The Golden Quartet: Year 3

Chapter 11


They hurriedly went down to the first floor whilst everyone was preoccupied with dinner and in a dark corridor Harry quickly threw the Invisibility cloak over the four of them. Slowly they tip-toed and kept close to each other as they went down the front steps and onto the grounds and once there they took off the cloak, thinking they no longer needed it.

“Look who’s here!” Crabbe said as he, Goyle, and Draco turned around. They had been hiding behind some large rocks halfway down to Hagrid's. They were waiting to watch Buckbeak’s execution.

“Ah, come to watch the show?” Draco smirked at them.

“You! You fowl, evil little cockroach!” Hermione whipped out her wand and moved swiftly to Draco, pointing her wand under his chin.

Crabbe and Goyle froze and Draco began to whimper, looking terrified.

“Hermione! No! He’s not worth it.” Ron said.

Slowly Hermione lowered her wand and began to turn away and Draco’s pompous look returned. In one quick movement, she pulled back her arm, turned on her heel and slammed her fist into Draco’s nose.

Draco stumbled back and his hands held his nose as he cried out in pain. “Draco, are you alright!” Goyle asked worriedly.

“Come on!” Draco and his goons began to run back to the castle. “My father will hear about this!”

“Yeah, you go tell your precious daddy how a girl punched and humiliated you!” Astrid shouted at him, grinning ear to ear.

“That felt good.” Hermione said softly, a small smile on her face.

Good? Hermione that was brilliant!” Ron said, utterly amazed.

“That… Hermione… was… beautiful.” Astrid said, looking quite proud.

Hermione smiled, “Right, well, we’ve got to get going.”

The sun was already setting behind the Forbidden Forest once they reached Hagrid’s hut. Harry knocked firmly and Hagrid opened the door, looking pale-faced and trembling.

“Yeh shouldn’ve come!” Hagrid whispered but he stepped aside nonetheless and let them in and closed the door.

Hagrid looked at Astrid and Harry, “Yeh made up, then?”

“Um, sort of a truce?” Astrid mumbled and Hagrid gave a nod.

“Wan’ some tea?” Hagrid looked slightly lost as his trembling hand picked up his kettle.

“Where’s Buckbeak, Hagrid?” Hermione asked, helping Hagrid with the tea.

“I – I took him outside. He’s tethered in me pumpkin patch. Thought he oughta see the trees an’ smell fresh air – before…”

Hagrid accidentally spilled the milk all over his table and Hermione picked up a rag and began to clean it up.

“Isn’t there anything anyone can do, Hagrid?” Harry asked. “Dumbledore-“

“He tried,” Hagrid said. “He’s got no power ter overrule the Committee. He told ‘em Buckbeak’s all right, they’re scared… Yeh know what Lucius Malfoy’s liked… threatened ‘em, I expect… an’ the executioner, Macnair, he’s an old pal o’ Malfoy’s.. but it’ll be quick an’ clean… an’ I’ll be beside him…”

Hagrid’s eyes were darting everywhere, as if looking for some kind of glimmer of hope. “Dumbledor’s gonna come down while it – while it happens. Wrote me this mornin’. Said he wants ter – ter be with me. Great man, Dumbledore…”

Hermione gave out a stifled sob as she fought back tears.

“Well, we’ll stay with you too, Hagrid.” Astrid said.

“Yeh’re ter go back up ter the castle! I told yeh, I don’ wan’ yeh watchin’. An’ yeh shouldn’ be down here anyways… If Fudge an’ Dumbledore catch yeh out without permission, Harry, yeh’ll be in big trouble.”

Silent tears were rolling down Hermione’s face as she continued to make tea. Then as she picked up another milk bottle to pore some into the jug she let out a shriek. “Ron! I – I don’t believe it! It’s Scabbers!”

Ron gaped at her, “What are you talking about?”

Hermione took the milk bottle over to Ron and turned in upside down and Scabbers – though he seemed to be scrambling to stay in – slipped out of the bottle and into Ron’s hands. “Scabbers! What are you doing here?” Ron said in astonishment.

Scabbers was struggling against Ron’s grasped and he looked terrible. Scabbers was thinner than ever and his hair was tattered and he had several bald patched.

“It’s okay, Scabbers! No cats! There’s nothing here to hurt you!” Ron said, holding him tightly.

Out of nowhere a stone shot through Hagrid’s window, shattering the jug. Astrid shot up, “What was that?!”

Another stone was thrown and it hit Harry in the back of the head, “Ow!” he looked back through the window to try and catch the perpetrator, but froze when he saw something else. “They’re coming! Fudge and Dumbledore and Macnair!”

“Hurry! Out the back!” Hagrid rushed them.

The four of them quickly went through the back door to Hagrid’s garden. A few yards away, tethered to a scarecrow, was Buckbeak. He seemed to know something was going on and he looked anxious as he pawed the ground.

“Come on,” Astrid whispered as she crouched down and slowly ducked behind the large pumpkins to avoid being seen by the three older gentlemen walking towards Hagrid’s hut.

They managed to circle around the pumpkin patch and waited for the three men to get into Hagrid’s hut before they could make a run for it.

They had their backs turned against the forest, watching and waiting. Suddenly Hermione gasped, looking at something in the forest.

They looked back and saw nothing, “What is it?” Harry asked.

“I thought I saw – never mind.” Hermione shook her head.

“Come on! They’re in. Let’s go!” Ron said and they all quickly got up and ran up the hill up towards the castle.

They stopped at the rocks where Hermione had punched Draco, and watched as Hagrid, Dumbledore, Fudge, and Macnair stepped out of the hut and walked through the pumpkin patch towards where Buckbeak must have been lying down, blocked from view by large pumpkins.

“Oh, no, I can’t watch!” Hermione buried her face into Ron’s shoulder.

