The Golden Quartet: Year 3

Chapter 5


That night, at dinner before everyone left to the holidays the next morning, there was an odd energy in the Great Hall. Word of who Astrid and Athena’s father was spread quicker than cursed fire. Usually at this feast it should have been filled with laughter and people talking of their holiday plans and what they were expecting to get for Christmas, but now people were talking about Sirius Black being the father of two Gryffindor girls. Even a few of the professors seemed a bit apprehensive about the current situation.

“I can’t believe it. They both seem so normal…” said Lavender Brown.

“They are normal.” Said Fred who overheard her. He then looked down the Gryffindor table and at the door to see if Athena was there, but like her sister, was not.

“Oh, but now that I think of it, Astrid always was a bit violent – probably got that from her father!” Lavender continued.

“Look, everyone is being stupid about this. Who cares who their father is?” George said.

“I do.” Harry said angrily.

That part of the table went silent.

The rest of the feast went awkwardly at that end of the table. It was filled with forced conversation, each avoiding the Black family.

After the feast, when everyone was heading off to their common rooms, McGonagall pulled Harry aside to speak to him.

“Yes, Professor?” Harry asked with apathy.

“Firstly, Mr. Potter, I should be sentencing you a weeks’ worth of detention for breaking several school rules and sneaking into Hogsmeade.” She began.

“Fine then,” Harry shrugged. “I don’t care.”

McGonagall pressed her lips together and gave a short sigh, “But because of certain circumstances I have decided against it.”

“So, you’ve called me here to tell me I don’t have detention?” Harry said. McGonagall looked momentarily sour, but Harry spoke, “I’m sorry, Professor. I’ve just… had a long day… I just want to go to bed.”

McGonagall relaxed a little and her eyes held some pity, “I am sorry as-well, Mr. Potter. You were not supposed to find out about everything like that.”

“Well, it’s not like my best friend was ever going to tell me.” Harry said shortly.

“And that is another thing I wanted to talk to you about, Mr. Potter.” McGonagall eyes seemed to have lost any traces of pity. “I am greatly ashamed of what you have done.” Harry’s expression became unreadable. “Never would I have thought you would do such a thing to one of your best friends-“

“And you thought the same thing about Sirius Black.” Harry said.

“So, you say it yourself, that you are like Sirius Black and not Astrid?” McGonagall said with a raised eyebrow. “Ms. Moody,” Harry opened his mouth and McGonagall put up her hand, “Or Ms. Black – it does not matter what her last name is – would never do to you what her father did to your parents. Though she, and her sister and mother believe Sirius Black to be innocent it should have no effect on your previous opinion of her. She is your friend. The one who faced that troll all on her own to protect you, Mr. Weasley, and Ms. Granger. The one who always sides with you on everything. The one that screams and cheers the loudest for you during a Quidditch match – oh yes, I can hear her screaming quite clearly even from the staff stand. She stood up to everyone last year when they foolishly thought you had something to do with the Muggle-born attacks. I know there are much more things she probably does and would do for you, Mr. Potter. Now, I know you still must be feeling angry and I’m sure if Dumbledore didn’t have to leave with the Minister he would want to share a few wise words with you as well, but I know that you will do the right thing.” McGonagall patted Harry’s shoulder and then turned and left.

McGonagall was right.

But Harry was still angry.

But not only was he angry, he was now very conflicted.

He felt angry about Astrid… but also guilty.

But Harry couldn’t think about Astrid right now. He had to figure out a way to find Sirius Black and more importantly, kill him.

Whether or not, Astrid thought him to be innocent, he could not forgive or forget that he was the one who caused him to hear his mother’s pleas and cries and screams whenever a Dementor was around him. Harry was going to kill Sirius Black.


“Astrid?” Hermione whispered in the third year girls room. Astrid’s bed curtains were closed and Hermione wasn’t sure if she was asleep yet. “Astrid, are you awake?”

“That area is charmed.” Hermione jumped at the sound of Athena’s voice who was leaning against a wall off to the side.


“A Silencing Charm all around her bed and a Warding Charm. She can’t hear anyone outside the area and they can’t hear her. Also because of the Warding Charm, when you start to get close to the bed you can’t go any closer. It’s a really strange feeling and it’s hard to explain.” Athena pushed herself off the wall. “Are the other girls going to come up soon?”

“Yes, but I asked them if they could let me talk to Astrid in private for a moment.” Hermione said gently. “She put it up to be left alone? Even from you?”

