Status: This story is active and will be updated every time my blog is updated.

My Life as a Lone Soldier in the Israeli Army

Week 2

22 MAY 2010
Week 2.
Oh boy. What a week. It was crazy.
On monday we went to the fields for shooting. It was scary to be honest. I didnt want to break my nose from the force of shooting. You know when you fire a gun and then theres like that whiplash after? I forgot what its called. I surprisingly did really really good. I impressed myself. I have no sense of aim at all. Apparently I do...somewhat. We spent the ENTIRE day there. We had 2 or 3 rounds of shooting during the day and then one at night. The night was scary because the girl next to me couldnt keep her gun straight. I couldnt wait till she was done.
We got back at 930 at night. I was so tired. On tuesday the base left so it was just my course and those who had to stay for the weekend. It was our turn to do guard duty. That will be another update because I have pictures :P We didnt really do anything Tuesday or Wednesday. It was pretty much guard go to sleep wake up guard go to sleep. Then Thursday we went back to normal. I had kitchen duty the first half. It was fun. You dont do anything. You sit there and get people food when they want food. The kitchen ladies were so funny.
There was a sports test that I didn't do because I got a doctors note saying not to run. I really hurt myself monday when I fell. They already know how well I'd do because Im the only one in my group legitimately running and trying to do this. Its a joke to everyone else. You know what? Fuck 'em because I know the other groups and my Mefakedet sees how hard I am trying. They see how much this means to me. I know its not for nothing. Emotionally and mentally its frustrating and hard. But its really not bad at all besides that.
Supposedly next week I get out on Wednesday (YAY!) because Thursday we have our errand day. Next week is the last week of basic training and then its Ulpan the week after next week. Ulpan im expecting to be very very boring.

Okay so the next blog update will be about guarding and with pictures :P
I have to go see my friends for dinner.

I also want to take the time to say RIP Anthony Bertolini. You will be missed so much.
He was a friend of mine from high school who died. <3 June 6,1990 - May 15,2010. Love you. Keep it Q with Scottie up in Heaven. <3