
Chapter 9

There was a shuffle in the bed. I rolled over in the bed and cuddled into the warm chest that lay next to me. A strong arm wrapped around my waist and I smiled.
“Did she get to the bus in time?” I whispered.
“Yeah, she had been hoping that you would get up before she left. She really liked you.” I smiled.
“She was so cute. I like her too.” I mumbled half asleep and barely aware of my surroundings.
“I liked having you spend the night.” Stephen said. “And this way you didn’t have to talk to your brother.” He added.
Then reality set in. I hadn’t gone home last night. I hadn’t let anyone know I’d be out for the night. I was dead. I jumped up.
“What’s wrong?” Stephen asked sitting up.
“I’m dead! My mom is going to kill me for staying out all night. Chris is going to be pissed that I didn’t come home and I’m going to be late for school.” I said.
Stephen smiled at me. “I texted your mother last night and pretended to be Carlos. I said that you had fallen asleep on one of the library couches.” Stephen said.
“You did?” I asked shocked.
“Yeah, I thought you could use the extra sleep. And since your car is there and the library opens late on Fridays it works out.” He smiled.
“But I’m going to be late for school.” I started to freak again.
“You don’t think that being so tired you ‘fell asleep at work’ wouldn’t be a good enough excuse for your family? I think they are capable of understand you being a little late.” He said, smiling as he cupped my face and sat up placing his lips on mine.
I smiled into the kiss and lay back down with Stephen next to me. I could feel him smile too. He pressed into me just enough to turn me onto my back so that he was lying on top of me. One of his hands continued to cup my face whole his other hand slid its way down to my waist to press my body into his more forcefully. His other hand slid down to my waist then both hands continued till they reached the back of my knees. Then he fused his hold to wrap my legs around his waist.
I pulled away and we both gasped for our breath. He didn’t hesitate to begin kissing my neck. Then he simultaneously bit at the skin of my neck and ground his hips between my legs. This caused my back to arch and a loud moan to escape my lips as my whole body started to tingle.
He pulled away and smiled at me. “I take it you liked that.” He smirked.
“You have had too much practice.” I pouted.
“I’m sure you have had some practice.” He smirked.
“Um… actually no. I haven’t.” I said a deep blush gracing my face.
“I guess your brother really has instilled too much fear in the school.” He said with a smirk. “As much as I hate to, remind me to thank him for that later.” He concluded. Then his lips were on mine again. His hands had moved back up to my waist at some point. The only reason I noticed was because they were starting to slowly rise under the hem of my shirt. I reluctantly pulled away from Stephen.
“Not right now.” I said, turning so he would fall off of me. Then I untangled myself from him and stood up. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and sigh at the time. It was 9:24.
“You should take me to go get my car. I need to get to school.”
“Have you never skipped before?”
“No so if I don’t show up at all then that will raise suspicion.” I said.
Stephen sigh and looked at me. “Plus you have to go out with Adrian tonight.”
“I told him I would before you even said anything to me.”
“When most girls go through something like this they cancel the other date.” Stephen said, standing up and putting his hands on my hips.
“That’s not fair to him. Plus I already hurt him once without giving him a chance.” I said feeling guilty.
“That was not your fault and I honestly think that it was kind of funny.” He said with a smile.
“Well it’s not fair. And I know that I’m not being fair to you either, but I’m not convinced that it is right to do that to Adrian.”
“What about what you are doing to me? We spent the night together, and now you are going out on a date with someone else!” He said standing up.
“It’s not like we had sex or something. We made out and that was it. Yes, I fell asleep in your bed. No, I didn’t mind you sleeping next to me. In all honesty I enjoyed waking up in someone’s arms. I loved waking up feeling like I was protected, but just because I liked something doesn’t mean that I get to go around hurting others and breaking promises for my own gain.”
“What about if it’s for both your gain and mine.” He asked softly. He stepped forward and put his hands on my face.
“Stephen, hurting him will cost me and he is my brother’s friend and I don’t want to risk causing them to lose that just because I cancel on him.”
“You need to stop worrying about everyone else.” He said. “What do you want?”
“I think I want you, but I don’t want to hurt anyone. I don’t want to risk my past repeating. I don’t think I could survive it a second time.” I said whispering by the time I ended.
“What happened? Whatever it is I’ll protect you from it.” Stephen said pulling me into his arms.
“It’s nothing like that.” I lied, not ready to relive what happened again.
“If you need to talk I’ll listen. I won’t judge, or think less of you. The things that happened in the past created the strong beautiful young woman I am talking to right now. Anyone that has hurt you will pay and anyone that tries to hurt you will fail.” Stephen cooed as I hid my face in the crease of his neck.
“I need to get to school.” I whispered backing up.