Astrid was shaking her head, “They can’t. They can’t do this. He’s innocent! He didn’t do anything wrong! This is bullocks! We…. I have to do something!” Astrid pulled out her wand and made her way to run back down, but a firm grasp on her hand stopped her.

Astrid looked back and her dark gray eyes connected to Harry’s bright green ones. “Harry, he didn’t do it…” She whispered, shaking her head gently.

Harry said nothing and just held her hand. Astrid heard the axe come down and crows scattered from the pumpkin patch and flew over them.

“Ow! Scabbers!” Ron suddenly shouted and Harry and Astrid pulled their hands away from each other. “He bit me! Scabbers! Wait, come back!” Ron began chasing Scabbers.

Astrid sighed, “Come on, Ron, we’ve got to get back before we get caught!”

“I’m not leaving without Scabbers!” He shouted back running after him towards a large, familiar tree.

“Wait, Ron.” Astrid began, eyes widening.

“No! Not without Scabbers!” Ron lunged forwards towards the ground and got a hold of Scabbers.

“That’s - that’s-“ Hermione stammered, realizing what tree Ron was now lying under.

“Ron! Run!” Astrid shouted.

Ron rolled over and his eyes widened, “Harry! Run! It’s the grim!” He pointed at something behind the three of them.

They all quickly turned around and saw an enormous jet-black, rabid looking dog. The dog made a huge leap, and pushed Harry down to the ground.

“Harry!” Hermione screamed.

Astrid went for her wand, thinking the dog was going to attack Harry, but he just jumped back off of Harry and ran towards Ron.

“What?” Astrid whispered, confused.

“Ron! Run!” Harry managed to groan out and Hermione helped him up.

Just as quickly as Ron got up, the dog bit down into his leg and pulled him back down, dragging him easily into a hole at the bottom of the tree.

“Ron!” Hermione screamed.

Astrid began running after them, but a swing of a strong, thick branch hit against her stomach and sent her flying back.

Astrid began coughing, trying to gain some of the air that had been knocked out of her back. Her abdomen was sore already and Astrid quickly rolled over as an even larger branch came down to crush her. She quickly scrambled up and ran back away from the tree.

“How are we supposed to get past that?” Hermione asked, face stricken with worry.

“Dodge, duck, and dive!” Astrid lunged forward, and rolled as a branch swung just clear of her head. “Come on!” She shouted and Hermione and Harry quickly followed after her example. Dodging braches that tried to smash them, ducking under branches that swung at them, and then they were able to dive down into the hole. All of them rolled and tangled in each other.

“Ow, ergh, Hermione get your foot off my face!” Astrid growled.

“Oh, sorry!” She rolled over and got up and dusted herself off.

Astrid jumped up and then grabbed Harry’s hand and pulled him up. “Where are we?” Harry asked.

They were in a deserted room, but there was a broken down door to their right.

Hermione grabbed onto Astrid’s arm tightly, eyes wide, “I think – I think we’re in the Shrieking Shack!”

The walls were covered in scratches, “I don’t think ghosts did this.” Harry whispered.

“Forget about ghosts, we’ve got to go save Ron!” Astrid stated.

At that moment there was a loud scream.

Hermione gasped, “Oh no! Ron!”

“Come on!” Harry lead them as they raced out of the room and into a rickety hallway which was missing some floorboards. Then they ran up a decaying staircase.

“Harry!” Ron shouted from a room at the top of the stairs. Ron looked pale and frightened.

The three of them quickly ran into the room, “Ron, are you alright? Where is it? Where’s the dog?”

“It’s a trap! He’s the dog! He’s an Animagus!” Ron looked over Harry’s shoulder and he wheeled around. With a snap, the man in the shadows closed the door behind them.

Astrid’s eyes widened at the sight before her. Filthy, matted hair reaching his shoulders, dark gleaming eyes sat in deep, dark sockets and disgusting yellow teeth could be seen as he grinned.

Sirius Black.

Expelliarmus!” He croaked, using Ron’s wand and all three of their wands shot out from their grasp.

He took a step closer, his crazed gray eyes fixated on Harry. Astrid grabbed Harry’s arm, pulling him back away from Sirius.

“I knew you’d come and help your friend instead of running off to get a teacher,” his voice sounded as if he hadn’t had spoken in years. “Your father would’ve done the same for me. Brave of you. I’m grateful… it will make everything much easier…”

“If you plan to kill, Harry, you’ll have to go through me first… dad.” Astrid stepped in front of Harry. For once, Sirius’ eyes came off Harry and landed on Astrid. His expression was unreadable and it gave Astrid an unsettling feeling.

“Astrid…” The sound of her name coming from him sounded odd and foreign. “Yes, I see now. I should’ve recognized you earlier…”

He didn’t even recognize me… Astrid thought, and pushed Harry back as Sirius took another step forward.

“What did you do?” Astrid whispered.

“You know what he did! You’re just in denial! HE KILLED MY MUM AND DAD!” Harry shouted and then shoved Astrid out of the way and lunged at Sirus, tackling him to the ground. Harry snatched Ron’s wand out of Sirius’ grasp and pointed it under his chin.

“Going to kill me, Harry?” Sirius asked, almost amused.

“No…” Astrid quickly scooped up her wand on the ground and then kicked Harry off of Sirius.

“Astrid!” Hermione gasped but then froze when Astrid grabbed Sirius by the scruff of his shirt and pointed her wand at his chest.

“Harry won’t kill you. He doesn’t even know the curse to do it… but I do.” Astrid’s eyes were smoldering, as she whispered harshly, “I swore I’d kill you myself if you had anything to do with Lily and James’ murder.”

Harry’s eyes were wide, shocked as he wondered if Astrid would really kill her own father.

“Did you kill them?” Astrid whispered, almost fearing his answer.

“I don’t deny it.” He said quietly and Astrid’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “But if you knew the whole story.”

“There! You’ve heard him! He did it!” Harry shouted.

“How could you?” Astrid whispered, eyes beginning to water.