“Actually, I put it up. She asked me to. She could conjure a spell that could blast this whole tower to bits but simple stuff… well, she was never interested in them. She’s not really the simple type… but yeah… she even wants to be left alone from me.” Athena said in a sort of hollow voice.

Hermione’s eyebrows pulled together in confusion, “Why from you?”

Athena walked past Hermione and to the door to leave, but turned around and said, “Because I told her that you three wouldn’t care about who her father is. That you were her true friends and would not care. But I guess I was wrong.”

“Athena, please, I need to talk to her – I just don’t understand-“

“Really? You’ve always been smart, Hermione, and this is very simple; she’s you’re best friend. That’s all you need to understand!” Athena said hotheadedly turned around and walked down stairs.

She saw the few third year Gryffindor girls wait and said, “You can go up now.” They all looked at each other and then quietly hurried past Athena and went upstairs. Only a few random Gryffindors were in the common room either huddled in a corner chatting or at a table doing some last minute homework.

Athena was heading to sit on the couch next to the fire when Neville Longbottom appeared in front of her looking a bit nervous, but determined, “Um, Athena, I just wanted to say that I don’t care that your father is Sirius Black and your cousin is B-Bellatrix Lestrange. I know your mother, I’ve met her a few times-“

“You have?” Athena asked surprised.

Neville nodded, “Yeah, at… St Mungos. She visits my parents sometimes… and I know she cares about them and that she cared a lot about the Potters too. So, I know Astrid wouldn’t do anything to hurt Harry. He’s just angry right now… but I’m sure he’ll see the truth.” He gave a smile.

“Thank you, Neville. I don’t even know what to say.” She smiled softly and Neville shook his head and shrugged and then Athena leant forward and kissed him on his cheek.

His eyes widened and he gaped, “I – but – I thought you a-and Fred-?”

Athena blinked, “Oh, no, I mean, Fred and I, yes, no, I mean, I was just – it was just a thank you kiss! Sorry, Neville if I gave you the wrong impression…”

Neville relaxed a little, “It’s okay, I just – I should go to bed.” Neville quickly ran to the stairs, tripped on his untied shoelace, scrambled up and then went upstairs.

“Well, well, well, so you’re just giving away kisses then, are you?” Fred said standing at the Gryffindor common room entrance with George.

Athena ignored his question, “What have you two been up to?”

“Just putting some last minute traps – I mean gifts – under Filch’s small Christmas tree in his office.” Said George.

“Right, well, I’m going to bed-“

“Wait just a minute Ms. Kissing-Booth,” Fred said. “I think we should talk.”

“I’ll just be heading up to bed,” George faked a yawn, “I am so tired!” he turned to Fred and quite obviously winked at him and then headed upstairs to the fifth year boy’s dorm.

“Okay, what do you want?” Athena asked a bit impatiently.

“About that kiss-“

“With Neville? Don’t worry it meant nothing. Can I go to bed now?”

“Athena, you’re making me do something I rarely ever do.”

“And what’s that?”

“I’m taking this kiss seriously.”

“What do you mean rarely ever do? You never take anything seriously.”

He shrugged, “True but I’m taking that kiss seriously-“

“Well, you shouldn’t, because it was just a.. a heat of the moment thing!”

“Oh, I felt the heat alright.” He smirked.

Athena’s face reddened, “I thought you were taking this seriously.”

“Well, you just said not to take it seriously.”

“Right, good, because it was nothing… just nothing.”

“Yeah, best friends just kiss all the time, I’m sure.” Fred said and Athena rolled her eyes. “Look, I like you, you like me, let’s snog!” He grinned and strode over to Athena who put her hand up against his chest to stop him from coming any closer.

“’I like you, you like me, let’s snog’? Really?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Well, if you say so-“ He pushed forward with his lips perked out but Athena pushed him back.

“Fred, you’re my best mate. I’m not going to snog with you.”

“Fine, then be my girlfriend. That’s what people usually do when they like each other and are attracted to each other.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Athena sighed in frustration, “Okay, can you take this seriously now.”

Fred smiled and seemed to straighten out, “I know why you don’t want to date me. You’re afraid that if we break up you’ll not only lose me as a boyfriend, but lose me as a best friend.”

Athena frowned, wondering how he knew that.

“And know you’re wondering how I knew that and it’s because I know you. I know what makes you tick and I know what turns you-“


“Look, I like you, more than a best friend. You feel the same about me. Now, we can either ignore those feelings like scared little Slytherins or we can act on them and take a risk like the brave Gryffindors we are. So, what do ya’ say?”

