The Golden Quartet: Year 3

Chapter 3


The next day in Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Lupin arrived late, looking quite tattered, but smiled at the class anyways. Astrid tried to avoid his gaze or even looking directly at him. “Good afternoon everyone. Would you please put all your books back in your bags? You’ll be only needing your wands for today’s lesson.”

A mixture of pleased and curious looks washed over all the students faces as they put their books away.

“Right, now if you’d all follow me.” Everyone got to their feet and followed Lupin out of the classroom as he led them down the corridor and then stopped right outside the staffroom. Lupin opened the door, “Inside please.”

One by one they entered the long, paneled room that had all the tables and chairs pressed against the walls, leaving a clearing in the middle of the room and an old wardrobe at the end.

“Now then,” Lupin strode off to stand by the wardrobe which suddenly began to shake and wobble and a banging noise was coming from within it. “Nothing to worry about,” Lupin said as the students watched the wardrobe in alarm, “there’s only a boggart in there.”

A few students gasped. Neville’s eyes widened in terror and Seamus gulped.

“Nothing to worry about?” Astrid finally spoke and Lupin looked at her looking pleased to hear her speak. “A boggart is plenty to worry about.”

“What’s a boggart?” Harry asked.

Though Hermione’s hand shot up, Lupin said to Astrid, “Care to explain?”

“It’s a shape-shifter that takes the form of whatever it is we fear most.” She said simply.

“Perfectly put.” Lupin said. “Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out he will quickly take shape of whatever it is we fear most. So,” he clasped his hands together, “I would like you to form a line after Mr. Longbottom.” The class quickly shuffled into a line and Astrid darted to the back of it, earning a curious look from Harry who seemed to be the only one who noticed. “Now, the only thing that can really finish off a boggart is laughter, so Neville, what frightens you the most?”

Neville mumbled something under his breath. “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to be a bit clearer.”

“Professor Snape.” The class roared with laughter.

Lupin smiled lightly, “Yes, he can be quite frightful sometimes, can’t he? Now, I do believe you live with your grandmother?”

“Yes, but I don’t want it to turn into her either,” Neville said feebly.

“No, no, I wonder could you tell us what sort of clothes your grandmother wears?” Lupin asked.

“She wears a big hat with a large bird on it… and a green dress… and fox fur scarf.” Neville said.

“Good, now picture those clothes very clear in your mind and when I let the boggart out I want you to say this charm, reddikulus!” Neville nodded, “On the count of three, Neville… one… two… three.” Lupin waved his wand at the wardrobe and the door swung open. As menacing as ever, Snape stepped out from the wardrobe, his dark eyes landing on Neville.

Neville raised his wand, gaped for a moment and then stuttered, "R-r-riddikulus!

There was sudden crack and Snape stumbled for he was now wearing a long green dress, a large hat with a vulture on top, and was carrying a red handbag.

The class erupted in laughter and the boggart stood looking confused and the Lupin shouted, “Pavarti! Forward!”

Pavarti Patil step forward with a hard face and with another crack Snape turned into a bandaged mummy and it began slowly making its way towards her but Pavarti raised her wand, “Riddikulus!

The bandage unraveled at the mummy’s feet and becoming entangled and causing it to fall on its face.

“Seamus!” Lupin shouted. Seamus was afraid of banshees and just as she was screaming a shrieking noise Seamus produced the charm making her scream turn raspy as she clutched her throat.

The class went on, showing several different fears, all of which Astrid scowled at. None of them were at all frightful to her; snakes, an eyeball, a severed hand, Ron’s spider… all of it was rubbish – except maybe…

Harry stepped forward, the whole class seemed to go quiet and Lupin eyed the scene closely; crack! The boggart turned, not what Astrid had suspected, but instead a familiar darkly cloaked figure with leathery skeleton hands and moved forward on Harry ready to take a breath of him in when suddenly Lupin stepped in front of Harry.

