” He said to himself as he opened a random drawer. James started looking though the drawers throwing things everywhere making a mental note to but everything back when he was finished.
“Ew! Gross!” He yelled as he came across a pair of his mom’s underwear. He pushed it out of his way and continued his search. He had searched the entire room and hadn’t found what he was looking for. He sighed in defeat. He put everything back almost like he found it and was about to leave the room when he saw something gold shining from the sun coming through the window out the corner of his eye. He walked over to it and pick it up. It was a necklace with something that looked like an hour glass on it. Hermione had told him about something like this she had in her 3rd year. She had way too many classes that year and some even started at the exact same time so she used a Time Turner to turn back to so she could attend both classes.
“Why the hell do my parents have one? I thought they were all destroyed?” He asked himself.
James jumped at the noise. He quickly pocketed the Time Turner and walked out of his parent’s room and down the stairs where he saw his mother looking for something.
“Mum? What are you doing home?” He asked. Ginny Potter was not expecting to hear are sons voice and jumped at the sound of it.
“James? What are you doing here? You told me that you had to use the bathroom”
“And I was! But I had remembered that I forgot something so I apperated back here to get it” James lied. Ginny raised one eye brow.
“And what was it that you have forgotten?” She asked. James looked around trying to think of something to say. He spotted a quill sitting not too far away and walked over to it and held it up.
“You came all the way home to get a quill?”
“Yep! It’s my lucky quill you see….Always have to have it with me” James lied again.
“James, you better not be lying to me. You are already in trouble…”
“It was just a Joke! It’s not my faults Professor McGonagall is a humorless old bat! What is she like 200 now? She should really retire….” James said defensively mumbling the last part. Ginny ignored her sons words and continued talking.
“You are already grounded during the winter break. If you are lying James Potter, You’re father and I will have no choice but to extend it.”
“You can’t extend my grounding because I’ll be going back to Hogwarts soon.”
“You can be grounded at Hogwarts too. If I catch you lying again you’ll see. Now get back to the burrow” Ginny said finishing her rant.
“Yes Ma’am” James said and was about to disapperate but Ginny stopped him.
“And No detours!”
“Yea whatever!” He said before turning on the spot and disappearing.

It was 7 PM. Dinner was over and everyone had spread out into different parts of the burrow. James, Al, Fred, Lilly and a bunch of his other cousins were in a room upstairs while the adults talked downstairs.
“You found what in our parents’ bedroom?” Al asked his older brother.
“A Time turner” James repeated.
“You’re lying. It’s Impossible. They were all destroyed right?” Al asked Rose Weasley. She had inherited her mother’s brain so she was quite smart. Although James thought she was stupid sometimes especially about her crush on Scorpius Malfoy, which of course rose didn’t know James knew about. Rose nodded her head.
“I’m telling the truth. See?” James said taking the gold necklace out of his pocket. Every eye was now on the necklace.
“Dude! Do you know useful that could be to me?! If we ever lose a game, I could go back in time and win!” Al said talking about quidditch.
“Ever lose? Al….the slytherins lose all the time! Especially in game against Gryffindor” James said proud of his house. Al glared at him. “Besides like I’d give this to you. I found it I’m keeping it. Do you know how many pranks I can get away with, with this?” James asked.
“Actually it’s your parents’. You really should put it back” Rose said. She was always a goody two shoes. She has never done anything wrong in her 16 years of life and she always follows the rules.
“As if” James said putting the necklace back in his pocket.
“Fine. But you’re already grounded for 2 weeks for playing a prank on the teachers at Hogwarts. Imagine how much trouble you’ll be in when they found out you stole their time turner” Rose said. James was about to reply but his father came in before he could say anything.
“Kids, we’re leaving” Harry said to his 3 children.
“Have fun while you can!” Rose yelled after James as he left the room.

Later that night everyone was asleep except for James who was wide awake. Rose’s words kept playing in his mind. He never worried about getting into trouble before but he really didn’t want to be grounded for life. James sat up and walked over to his pants where the necklace was.
“Maybe I could go back in time and stop myself from taking this?” James whispered. He shrugged and turned the time tuner a few times….
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I'm still writing Ariana Potter but I got this idea and had to write it before it left my head. I'm probably going to focus on this a little bit more then Ariana Potter because this one will be shorter :) hope you enjoyed it! More to come soon.