“You’ve got to listen to me,” He said his voice now sounding urgent. “You’ll regret it if you don’t… you don’t understand.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever understand why you would betray them. I believed you… mum… believed you.” The mentioning of her Amilia seemed to ignite something in Sirius’ eyes.

“He betrayed my parents, Astrid! He deserves to die.” Harry said.

“I promised I would, and I never break my promises….”

Expelliarmus!” Astrid and Harry’s wands shot out of their grasps once more and they turned and saw Remus standing at the doorway.

Astrid got up and stood next to Harry, “Remus, he did it. He said he did it.”

“He didn’t.” Remus stated, looking around the room. “Where is he, Sirius?”

Everyone but Remus and Sirius looked quite confused. After a moment, Sirius pointed at Ron.

“Remus, he’s mad!” Astrid said shaking her head.

“That, I don’t deny.” Remus chuckled and then lowered his wand, seized Sirius’ hand and hoisted him up.

“I am so confused.” Astrid whispered.

“I DON’T BELIEVE IT!” Hermione screamed suddenly. “You and him!”

“Hermione, calm down-“

“I didn’t tell anyone!” She shrieked. “I’ve been covering for you!

“Hermione, listen to, please! I can explain-“

“I trusted you! And all this time you’ve been his friend, helping him!”

“No, you’re wrong. I haven’t been his friend or helping him, not until now, just let me explain-“

“NO! You’ve been helping Sirius into the castle! He’s a werewolf!” She screamed.

Remus turned and looked at Astrid, accusingly, “Hey, I didn’t say anything!” Astrid spat.

Her friends turned to look at her, “What? You knew?” Hermione asked, looking betrayed.

“Oh, no, I mean, yes, Hermione-“

“How could you? Why wouldn’t you tell me?”

“Because it was a secret! I couldn’t tell anyone – it wasn’t my place and hey! You knew too! But – but how?” Astrid asked.

“I’ve known since Professor Snape’s essay…” she whispered.

“He’ll be delighted,” Remus said coolly. “he assigned that essay hoping someone would realize what my symptoms meant. Did you check the lunar chart and realize that I was always ill at the full moon? Or did you realize that the boggart changed into moon when it saw me?”

“Both,” Hermione answered.

“You really are the cleverest witch of your age I’ve ever met, Hermione.” Remus said, forcing a laugh.

“And you’ve been helping Sirius all along?” Harry spoke.

“I have not been helping Sirius,” he said. “If you’ll give me a chance to explain. Astrid, you asked me to believe you, so you of all people, you must believe me now and let me explain.”

“Drop your wand and then we’ll consider letting you explain.” Astrid stated.

Remus nodded and dropped his wand and then Hermione, Harry, Astrid and Ron went to pick up their own wands. Harry was pointing it as Remus, “Wait, please, I know you want this all to be over… but I’ve been waiting twelve years for an explanation, Harry.” Astrid said, turning to step in front of Harry’s wand. “I need to know why… my mum… she deserves to finally know the truth… please, Harry…”

Harry looked away from Astrid, and after a moment, lowered his wand.

Astrid turned, “Start explaining. Now.” She growled.

“I knew you four would go out to Hagrid’s tonight, so I was watching over you on the Marauder’s Map, Harry.” Remus began to pace. “After a while, I watched you and your friend leave Hagrid’s hut, but there was a fifth person accompanying you.”

“What? No there wasn’t!” Harry said.

“Who? Who was accompanying us?” Astrid asked.

Peter Pettigrew.” Remus answered and Astrid’s eyes widened.

“What? That’s impossible! Peter Pettigrew is dead! The Map was lying!” Harry said.

“The Map never lies, Harry. Peter Pettigrew is alive. And he’s in this very room with us.” Sirius spoke. “Come out, Peter! Come out, come out and play!” Sirius sang.

“Where is he then?” Harry asked.

“There!” Sirius pointed at Ron.

“What? Me? He’s mental! I’m Ron!” He said, looking stupefied.

Sirius rolled his eyes, “Not you! Your-“

“Rat.” Astrid finished and they turned to her. “I remember… Peter was an Animagus. He could turn into a rat… Ron, Scabbers… Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew!”

“I – You’re both mental!” Ron said, holding Scabbers tighter to his chest.

“But you killed Peter twelve years ago!” Harry shouted.

“I meant to. But the little coward destroyed the entire street killing all those muggles and then he turned into a rat and went down into the sewers!” Sirius said.

“But he can’t be.” Hermione spoke. “People would know about Pettigrew being an Animagus! They have to register with the Ministry!”

“True. But we never registered. The Ministry had no idea about the three of us being Animagi.” Sirius said.

“Three?” Harry asked.

“Yes, your father, too, was an Animagus. He could turn into a stag.” Sirius answered.

“Yes, it wasn’t long before Sirius and James found out I was a werewolf. I was terrified of what they would think of me… but then they did something that made my transformations not only bearable, but some of the best times of my life. They became Animagi. Animagus transformations can go terribly wrong, but Sirius and James were some of the cleverest students on school and by our fifth year they had managed to become Animagi. Peter, of course, needed help from your fathers, but he managed it as well.”

“That was really dangerous! Running around with a werewolf!” Hermione said.

“I know. And there were near misses, many of them… One involving Snape. He’s here you know, Sirius. Teaching,” Sirius scowled at Remus mentioning this. “He fought very hard against my appointment as Defense Against the Dark Arts job. He’s been telling Dumbledore all year that I’m not to be trusted… you see, Sirius here played a trick on him which nearly killed him, a trick that involved me-“

“It served him right,” Sirius sneered. “Hurting James… then Amilia…”

“Yes, Snape didn’t like us very much and we always clashed with him… Accidents happened and Sirius thought it would be clever to trick Snape into coming across me on one of my… lesser days… but luckily James got to him before I could.” Remus continued.