Another crack sounded and the Dementor turned in a silvery orb of light, which Astrid immediately gathered as a full moon. “Reddikulus!” Lupin waved his wand and it turned into a deflated balloon flying around and with another wave of his wand the boggart shot back into the wardrobe and the door slammed shut and locked.

“Excellent everyone! Well done… let’s see… five points to everyone who tackled the boggart… Homework, please read the chapter on boggarts and summarize it for me and it is to be handed in on Monday. That’ll be all.” He smiled politely and the class began to leave whilst chattering about the lesson.

“That was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson we’ve ever had, wasn’t it?” Ron said in excitement. “Too bad you didn’t get to go, Astrid. I do wonder what it is you could possibly be afraid of.”

Astrid grinned cockily, “We would’ve seen the boggarts true form for I am not afraid of anything!” Ron laughed, but Harry did too wonder what it was Astrid was really afraid of.

“I wonder what that orb was? It looked like a crystal ball.” Hermione said.

Astrid knew why Lupin would be afraid of a full moon, he was a werewolf after-all.

“But he seems like a very good teacher, but I wish I could’ve had a turn with the boggart.” Hermione said.

Ron sniggered, “What would it have been? A homework that only got nine out of ten?”


September and October seemed to fly by as all the third years began to get excited about the first Hogsmeade trip on Halloween and Athena had an extra bounce in her step as she entered the great hall that morning for breakfast.

“Good morning, Ron, Hermione, Astrid, and Harry – or should I say: teammate?” Athena grinned broadly.

Astrid’s eyes widened, “You made the team?”

Athena nodded, “Yeah, Wood’s just told me a few moments ago. I’m taking Alicia Spinnet’s Chaser position. She isn’t too happy about that – she’s been glaring daggers at me.” Athena nodded down the Gryffindor table and sure enough sitting with Katie Bella and Angelina Johnson was Alicia Spinnet glaring intensely at Athena.

“Well, that’s great about you getting in the team, Athena.” Said Harry with a friendly smile, “I’m sure we’ll win this year.”

“Yeah, I hope so. Wood’s been freaking out about it because it’s his last year here so it’s his last chance to win the Quidditch cup. So unless there’s another Professor trying to kill you or a house-elf trying to save you, we should be golden this year!” Athena smiled.

“Yeah, here’s hoping.” Astrid said before drinking some pumpkin juice.

“Oi!” Fred called to Athena down the Gryffindor table.

He waved her over, “Okay, well I’ll maybe see you all later at the Hogsmeade trip!” Athena smiled and waved before heading down to sit with Fred, George, and Lee Jordan.

Harry frowned, “That’s right… the Hogsmeade trip is today. I nearly forgot about it.”

“Harry I don’t know why you didn’t just ask my mum if she could sign the form – she is, after all, your guardian. Look, get another form and we’ll send it to her to sign so you’ll be able to go to the next one, alright?” Astrid said with a firm nod.

“Yeah, and hey, maybe you should ask McGonagall.” Ron said. “She’s head of the house, maybe she’ll let you go this time? I mean you can’t be the only third year left behind, mate.”

Harry nodded, “Yeah, I’ll ask.”


“Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade are a privilege should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way that privilege shall not be extended again.” McGonagall said firmly to the group of students standing out in the courtyard, ready to leave to Hogsmeade.

Harry quickly went over to her, “No permission form signed no visiting the village. That’s the rule, Potter.” She said, already knowing what Harry was going to ask of her.

Filch, who had been next to McGonagall collecting the forms spoke, “Those with permission slips follow me… those without,” he looked at Harry, “stay put.”

“Professor,” Harry began, “I thought if you signed it then I could go?”

“I can’t, only a parent or a guardian can sign and since I am neither it would be inappropriate.” McGonagall said.

“But Astrid and I sent a form to Amilia today to sign so I was-“

“I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to wait until that signed form gets here.” McGonagall said firmly but then her eyes softened, “I’m sorry, Potter, that’s my final word.” And with that she went after the group of students.