Athena stood there for a long while, frowning slightly and then blurted out, “I was supposed to be in Ravenclaw! There I said it!”

Fred looked surprised, “What?”

“I practically begged the Sorting Hat to put me in Gryffindor. Since Astrid’s birth it was so obvious she was going to be a Gryffindor, just like my mum and dad, my uncle, my grandparents, my great-grandparents, my entire family are Gryffindors – I couldn’t be in Ravenclaw, I couldn’t let my mum down. So there!” Athena turned around and made to go upstairs but Fred grabbed her hand and pulled her around.

He rolled his eyes, “Don’t be so dramatic, Athena. The Sorting Hat wouldn’t have put you in Gryffindor if he didn’t think you stood a chance in here. You’re brave. I saw and felt that bravery earlier today at Hogsmeade. So, stop being stupid – which is so unlike a Ravenclaw – and just go out with me for Merlin’s Beard!”

Athena smiled lightly, “Alright… fine… I’ll you know, go out with you, or be your girlfriend, or whatever.” She said rather quickly.

Cheers erupted and Athena saw Lee Jordan and George leaning out from the boys staircase, high-fiving each other, “Finally!” George said.

They came out, “Group hug, come on, bring it in.” Lee said and Athena laughed as they gave each other a group hug.

“Can you name your first child after me?” Lee asked.

Athena cringed and pulled out of the group hug, “Yeah, I’m going to bed now.”


Astrid and Athena sat together in a compartment the next morning as they headed to Kings Cross Station along with many other Hogwarts students who were going home for the holidays.

They originally were planning on staying at Hogwarts with their friends but do to recent events they thought it would be best if they went home to give everyone time to think about things.

Last night Athena sent a very brief letter on her hawk, Aldara, explaining things to their mother, Amilia. They hadn’t received a reply, because of the short notice, but Aldara was fast so they knew their mother had at least read the letter and would be picking them up from Kings Cross.

Athena was watching Astrid stare at the window, wondering what was going through her mind. “Astrid, do you want to talk about-“

“So, you and Fred, what’s going on there?” Astrid said cutting off Athena, knowing she would want to talk about feelings which Astrid was not into at the moment.

Astrid waited for Athena to answer, “Oh… um, well, I guess as of last night… we’re officially dating, I suppose.”

“Didn’t see that one coming. Never in a million years would I think you and Fred getting together.” Astrid said sarcastically.

“Right. It’s kind of funny, isn’t it? Everyone finds out about our secret and instead of Fred and I growing apart we grow closer-“ Athena stopped, already knowing she was saying the wrong things.

“Yeah, real funny. You know what’s even funnier? Instead of my friends and I growing closer we grew apart and they hate me. Ha. Ha. Ha.” Astrid said dryly, continuing to stare out the window.

Athena sighed, “Astrid they don’t hate you – they’re just confused. It is a lot to take in, don’t you think? I mean, I do think they handled the situation completely wrong, but please, believe me when I say they do not hate you.”

“Harry does. I have no doubt about that. I know Ron and Hermione will understand and are just trying to figure this all out – but Harry… he hates me. In his eyes, I am the child of a man who murdered his parents, and above all I believe him to be innocent… I think… Harry is also going to try and kill him.” Astrid turned away from the window and looked at her sister with confused and yet determined eyes, “If it turns out to be true – if it turns out our father really did do all the things they say he did, our dad won’t have to worry about Harry, Aurors, or Dementors, because I’ll finish him off myself.”

Athena’s eyes widened and she said nothing, having to words to respond to what her little sister had just said and she just watched as Astrid turned back to stare out the window.


Amilia stood on the platform and waited for her daughters to step off the train. She did notice many of the students were whispering to their parents as Athena and Astrid stepped off the train carrying their luggage and she thought of the letter Athena sent her last night.

Mum, we’re coming home for the holiday. They know.

Athena was looking around a bit apprehensively and she walked over to her mother, but Astrid had her head held high and had a hard look in her dark gray eyes as she seemed to almost march over to Amilia.

“How are you two?” Amilia asked, worried about them.

Astrid scowled, “I’m fine. Let’s just go.” She made way to leave the platform.

“How is she really?” Amilia asked Athena.

Athena sighed softly, “Confused and angry. I think the best thing we can do is just leave her alone.”

Amilia nodded in agreement, “Alright. And you? How are you handling all this?”