“So that’s why Snape doesn’t like you… because he thought you were in on the joke?” Harry asked slowly.

“That’s right.” Every one turned and saw Snape enter the room, wand out. “I told Dumbledore again you were helping your old friend back into the castle, Lupin and now here’s the proof.”

“Severus, you’re making a mistake,” Remus said urgently. “You haven’t heard everything – I can explain – Sirius is not here to kill Harry –“

“Two more for Azkaban tonight,” Snape said, his eyes gleaming. “I shall be interested to see how Dumbledore takes this… he was quite convinced you were harmless, you know, Lupin… a tame werewolf…”

“You fool, is a schoolboy grudge worth putting an innocent man back inside Azkaban?” Remus said softly.

BANG! Rope shot out from the tip of Snape’s wand, wrapping and twisting around Remus and he fell to the ground.

Snape moved swiftly over to Sirius, “Give me a reason,” Snape whispered, “Give me a reason to do it, and I swear I will… but wait… why? When the Dementors are so longing to see you.” Sirius seemed frozen. “Vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I’d be the one to catch you…”

“The joke’s on you once again, Severus,” Sirius snarled. “As long as this boy brings his rat up to the castle, I’ll come quietly.”

“Up to the castle?” Snape said in a silky tone. “I don’t think we need to go that far. All I have to do is call the Dementors once we get out of the Willow. They’ll be so pleased, Black, pleased enough to give you a little kiss, I daresay…”

If possible, Sirius’ face seemed to have paled.

“NO! You can’t do that! He’s innocent!” Astrid shouted.

“Shut up, you stupid girl!” Snape spat.

“I’m not going to let anyone take him from me again.” Astrid raised her wand. “Stupify!” Snape flew back and slammed down into the rickety old bed in the room and laid there unconscious.

“Astrid! You attacked a teacher!” Hermione said, stunned.

“He was being unreasonable!” Astrid shouted in her own defense and Sirius began to untie the ropes from Remus. “I’ve had enough of talking! Show us Peter!”

Sirius went over to Ron, “Hand over the rat.”

“What? No! Scabbers has been in my family for-“

“Twelve years! An extraordinarily long life for a common household rat! And he’s missing a toe, isn’t he?” Sirius asked.

“Yeah, but what of it?” Ron answered.

“All they could find of Pettigrew was his finger…” Harry answered.

“Ron, please, give him the rat.” Astrid’s plea sounded more like a demand and Ron hesitantly began handing Scabbers over to Sirius.

Scabbers was struggling violently as Sirius grabbed a hold of him, “I need a wand.” Astrid quickly handed him hers. A flash of blue-white light erupted from the wand and Sirius dropped Scabbers to the ground. Quickly, limps began to grow, hair began to disappear as Scabbers transformed into a very short, chubby man. His blonde hair was thin and tattered and his skin was grubby and even his face seemed similar to a rat’s with a pointed nose and small watery eyes.

Ron looked sickly.

“Well, hello there, Peter,” Remus said pleasantly. “Long time, no see.”

“R-Remus…. S-Sirius….” Peter’s voice was squeaky. “My old friends…”

“We’ve been having a little chat, Peter, about what really happened the night Lily and James died.” Remus spoke.

“Remus,” gasped Peter. “You don’t believe him, do you…? He tried to kill me, Remus and – and he was their Secret Keeper!” He exclaimed suddenly.

Harry turned to Sirius, “That’s right! YOU WERE THEIR SECRET KEEPER!” Harry raised his wand at Sirius.

“Harry, listen… I… as good as killed them,” Sirius croaked. “I persuaded Lily and James to change to Peter at the last moment, to use him as their Secret Keeper instead of me… I… it was a selfish request… I admittedly was concerned… afraid for my own family’s well-being. I thought they might go after them to get to me to try and find your parents. Of course Lily and James understood and we all thought Peter could be trusted and the night when it happened I went to check on Peter, to make sure he was alright but he wasn’t home. There had been no signs of s struggle. It didn’t feel right. I set out for your parents’ house straight away and when I saw their house, destroyed, and their bodies… I realized what Peter had done… what I had done…”’

“No,” Astrid spoke, “What Peter had done. It was all him. He betrayed Lily and James to save himself and he set you up. He took you away from us.” Astrid was pointing her wand at Peter’s head, as if waiting to get the chance to blow it up and Peter trembled.

“But, Professor Lupin,” Hermione spoke. “If Scabbers – er – I mean Peter had been working for Voldemort he would’ve had plenty of chances to kill Harry.”

“There! Thank you! You see, Remus? I have never hurt a hair on Harry’s head!” Peter squealed.

“Because, Peter, you never did anything for anyone unless you could see what was in it for you. You weren’t about to kill Harry right under Dumbledore’s nose with Voldemort as weak as he is, with no one to back you up.” Sirius answered.

Peter looked at Astrid through the corner of his beady little eyes and she realized something, making her chuckle, “And… because he knew he would never even succeed at getting away with murdering Harry while I was so close to him,” She spoke, taking a threatening step towards Peter, digging her wand under his chin, “because you knew, raised by my mother and uncle that if you did anything to hurt Harry, I’d blow you to bits.

Sirius and Remus exchanged glances. They both recognized something in Astrid – a very protective and dangerous part which reminded them - and Peter - of Amilia.

“Oh, but – er – Mr. Black, sir?” Hermione peeped up again.

Sirius jumped slightly, caught off guard by the formality in which Hermione addressed him.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how – how did you get out of Azkaban, if you didn’t use Dark Magic?”

“Thank you! Precisely-“

“Shut up.” Astrid demanded, silencing Peter.