Harry looked at his friend who were standing there, “Forget about it guys. I’ll see you later.” He turned around and made his way into the castle.

“Harry, wait up,” Astrid ran after Harry.

“What are you doing? Why aren’t you with the others?” Harry asked.

She shrugged, “I can wait.”

“No, really, go. I don’t want you to miss out just because of me.” Harry said.

Astrid rolled her eyes, “First of all it isn’t because of you – it’s because of your horrible aunt and uncle, and secondly I can do whatever I want and what I want is to hang out with my best friend.” She smiled and then a chill ran through her from the cold October air, “And some hot tea… come on, let’s go see Remus.” She began walking down the halls.

“Who?” Harry asked following her.

“Oh, I mean Professor Lupin. He’s, uh, sort of a friend of the family.” Astrid said.

“Really?” Harry asked in slight surprise.

“Yeah, come on, I’m sure he’ll be happy to have out company.”

They went to their Defense Against the Dark Arts class and then to Remus’s office. Astrid stopped at the door, looking at it for a moment, “Are you alright?” Harry asked.

“Hhm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” Astrid knocked.

“Come in,” Remus said.

Astrid opened the door and stepped in with Harry, “I hope we’re not interrupting, Remus – I mean Professor.”

Remus smiled, “No, not at all. I was just making some tea – would either of you like some?”

“Yes, please.” Harry said and Astrid nodded.

“Alright, sit, please,” Remus said gesturing to the two chairs on the other side of his desk and they obliged. “So, why aren’t you two at Hogsmeade with everyone else?” He asked as he pore them tea.

“I haven’t got a signed permission slip yet.” Harry said.

“Ah, and let me guess, Astrid being a good and loyal friend decided to stay behind to keep you company?” Remus asked.

Harry smiled lightly, “Yeah, but I told her she should go and enjoy herself.”

Remus smiled, “But you should know Astrid better than that. How could she enjoy the trip if one of her best friends was left behind?”

“So you two know each other well?” Harry asked.

“Not really… Well, sort of… in some ways.” Astrid said. “Like I said, he’s a friend of the family but we haven’t exactly spent any time with each other but I’ve heard stories of him growing up… so in a way I do know him.”

“Yes, and being raised by Amilia I know she is a very loyal person, just like her mother.” Remus said.

“And father.” Astrid said without thinking.

Never hearing a single word about Astrid’s father Harry turned to her, very surprised. Astrid blinked a few times angry for not keeping her cool but Remus cleared his throat, “Harry, I wanted to apologize.”

Harry slowly turned to Remus, “What for, sir?”

“For not letting you face the boggart in class.”

“Oh,” Harry said slowly, “Why didn’t you let me fight it?”

“I would have thought it to be obvious, Harry. I assumed it would take the form of Lord Voldemort.”

“I did think of Voldemort at first… but then I remembered that night on the train… the Dementor.” Harry said.

“Well, I’m impressed. That suggests that what you fear the most is fear itself. This is very wise.” Lupin said.

“I thought… before I fainted, that I heard something… a woman… screaming.” Harry said slowly.

“Well, a Dementor is supposed to make us relive our very worst memories. Our pain becomes their power.” Said Lupin.

“I think it was my mother.” Harry said. “The night she was murdered.”

“You know, the very first time I saw you, Harry, I recognized you immediately. Not by your scar… but by your eyes.” Remus said and Astrid smiled lightly, knowing exactly what he was talking about. “There you mother, Lily’s.”

Harry’s eyebrows furrowed into a curious look, “Oh yes, I knew her, like I know Astrid’s mother.” He drank some tea and looked thoughtful, “Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a singularly gifted witch she was also uncommonly kind. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others even when perhaps that person could not see it themselves.” Harry was smiling softly. “Though your father, James, on the other hand, he, uh,” Remus chuckled lightly, “He had a certain… shall we say talent for trouble?” Harry smiled. “A talent, rumor has it, he passed onto you… you’re more like them than you know, Harry. In time you’ll come to see just how much.”