“Surprisingly well, I guess. It’s weird, it’s like I don’t even care what people think. But then again, my best friend isn’t Harry Potter.” Athena said.

Amilia let out a heavy sigh and they began to leave the platform to get to Amilia’s car, “Have her friends completely written her off?”

“No, not Hermione and Ron. They just don’t know what to do. They’re stuck in the cross-fire. Harry’s the one who completely lost it and scorned her in front of everyone. She punched him though. I think he’s mad at you too.”

“Yes, I can see why. Harry just needs time to think everything over. Even if he disagrees with Astrid about your father, I can’t picture them staying mad at each other.”

“There’s also something else I should tell you… Fred and I are dating.” Athena said hesitantly.

Amilia’s eyebrows pulled together in confusion, “Yeah, haven’t you guys been for a while?”

“What? No, we only got together last night.”

“But you were always writing letters to him and you always talk about him, I guess I just assumed…” Amilia laughed at Athena’s red face. Amilia’s smile faded, “There are Aurors around the flat. They say it’s for our protection but its rubbish. They think your father is stupid enough to actually try and come home and they hope they’ll catch him.”

“What about Uncle Al, can’t you tell him to call them off?”

“I already tried. But you know how mental he is now. He’s all for it, he’s searching for Sirius harder than anyone because he thinks he could be a danger to us.”

“Well, I don’t think Astrid will like the Aurors being there…”

“Definitely not.”


Astrid was fuming as she got out of the car and saw four Aurors standing outside her home. “What is this? Why are you here?!” she shouted at them.

“They’re here for our protection, isn’t that right?” Amilia said sarcastically as she carried Astrid’s trunk to the door.

Astrid went over to one and glared at him, “We don’t need your supposed protection so you and your friends can get lost!” she poked him roughly in the chest, but he kept looking on standing there. “Are you deaf?! I said piss off!” Astrid pulled out her wand.

“Astrid! That’s enough!” Amilia shouted sternly. She opened the door and pointed inside, “Get inside, now.”

Astrid put away her wand and walked angrily into her home.

“Astrid, you can’t just try and attack an Auror.” Athena said as she carried her trunk upstairs to her room.

“Whatever. I’m going to bed.” Astrid headed down the hall to her room.

“What about dinner?” Amilia inquired and closed the front door.

“Just leave it outside my room!” she slammed her bedroom door closed. Astrid quickly kicked off her shoes, dove into bed, and laid on her back to stare at the starry ceiling above her.


“Astrid, here’s your dinner.” Amilia said to the door, holding a tray of food and drink with her right hand and against her hip. There was silence and Astrid knocked with her free hand, “Astrid?”

Amilia opened the door and poked her head in. She saw a large pile of blankets on the bed and upon inspection saw it to be breathing softly. Amilia walked into the room and placed the tray on top of Astrid’s dresser. Quietly, Amilia walked over to the bed and sat at the end of it, “Astrid, if it makes you feel any better I did not send Harry a Christmas present.”


Amilia sighed, “Astrid… I don’t want you to feel that you have to believe your father is innocent just to make me happy… I should tell you something. Actually,” Amilia ran her fingers through her long dark hair, “I should have told you and Athena this a while ago, but you and Athena just seemed to strongly believe your father was innocent so I thought I didn’t need to but now that I know you’re feeling conflicted and confused I should tell you that I didn’t always believe your father was innocent.” Amilia waited to see some kind of reaction from Astrid, but she did not move so Amilia continued. “The day Sirius was arrested… I was already a complete mess about James and Lily… I was here alone with you and Athena and I just felt so lost and broken, I didn’t believe it could get any worse but it did. The Ministry came over and told me my husband, your father, had killed our friend Peter Pettigrew and was the reason Voldemort found out about James and Lily’s whereabouts. They told me he was being sent to Azkaban right away. I didn’t understand. Every emotion I was feeling just seemed to have amplified. It felt so hard to breathe and to move… not only did it feel like the world around me was crumbling but I8 felt like I was crumbling. At first, I denied it. It was not possible that Sirius would or even could do that. I mean, I knew Sirius was their Secret Keeper… but no… he wouldn’t. He loved them more than his own life… but… he was their Secret Keeper… he was the only one who knew how to find them… I started to believe it… I started to hate him… I was glad he was in Azkaban… I even began hating myself for loving him… I believed he betrayed our friends for years8. Do you want to know what made me start to believe he didn’t do it?” Astrid still did not move. “You.

