

I’m named for the peace and naturallity of the weather. Weather that washed away the past and grants life a new beginning. Weather that moves everything forward.
I don’t live up to my name very well. My past is trapped with me, trapped in my heart. It fights violently to break free and is breaking me from the inside out. I am not the rain, I’m mealy Rein.
I don't show any of the prospects my family members do. I'm not popular or athletic like my siblings.I'm not mentally advanced like my mother. I don't have my father's common sense.
I'm the school's wall flower, the hidden painting. I'm the forgotten one. No one sees me, ever, because no one cares enough to look. The only attention I ever get is when people ask if I'm really Chris and Summer's sister. When that happens I usually just nod.
There was also the almost constant stares I received from Stephen Morrow. Stephen was my opposite.While I'm shy...ish, he is sociable. I'm cowardly, he is brave. So why won't he look away?