The door opened and Snape came in carrying a smoking goblet and on sight of Astrid and Harry, his dark eyes narrowed.

“Ah, Severus,” Lupin smiled, “Thank you very much.”

Snape put the goblet down on the desk, “You should drink that directly, Lupin. I made an entire cauldronful if you need more.”

“Yes, I’ll probably be needing to take more tomorrow. Thank you very much, Severus.”

“Not at all.” Snape backed out of the room unsmiling and watchful.

“I’ve been feeling a bit off-color. This potion is the only thing that helps. It’s very complicated and potions has never been my strong-suit. I am very lucky to be working alongside Professor Snape – not many people are up for making it.” He picked up the goblet and sipped it and shuddered. “Taste like troll sweat.”

“You have a lot of experience drinking troll sweat, do you?” Astrid teased with a small smile.

Lupin chuckled, “On occasion.” He joked. “Harry, if you don’t mind, I’d very much like to speak with Astrid in private.”

Harry quickly looked between them, “Oh, of course, sir, not at all.” He stood up and smiled.

“Thank you professor, for everything.” He smiled and turned to Astrid, “I’ll be waiting in the hall.”

Astrid nodded and they she and Remus waited until Harry left his office and they heard the sound of the classroom door opening and then closing. “Your mother too.” Remus said.

“What?” Astrid asked, confused.

“She too was there for me on several occasions. I take it you know what this potion is for?” he gestured to the goblet.

Astrid gave a nod, “Yes. I’ve always known, since I was little. Out mother would tell us stories about running through the Forbidden Forest with you and the others.”

Remus smiled lightly, “Yes… those were simple times.”

“Um, you were on the verge of war…” Astrid pointed out.

“Yes… Taking by Harry’s reaction he does not know what I am?” Remus continued.

Astrid nodded, “It’s not my secret to tell.”

“Thank you… And also, seeing the reaction of Harry’s face when you mentioned your father you haven’t really spoken much of him?”

“I never mentioned him. I’m more than pretty sure this is the first time speaking of him.”

“With the current situation, do you plan on telling him anytime soon?”

Astrid bit her lip and then said after a moment, “Can you… can you take me to the boggart?”

Remus looked at her quizzically then stood, “Yes, follow me to the classroom.” Astrid got up and followed him out of his office to the classroom and there was still the wardrobe.

Astrid stood in front of it, and then gave a nod and Remus opened it. Slowly, out of the darkness of the wardrobe, a menacing, crazed man came creeping out. His long mane of hair was dark and wild, his skin and teeth were filthy, and his eyes… his dark gray eyes shined with malice as he looked out at Astrid.

Her eyebrows knitted together and her eyes watered, “Do you understand?” she said quietly as she stepped away from the man and he stumbled towards her. She took out her wand, “Reducto.” The boggart exploded into ash and settled on the floor.

“You’re afraid that it’s true.” Remus said conclusively.

“I’ve believed my entire life that he’s innocent. But as of lately… I feel like I’ve been fighting with myself. He’s innocent, he would never betray his friends, we’re just like each other, mum would never love someone who would betray their friends… but there’s a part of me saying… look at the facts. There were witnesses. He was their Secret Keeper…”

“I can’t tell you what to believe, Astrid. All I can tell you is to trust your instincts. Trust your heart.”

Astrid rolled her eyes, “That’s horrible advice. Hearts and instincts are wrong all the time!”

Remus chuckled, “Yes, but from what I’ve heard, you’re a psychic and they have particularly good instincts. So stop thinking so much and just trust yours – even if they’re against the world.”

Astrid stood up, “Thanks. And just so you know – I don’t hate you. You’re just wrong about my father.”

“Ah, so your instincts are that I am wrong and that you are right? Meaning you believe your father to be innocent.”

Astrid smiled and thought for a moment, “Yeah… I do… because like I said before we’re alike and I would never betray my friends, just like him.”