Astrid turned around and stuck out her head out from under her sheets, “What?”

Amilia smiled softly, “Yup. You… reminded me so much of him. The need to constantly argue with me yet always wanting to be cute. Your bravery and natural talent for getting into trouble and pulling pranks on your sister. I knew… that you were going to be just like him and… I loved that because I knew that one day you’d be a great friend to someone. That you’d love them like they were your family and that you’d never betray them. Just like your father. Even you yourself have said you believe him to be innocent because you’re just like him and you’d never betray your friends… believe your own words, Astrid.”

Astrid sat up and opened up her arms outstretched to her mother. Amilia smiled got up and went to hug Astrid but Astrid frowned, “No, the food.”

Amilia blinked, shook her head and then got the tray of food and laid it on Astrid’s lap. Astrid smiled, “Thanks mum.”

“No problem.”


“Get up, Athena! It’s Christmas!” Astrid violently shook her older sister who was before soundlessly sleeping.

“Alright, alright! I’m up!” Athena pushed Astrid off of her and sat up and rubbed her eyes. “So I take it you’re feeling better?”

Astrid smiled, “Much better. Mum always knows what to say to make me feel better.”

“So, what exactly does this mean? Do you think dad is innocent or not? How are you going to handle with Harry and the others when we get back?” Athena asked as she began to get out of bed.

“I’m not going to lie, there is still doubt in my mind about dad being innocent but mum helped me realize it’s okay. I’ll still hang around with Hermione and Ron if they want, but I’ll not talk to Harry until he stops being a git.” Astrid said firmly.

“Sounds like a plan.” Athena yawned and they went downstairs into the living room where there was a large Christmas tree that was covered in ornaments and lights, and under the tree were gifts.

“So, you’ve awoken.” Amilia was by the fireplace to the left of the room. She pointed her wand at the logs that were in there and a fire roared to life. “Alright then, let’s get started.” She smiled warmly.

Astrid and Athena raced over to the tree and grabbed a present.

“This one is quite heavy… it’s from Uncle Al.” Athena said as she tore open the large present. “They’re school books! For next year… and the year after!”

Astrid tore open one of her gifts, “He’s done the same for me as-well!”

“I suppose he wants you to start learning them sooner to be prepared.” Amilia said.

“It’s great! I can’t wait to tell Hermione. This will get on her nerves.” Astrid smirked.

“Go on Athena, open that one. It’s from me.” Amilia pointed to a small box.

Athena lifted the box that could fit in the palm of her hand and opened it and there was a tiny broom. Amilia pointed her wand at it, “Engorgio.” The broom immediately enlarged.

“It’s a Nimbus 2001!” Athena said with wide eyes.

“Yes, I know it’s last year’s model, but I figured it has got to be better than the one you use at school.” Amilia said.

“Mum it’s great! Thank you so much!” Athena hugged her mother tightly.

“I’m so proud of you for making the team.” Amilia said with pride in her eyes. With one last squeeze she pulled away and then grabbed a gift and handed it to Astrid, “From me.”

Astrid tore the wrapping paper off and there was a large purple velvet box, “Oh a box! Just what I always wanted! How did you know?!” Astrid joked.

Amilia rolled her eyes, “Open the box.”

Astrid opened the box and in there were two small vials that had clear liquid in them, “Vials of water! Just what I always wanted! How did you know?!”

“Well, you are just so8 sarcastic, aren’t you?” Amilia shoved her daughter playfully.

“Well, then, mum, what are they?” Athena asked anxiously.

“Astrid, this is a very special potion I began working on after the death of Lily and James. This potion allows you to have a very special connection with someone – whoever – you get to pick.” Said their mother.

“What kind of special connection?” Astrid asked.

“This is how it works; now, I know this may seem gross or unpleasant but it’s the only thing that works, you and the person of your choosing must put a single drop of blood into a vial and then you swap and drink-“

I’ve got to drink another person’s blood?!” Astrid said looking disgusted and horrified.

“I told you it wouldn’t be pleasant! But you wouldn’t taste it, it would be completely diluted in the potion.”

“It’s still gross.”

“Well, it would be worth it because if you choose to take this potion with someone it could save your life or theirs.” Amilia said. “The connection it creates is like no other that could be shared between two people. It’s like a direct link into their feelings and mind.”

“What? Like I’ll be able to read their mind and vise-versa?” Astrid asked in stunned amazement.