“I don’t know how I did it,” Sirius began slowly. “I think the only reason I never lost my mind is because I knew I was innocent. That wasn’t exactly a happy thought, so the Dementors couldn’t suck it out of me… but it kept me sane and knowing who I am… helped me keep my powers… so when it all became to much… I could transform in my cell and become a dog. Dementors can’t see, you know… they… feel their way towards people by feeding off their emotions… they could tell that my feelings were less human so they didn’t trouble with me. But I was weak… very weak, and I had no hope of getting out… but then I saw Peter in a picture with the Weasley family in the Daily Prophet, when they had gone to Egypt… I had hope. Hope of finally being able to prove my innocence... the thought of catching Peter… it wasn’t a happy feeling… it was an obsession. Something the Dementors couldn’t take away from me and it grew in me like a fire. So one night when they came to my cell to bring me food I transformed into a dog and managed to slip passed them. Then I journeyed here and have been hiding in the forest, except of course to watch the Quidditch. You fly well as your father did, Harry.” He looked at Harry who did not look away. “Believe me, Harry, I never would have betrayed your parents. I would have died before betraying them.”

And last, Harry seemed to believe him as he nodded.

“No!” Peter fell to his knees, sobbing. He shuffled over to Ron. “Ron, haven’t I been a good friend? A good pet? Don’t let them kill me…”

Ron had a look of revulsion on his face, “I let you sleep in my bed!

“Sweet girl…” He moved to Hermione. “Clever girl… you – you won’t let them… help me…”

Hermione looked horrified and Astrid pulled Hermione back, “Get away from her, you filth!”

Peter knelt, trembling and he turned to Harry, “Harry… Harry… you look just like your father… just like him…”


“Harry,” Peter pleaded. “Harry, James wouldn’t have wanted me killed… James would’ve understood… he would have shown mercy…”

Both Remus and Sirius strode towards Peter, seized him and pushed him against the wall.

“You sold Lily and James over to Voldemort!” Sirius shouted.

Peter burst into tears, “Sirius, Sirius, what could I have done? The Dark Lord… you have no idea the power he possesses… I was scared… he would have killed me-“


Sirius and Remus stood shoulder to shoulder and raised their wands. “You should have realized,” Remus spoke, “if Voldemort didn’t kill you, we would. Good-bye, Peter.”

Hermione covered her face with her hands and turned away.

“NO!” Harry jumped in front of Peter. “You can’t kill him!”

“Harry, this piece of vermin is the reason your parents are dead-“

“I know!” Harry cut off Remus. “But you can’t kill him. We’ll take him to the castle. We’ll show everyone the truth and then he’ll be taken away to Azkaban.”

“Harry! Oh, thank you!” Peter moved to hug Harry but Astrid took a step forward, wand still threateningly raised and he stopped.

“Let’s go,” Harry turned away. Sirius pushed Peter forward with his wand, standing behind him now, watching him carefully.

Astrid and Harry moved to Ron and helped him up, wrapping each of his arm around their necks, seeing as his leg was too damaged for him to walk on his own. “Er, sorry about that.” Sirius mumbled.

“What about Snape?” Hermione asked.

“What about him?” Astrid retorted, and Sirius smirked.

“We can’t just leave him here!”

Remus moved towards Snape, “He’s fine. Just unconscious.” Remus waved his wand, “Mobilicorpus.” Invisible-like strings seemed to tie around Snape’s wrists, torso, and legs and pulled him upright, his head still lolling unpleasantly like a puppet.


At the entrance to the Shrieking Shack, under the Whomping Willow, Hermione slowly slipped through and pressed down on the knob Sirius had told her about. The Whomping Willow stilled and they each exited.

They walked over to some boulders and Remus lowered Snape down onto them and Astrid and Harry set down Ron to take a moments rest.

Sirius has wondered off a bit, towards the castle, looking up at it.

“Come on,” Astrid waved for Harry to follow her as she walked over to Sirius.

Sirius turned to them and gave a curious look, “I’ve been wondering why Harry had been living with his aunt and uncle.”

Harry and Sirius looked to Astrid, “My mum wanted Harry to live with us, believe me, but Dumbledore said she couldn’t for some reason… I think maybe the Ministry didn’t want the wife of a supposed follower of Voldemort to take care of him, especially because she was so adamant on believing in your innocence. Maybe they thought she had something to do with it as well but they couldn’t prove it… so they made Harry live with the muggles.”

Sirius nodded.

“But… now that we’ll be able to prove you’re innocent…” Astrid went off.

“I was thinking the same thing.” Sirius said as Harry looked between the two of them. “But I’ll understand, Harry, if you want to stay with your aunt and uncle… but think about it… if you wanted a different home…”

“What? And live with you and Amilia?” Harry looked bewildered. “Leave the Dursleys?”

“Of course, I thought you might not. I understand, I just thought I’d-“

“Are you insane? Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! When can I move in? Astrid you live in London don’t you? But is that okay with you and Athena and-“

“Harry, you’re my best mate of course it would be great if you’d live with us!” Astrid was beaming. “Mum will be so happy!”

“But Astrid, I was wondering of maybe moving the house to somewhere in the country… I’d like to live in open space…” Sirius said.

Astrid was grinning, she looked eager, “I think that would be great! Oh, Harry, we could play Quidditch at home, outside!”

A smile broke out onto Harry’s face at the mention of ‘home’.

“Don’t worry, mum and Athena would love it too!” Astrid reassured Sirius.

The shadowy night seemed to suddenly get a bit brighter, the glow of the moon could now shine with the large clouds passing.

There was a shrill scream, “He’s changing!” Hermione screamed.

“Run!” Sirius shouted.

Harry and Astrid quickly ran over to Ron and hoisted him up as Sirius ran over to Remus, and wrapped his arms tightly around him. “Leave him to me – RUN!” He shouted. “Remus, fight it, remember who you truly are. You are my friend – not this beast, Remus!”

With Remus transformation and everyone hurrying to get Ron and Snape up and away, they almost forgot about Peter.

Harry turned, wand ready towards Peter, but it was too later. Peter had shrunk in a flash back to his rat size and began scurrying towards the forest.