“You know… even though I believe differently from you, I do hope that your instincts are right.” Remus said softly.

“Bye Remus,”

Professor.” Lupin corrected.

“Right.” Astrid left his office and the classroom and sure enough Harry was there in the hall waiting for her.

“We should head back to the common room and finish some homework.” Harry said leading the way.

Astrid grumbled, “Homework…”

“You know,” Harry thought, “I don’t think I’ve actually seen you do any homework.”

Astrid smirked, “And you never will, Harry, you never will.”

Harry chuckled, “Alright… and thanks for staying and taking me to see Professor Lupin.”

“It was no problem, Harry.” Astrid waved away his thanks.

“And he’s right, you know.” Harry said. “You really are a good and loyal friend.”

Astrid stopped walking and thought it was the perfect moment, “Harry, I’ve got to tell you something-“

“What are you two doing?” Filch snarled walking towards them.

“Nothing.” Harry said honestly.

“Nothing!” Filch spat. “A likely story! The two of you sneaking around – you’re up to something! You’re always up to something!”

“No, not at the moment.” Astrid said dryly.

“Well, get back to the common room where you belong or I’ll give you detention!”

“Detention? For what?” Astrid asked with a raised eyebrow.

He sputtered for a moment, “For giving me cheek! Now go on – both of you!”


Later that night when everyone had returned they all joined together in the Great Hall to enjoy the Halloween feast and entertainment provided by the Hogwarts ghosts. Hermione and Ron told Harry and Astrid what Hogsmeade was like and Astrid and Harry told them about spending some time with Lupin.

It really was a great evening filled with laughter and delicious food and Harry barely even noticed Malfoy shouting, “The Dementors send their love, Potter!”

“Yeah, and Dobby sends his to you as-well, Malfoy!” Astrid shouted back at Malfoy who then shut his mouth and glared at her.

After the feast Harry, Astrid, Ron, and Hermione followed the rest of the Gryffindors to the Gryffindor Tower but when they reached the top of the staircase they found the portrait to be blocked with all the Gryffindor students.

“Let me through, please!” said Percy as he pushed his way through the crowd. “What has happened? All of you couldn’t have possibly forgotten the password. Move – I’m Head Boy!”

“If I had a galleon for every time Percy said that – I’d be rich.” Ron said.

“Somebody, get Professor Dumbledore – quickly!” Percy shouted.

A moment later Dumbledore was there and Astrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione squeezed through the crowd to see what was going on.

Hermione gasped. The Fat Lady was no longer in her portrait, which had vicious slashes through it causing some of the canvas to litter the floor.

“Mr. Filch,” Dumbledore began after inspecting the portrait, “round up the ghosts to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady.”

“There’s no need for ghosts, Professor,” Filch said looking at another portrait and pointing at it, “the Fat Lady is there.”

Suddenly the swarm of students ran up another flight of stair to get to the portrait the Fat Lady was hiding in, followed by Dumbledore and Filch.

“Move, out of my way!” Dumbledore said to the students who quickly moved out of his way. Dumbledore look at the portrait of a safari landscape with the Fat Lady, looking terrified behind a hippo. “Lady, who did this to you?” he asked her gently.

The Fat Lady whimpered, “Eyes like the devil, he’s got! And a soul as dark as his name!” she wailed. “It’s him, Headmaster. The one they all talk about! He’s here, somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!” she trembled and ducked back behind the hippo and a sudden buzz filled the hall.

Immediately Astrid and Athena looked at each other; both with unreadable expressions.

“Secure the castle, Mr. Filch,” Dumbledore said. “The rest of you in the Great Hall!” he ordered.


That night all the Gryffindors slept in the Great Hall and for a while they were all throwing out suggestions as to how Sirius Black had managed to enter the school – all of which Hermione shot down.
Astrid and Athena remained quiet, both wondering how their father did enter the school and more importantly: why?
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Sorry it took so long to update. I just hadn't felt like writing anything.