“No, not exactly. It works like this, if, for example, the other person who you chose to drink the person - let’s call this person, the Connected – if the Connected is feeling great emotion, if they’re very angry or utterly terrified or hopelessly sad you’ll be able to feel it. And if the Connected is having strong thoughts you’ll be able to see into their mind.”

“That is amazing mum!” Athena said in awe.

“Thank you, dear. Now, remember it isn’t like you can read each other’s minds freely – the thoughts and feelings have to be very strong for you and the Connected to feel them. Also, this is a lifelong connection, so whoever you choose, make sure you’ve chosen correctly.”

“Thanks mum, this is brilliant.” Astrid hugged her mother.

“Alright, I’ve also got these for you two.” She reached into each pocket of her robe and pulled out a small jewelry box. She handed the blue one to Athena and purple to Astrid.

They opened them as soon as they were in their hands. “Oh mother…!” Athena gasped and grinned brilliantly.

“This… this is… its perfect!” Astrid said while also grinning. She pulled out a silver necklace that had a type of Celtic knot design and then a wolf dangling from it and quickly put it on.

Athena pulled out a gold necklace of a fox and put it on as-well. “Thank you mum, they’re beautiful.”

“You’re very welcome. There still a few more gifts here for you two. I’ve got to check on the roast.” Amilia got up and left the living room to tend to the roast in the kitchen.

Athena opened a box of different assortments from Zonko’s Joke shop from Fred and George, “I don’t know why they even bother getting these for me. As soon as I get back they’re going to ask to use them for pranks.” She rolled her eyes.

Astrid grabbed another present, “This is from Ron.” She opened it and there were a variety of candies from Honeydukes. “Sweet!”

“There’s a card.” Athena pointed out.

Astrid picked it up and read, “Dear Astrid, I’m sorry I haven’t really stood up for you about everything, but I know you understand… at least I hope you do… well, happy Christmas. Sorry you couldn’t stay for the holidays. Ron.”

“So, are you mad at him for not saying anything to Harry?” Athena asked.

Astrid shook her head, “No, of course not. I feel sorry for him and Hermione for the position they’re in. They think if they agree with Harry it would be like betraying me and if they disagreed with Harry, it would be like betraying him.”

“Here, the last gift.” Athena handed another small gift to Astrid.

She opened it and inside was a hand-made bracelet with scarlet and gold thread, crimson beads and two small gold bells and just under it was a folded up letter. Astrid pulled out the letter and read it, “Dear Astrid, I don’t know what to say to make you feel better but I want you to know that you’re my best friend and always will be, no matter what. This is a friendship bracelet, I’m wearing a copy of yours right now as I’m writing this. I will always wear mine and never take it off. I want everyone to know and see that no matter what we are and always will be best friends. I love you Astrid, like a sister. Happy Christmas. Love, Hermione.”

Astrid held up the bracelet with a small smile and then put it on her left wrist.

“What did you get Ron and Hermione for Christmas?” Athena asked.

“I got Ron a wand kit, you know, after last year’s fiasco with his old wand… and I got Hermione a larger and sturdier book bag with her name and house engraved in it.” Astrid answered.

“Astrid, Athena! Get in here! It’s about time you learn to cook something besides cereal.” Amilia called from the kitchen.

“Wait, mum, you have to open your gift from us!” Athena shouted.

“Alright then.” Amilia came back into the living room. “What have you gotten me, then?”

Astrid handed her a rectangular box and Amilia took it and opened it. She pulled out and glowing rich reddish-golden colored bottle and looked at it in shock. “This is…”

“Amber. Specifically the one you used to wear.” Athena said.

“But, how? They stopped making this one twelve years ago. How did you find it?” Amilia asked looking at both her daughters.

“It was in an old shop in Hogsmeade! It was the last one. It was really expensive. We had to use all the money we’ve ever saved.” Said Athena.

“We also had to do a bit of haggling.” Added Astrid which earned a shake of the head from their mother but she was smiling non-the-less.

“Go on then, smell it.” Astrid said.

Amilia pulled off the cap and gave it a little spray and then inhaled. She shut her eyes and smiled beautifully, “This scent brings back so many memories.” She opened her eyes, “Thank you two, so much. This is wonderful.”

“Happy Christmas.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Astrid's necklace
Athena's necklace
Astrid's bracelet

I originally wrote this chapter a long time ago but instead of going home they stayed at hogwarts for break but I didn't really like it so I deleted it and then started working on this version but was facing a bit of writers block and then I had to figure out what gifts to make and give and... arg sorry.