“NO!” Astrid bellowed and as she leapt towards Peter her body transformed into a wolf and she now quickly chased after the rat. Her senses were heightened, her eyesight – she could see so well in the darkness of the forest, absorbing the light from the moon; her sense of smell – she could smell Peter’s trail, helping her to stay right on top of him, no matter what branches her scurried under, or how he zigzagged around; and her speed and strength – she was quick and her sharp nails would dig into the earth and she’s quickly push herself to go even faster.

“NO – SIRIUS!” Astrid’s heightened hearing, caught Harry’s voice over the wind and she immediately came to a halt. Astrid gave out a whine, looking towards Peter as he ran off, but what would be the point of catching Peter if her father had been killed? Quickly Astrid turned back and ran as fast as her powerful four legs would carry her.

Harry was stumbling back, away from the huge beast that was now raising its large, clawed hand. It swung it down, but before it could cut through Harry, Astrid as an enormous Grey wolf, jumped out of the forest and sunk her large and sharp teeth into the werewolf’s arm, swing him back and away from Harry.

Astrid landed back on her paws, teeth bared, hair risen, growling angrily at Remus who was weakly getting up. Astrid turned to Harry and began barking at him, but he shook his head not understand.

Astrid looked around for Sirius and was whining, and then Harry understood. He had to go help Sirius. Her nodded and ran off before Remus could get back up.

Astrid began to growl dangerously at him as he stood up and growled right back. He quickly lunged at her. He was quicker and stronger and he tackled her to the ground. She rolled and began clawing at his face, making sure he couldn’t get a chance to bite her.

Astrid dug the nails of her hind legs into Remus’ gut and then pushed him over her and she rolled back around and stood up once more, but before he got a chance to do the same Astrid lunged at his leg and began dragging him away from Hermione and Ron, towards the forest.

Remus was yelping and then swung his powerful arm down at Astrid. His large, sharp nails dug into Astrid’s shoulder and dragged up her neck and just to jawline. Astrid was forced to let go and she jumped back and away from him. Blood was pouring quickly from her large wound, turning what white fur she had to crimson red.

“Oh, no! Astrid!” Hermione wept, causing Remus to turned to her.

Astrid took this chance and leapt onto his back, sinking her claws into him and biting down into his shoulder. Remus let out a howl of pain, reached his arms over his head, dugs his nails in Astrid’s back and swung her over, throwing her against some boulders.

Astrid let out a yelp of pain, feeling some of her ribs break. She slid to the ground, and Remus continued towards her but she got up and got into fighting stance, ready to take him on again and again, until she could no longer by reason of death.

A howl from far away and deep in the forest was sounded. Astrid and Remus froze. Remus looked towards the forest but Astrid had turned to look at Hermione, curiously. The howl had a hint of Hermione’s vocals in it. Astrid was confused.

The howl went off again and Remus ran towards it, into the forest. Astrid collapsed and Hermione ran and Ron quickly limped to her.

“Oh, Astrid, no, please,” Hermione was crying heavily, as she lifted the wolf’s head onto her lap, petting it gently.

Astrid turned back into her human form and gave a weak smile, but Hermione let out another strangled sob as blood not only poured out from her wounds, but from her mouth. “We – we have to get h-her to Madam Pomfrey!” Hermione cried, shaking.

“Harry… my dad…” Astrid spoke.

Snape was awake now; he had a gash over his chest. Look like he had tried to keep them safe from Remus. Snape had his wand and waved it, a gurney appeared right next to Astrid. “Get her on and take her up to the castle.” Snape stood up, “I’ll got find Potter and Black-“

Just then a bright, glowing light shined throughout the forest, Dementors were being hurtled away from where the spell had been cast. “He did it…” Astrid whispered.

“She’s losing too much blood. Get her to the castle now!” Snape barked and then ran off.

Ron and Hermione got up. Luckily the gurney was enchanted to float on its own, so Hermione was able to help Ron walk as they lead Astrid to the castle.



The door to the Hospital Wing slammed open, waking Astrid from her deep sleep. She let out a weak moan, “Ug, what – what’s happened?” but no one heard her over Snape.


“Professor Snape!” Madam Pomfrey shrieked. “Control yourself!”

“See here, Snape, be reasonable,” Astrid heard Cornelius Fudge’s voice. “This door’s been locked, we just saw-“

“THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!” Snape shouted, pointing at Harry and Hermione. His face was twisted with rage.

“Calm down, man!” Fudge barked. “You’re talking nonsense!”


“That will do, Severus,” Dumbledore spoke quietly. “Think about what you’re saying. This door has been locked since I left the ward ten minutes ago. Madam Pomfrey, have these students left their beds?”

“Of course not!” she said bristling. “I would have heard them!”

“Well, there you have it, Severus,” Dumbledore said calmly. “Unless you are suggesting that Harry and Hermione are able to be in two places at once, I’m afraid I don’t see any point in troubling them further.”

Fuming, Snape whirled around, robes swishing behind him as he stormed out of the Hospital Wing.

“Now, Fudge, let us go and leave them to rest,” Dumbledore spoke as he lead Fudge out as he went on about how he would tell the Daily Prophet about Sirius Black’s escape.

Madam Pomfrey shut the doors behind them and turned to the four awake students in her care, “Now, I want you all to stay in bed and rest!” She had a jug in her hand and she walked over to Astrid. “Dear, this is for you to take home with you. You must put this cream on every night for the next three months.” She turned, “I will be in my office filing reports. Do not cause a ruckus.” She left to her office.

After a quiet moment Astrid spoke, “Will someone, please, tell me what the bloody hell is going on?”

Over the course of the next ten minutes Harry and Hermione had explained to Astrid and Ron about Sirius being captured and sentenced to the Kiss. How Snape had persuaded Fudge that Sirius was still guilty and that the four of them were Confunded by Sirius so they were confused about believing Sirius to be innocent. Then they went on to tell about the Time Turner and how Hermione and Harry went back into the past to save Buckbeak, and Sirius and how Harry was able to create the Patronus Charm.

They then inquired Astrid about her turning into a wolf. “Ah, well, my mom’s an Animagus… she can turn into a cat and my dad is one too… so Athena and I have always shown an interest in becoming ones as well, ever since we were little.”

“Athena? She’s one too?” Hermione asked.

Astrid nodded, “Yeah, she can turn into an Arctic fox. And with everything that was going on, I just… sort of forgot to mention it.”

“You forgot to mention the fact that you can transform into a wolf?” Ron asked and Astrid shrugged.

“Are you registered?” Hermione asked.

“No, none of us are. My mom thinks it’s an advantage to keep it a secret and off file. Her and Sirius being secret Animagi helped them a lot during the war against Voldemort because they weren’t registered so they could be sitting right next to him and he wouldn’t even know.”

“Wow,” Ron mumbled. He then turned to Hermione, “I knew there was something going on with you Hermione! A Time Turner to get to all your classes?!” He shook his head.

“Thanks, though, for going back to save him.” Astrid said, smiling.

“Of course! We couldn’t let an innocent man die.” Hermione said, sharing a smile.

The door burst open, “Astrid!” Athena ran over to her sister, who was followed by Fred and George, Percy and Ginny who went over next to Ron.

“Oh no! I said no more visitors!” Madam Pomfrey shouted.


The next day everyone was off to Hogsmeade for their last trip, but the quartet stayed behind. They went to go visit Hagrid, and feigned surprise when he told them of Buckbeak’s escape. Then he went to mention how everyone knew now about Remus being a werewolf. That Snape had told all the Slytherins how he ‘viciously attacked Astrid’ and that how Remus had resigned in the morning. “He’s packin’ now.” Hagrid said.

Harry stood up, “I’m going to go see him.”

“Me too. He’s being an idiot.” Astrid said getting up. The two hurried out of Hagrid’s hut ran up to the castle.

Remus’ office door was open and he had already packed most of his things. “I saw you two coming.” He spoke and pointed at the Marauders Map on his desk. He folded it up and handed over to Harry.

“Hagrid said you resigned. It isn’t true, is it?” Astrid asked.

Remus was avoiding looking at her.

“But you’re the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we’ve ever had! You can’t quit!” Harry pleaded.

Remus gave a small smile, “I’m afraid I must. Severus accidently let it slip to the students that I’m a werewolf and with what happened to Astrid… I cannot possibly stay.” His smile was now gone, replaced by a morbid look and he began to pack again.

“Oh, come off it! It was an accident! It wasn’t you! And besides I attacked you, to be honest. And look-“ She waved her hand, looking over the state he was in. Astrid had left him with plenty of new scars and an injured shoulder. “I’d say I did more damage to you than you did to me!”

Remus shook his head, “My wounds will heal properly… your scars will always look fresh-“

“Good!” Astrid smirked. “I think they make me look tough and distinguished!”

“Astrid, don’t be foolish! You nearly died-“

“You know what, Harry, why don’t you go get some balloons and I’ll get some treats from the kitchen and we can throw Remus a pity party!” Astrid mocked.

Harry said nothing, just stood there, looking as if he was now intruding.

Remus finally looked up at Astrid and glared, “You’ve got your mother’s intuitiveness and your father’s insensitivity – two traits which should not mix.”

Astrid glared back at him but said nothing.

There was knock at the door and Dumbledore stood at the doorway, “Your carriage is at the gates, Remus.”

“Thank you, Headmaster.” Remus picked up his suitcase and a now empty grindylow tank.

“Well, good-bye, Harry,” He was smiling down at him. “It has been a real pleasure teaching you. I feel sure we’ll meet again sometime.”

Remus turned to Astrid who rolled her eyes, “Please, spare me the mushy good-byes.” Remus merely nodded and then headed out.

Astrid tapped her foot impatiently looking very sour and declared, “Oh, sod it!” And ran out after Remus. “Wait!” She caught him in the hall.

He stopped and turned to her.

“Thanks, for, you know, believing me, and stuff.” She grumbled.

Remus smiled, “Eloquently put. You are indeed so much like your father…” Astrid looked at him and smiled, “But deep inside you’ve got the best parts of your mother. She too would have yelled at me in such a way… she isn’t as level-headed as she pretends to be…”

“Don’t I know it,” Astrid smirked but then it turned into a genuine smile, “I just really want you to know, that… I really do think these scars are so cool!” She went on, a great look of pride washed over her face and Remus shook his head. “No, really! Oh, I can’t wait to get into another argument with Malfoy! One look at this and he’ll know. He’ll know I survived a fight with a werewolf and he’ll shut that stupid mouth of his!” Remus picked up his things and began to walk away, not listening to Astrid nonsense, but she followed him. “People will ask me for years about these wicked scars and I’ll tell ‘em, ‘well, you see, I was hired to capture a wild beast…’”

“That’s not what happened!” Remus said.

“Well, that’s because what really happened isn’t all that interesting! Who’d want to hear about what really happened?” Astrid scoffed and then went on to tell Remus an extravagant story about how she got her new scars.


“Mum!” Astrid raced over to her mother once she got off the Hogwarts Express. They hugged tightly, Astrid pulled back and Amilia examined the scars on her daughter.

“They had sent me a letter, but I didn’t think it was this bad…” She whispered.

“I know… isn’t it great?!” Astrid beamed. “Mum, just wait till we get home so I can tell you everything that happened!”

“Me too, you didn’t get a chance to tell me what happened!” Athena said stepping next to her sister.

“Bye Astrid,” Hermione waved as she left with her parents and Astrid waved back.

Ron and his family were all together and Harry was with them. Ron had told Harry that they were going to arrange for Harry to go over during the summer, and that his dad was going to get Quidditch World Cup tickets.

After a lot of smiles and hugs, Harry left the Weasleys and headed over to the Black family. Harry seemed nervous, he supposed Amilia might be upset about him when he had turned his back against Astrid but Amilia was smiling at him.

“Harry,” She wrapped him in a big and loving hug. “You’ll be staying with the Weasleys this summer?”

He nodded, “Hopefully.”

“That’s good. I’ll have to arrange with Molly to send Astrid and Athena over as well. I hope you had a good time at school, then?” She was smiling.

“Amilia… I… just wanted to apologize… I didn’t believe Astrid so that meant I didn’t believe you… about Sirius and-“

Amilia blinked, “You... believe her now?”

“Like I said, I’ll tell you all about it when we get home.” Astrid said and Amilia looked to her, wondering exactly what had happened at Hogwarts.

“Um, can I speak to Astrid, alone?” Harry asked politely.

Amilia smiled, “Of course, Athena and I will be waiting at the car, alright dear?” She said to Astrid who nodded. “Here, I’ll take Xander for you.” She grabbed his cage and carried him. “Goodbye, Harry, dear.” She smiled to him and walked off with Athena.

Astrid turned to Harry, who looked a bit nervous. “What’s wrong?”

“I… never got a chance to properly apologize to you…” Harry said.

“Oh no, Harry, please, I’m not good at these ‘good-byes’ and ‘apologies’ stuff…” Astrid rubbed the back of her neck.

Harry gave her a half smile, “But I just want you to know. I am sorry… You’re one of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for and I swear I’ll never doubt you again.”

Astrid smiled, “Is that a promise?”

Harry smiled back, “Yeah, that’s a promise.” They hugged and after a moment they both pulled away and avoided eye-contact.

“Well, uh, I’ll see you over the summer then,”

“Um, yeah, yeah. See you, Astrid.” Harry stepped back.

Astrid picked up her trunk and hurriedly left, not looking back to see Harry smiling.



Astrid had just finished explaining everything to Athena and Amilia, who sat on the living room sofa, with ajar mouths.

“And I thought Fred, George, and Lee got me into too much trouble…” Athena trailed off, taking a sip of her tea.

“So… it was Peter… I knew your father was innocent… but I had no idea Peter had betrayed them! Though I should have guessed, why else would your father go after him? Oh, why didn’t they tell me they had changed Secret Keepers?” Amilia hid her face in her hands and Athena wrapped and arm around her in comfort.

“They probably wanted to minimize the people who knew. The less people knowing who the Secret Keeper was - the better!” Athena put together.

“But still! Your father should have told me, that information could have saved him from being sent to Azkaban!”

“No, mum, the Ministry probably wouldn’t have believed you. They would’ve thought you were lying to save your own husband.” Athena said.

“Even though Pettigrew got away, mum, dad is free and we know the truth – Harry knows the truth!” Astrid said but then went on to mumble, “Though it would be nice if the Ministry knew as well…” earning a scolding look from Athena.

Amilia sighed and then leaned back, “It would have been nice… the five of us living in the country…” She got up. “I’ve got to write to Remus… he and I must talk…” she walked over to the desk that was in the corner of the living room and sat down. “It’s late, dears, you should go to bed.”

Athena finished off her tea and then got up and said goodnight to her mother with a kiss on the cheek and then headed to the stairs.

“Goodnight, mum,” Astrid kissed him mother on the cheek and turned but bumped into something. She looked up and saw Athena standing in the hall. “What’s your problem, move!”

Athena stepped to the side, revealing Sirius who was standing at the front door.

“But – but there are still guards outside!” Astrid said.

“I came in as a dog. I’m glad you didn’t get rid of the doggy door.” He spoke.

Astrid noted how much better he looked, his hair was cut and clean, his face was shaved and smooth, he was wearing new clothes he must have stolen, and his teeth were no longer yellow, thanks to magic no doubt.

His dark gray eyes landed on Athena, who was staring right back at him. Her mixed color eyes, that she inherited from her mother, made Sirius’ breath hitch. “You’re… you’re the spitting image of your mother…” He whispered. “Your mother…” he looked around for her, and Astrid and Athena stepped aside.

Amilia was standing in the corner of the living room, still next to the desk. She took a step forward… unsure of what to do…

Sirius smiled at the sight of her, and his eyes began to water.

Athena was now silently crying happy tears and Astrid was beaming.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner… I had other things I need to tend to… and I needed to clean up a bit…” Sirius spoke gently. “You… look remarkably the same… I’m sorry I look terrible… not as dashing I used to be, eh?” he gave a weak chuckle.

Amilia raced over and practically lunged at him. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a deep and long kiss…. A very long kiss… too long of a kiss…

Athena and Astrid’s smiles were fading as the kiss went on. “Um, we’re still here you know…” Athena stated clearly.

Amilia pulled away, a wild look in her eyes. “Yes, well, I’ll have to write to Molly sooner than I thought.”

“Ew, gross!” Astrid whined as she and Athena’s face churned with disgust.

Sirius chuckled, “No, no, wait. I want to spend some time with my children before… I spend some time with you,” He winked and Amilia smirked.

“Oh, that is just sick!” Astrid gagged and Athena shook her head. “No, ug, come on Athena let’s start packing again. I’m heading out to the Weasley’s in the morning!”

They two girls quickly ran off to their own rooms and really began packing up their trunk again with the necessities they would need for the summer.

Amilia was holding Sirius’ face in her hands and smiling up at him. “If someone had told me when we met… that I was going to marry you and have two kids with you… and still love you after all these years, I would have thought they were mental.”

“You say the sweetest things.” Sirius murmured, looking at her lips and Amilia smiled and then kissed him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
FINALLY! Ug this chapter was ssssssssssssssooooooooooooo llooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggggggggg. Well, that's the end of this year. I'm not sure when I'll start her 4th year, seeing as I'm starting college on Friday, but I only have two classes this term so, I should be able to post the next story soon enough.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and comment :D
Okay, thank you, buh-bye!