
Chapter 11

“Hey, there beautiful.” I heard Stephen’s voice say.
I tried to ignore him as I walked over toward an empty seat.
“Where are you going?” He asked as he caught me around the waist from behind.
“I was going to sit down.” I said, distractedly.
“What’s wrong?” He asked turning me and kissing my forehead.
“Nothing, I’m just tired.” I said. ‘Everything is wrong. You know that I didn’t go away willingly two years ago. You know more than I wanted anyone to know. It was bad enough they called my family and told them anything. I didn’t want anyone to know anything.’ I thought. ‘And what if you are just being nice to me out of pity? Oh my gosh that would be terrible! Would he do that to me?” I wondered to myself.
“You look worried about something.” He noticed setting me down next to where his stuff had been setting.
“It’s just been a long day.” I said starting to recover.
“You could always cancel on Adrian. Come over after school. You, Liv, and I could watch a movie. I could do this,” He said leaning forward and gently kissing me. “And I can also know that my hands are the only ones that touch you tonight.”
“I already told you I’m not canceling.” I said turning to watch the teacher as class started.
“You don’t owe him anything.” Stephen whispered. I ignored him.
“Why are you doing this to him? You’re just leading him on.” He said.
“I’m trying to pay attention.” I lied. I didn’t care what the pathetic excuse for a teacher was saying. Half of what she said was wrong and the other half was straight from the book.
Stephen sigh and rested his hand on my leg as he turned to face the teacher. He never looked at the teacher. His eyes were on me and Ms. Baker noticed.
“Mr. Morrow I know that Ms. Rivera is pretty but she isn’t the one that is teaching you. So your eyes need to be up here.” She said bitterness in her tone.
“Sorry ma’am.” Stephen said barely sparing her a glance.
“Well seeing as you are still ignoring me and frankly being very rude I want you to give me the number to contact your parents.” She said walking forward and placing a leaf of paper and pen down in front of him.
“Well ma’am I would love to talk to my parents also. But seeing as that isn’t possible, that I’ve already read this chapter, and seem to understand this better then you I don’t see a problem with me being slightly distracted.” Stephen said.
Miss Baker’s jaw dropped and it took everything I had to keep a straight face. I had been waiting since I met her to tell her off like that, but I never thought she was worth the trouble it would cause.
“Excuse you Mr. Morrow?” She asked after getting over the shock of what he said.
“I said that I AM distracted from your excuse for teaching but it’s not anything I haven’t already studied on my own time. Because I know what’s going on already I don’t see a need to pretend to hang on your every word.” He said slowly, as if that was the only way she could comprehend what he said.
“Would you like to spend the rest of the hour in the office?”
“I’d rather sit here and continue to ignore you but if that makes you so attention deprived the office does sound more appealing. Because they rarely make a big deal out of nothing.” He said then added, “Well, rarely compared to you.”
Then Stephen stood up, kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. He stopper at the door and said, “by the way, Rein isn’t pretty. She is exquisite.” I was shocked as I stared after him. I just watched like everyone else in the class. Then when he was out, after a moment of silence, the class erupted into applause. I just sat there still shocked.
The class calmed down just in time for the bell to ring. Everyone rushed out whispering excitedly about what just happened. My day had just gotten a lot longer. I was ready to just go home and go to sleep but I still had two more hours and a date before I can finish my day.
My Cardio class went by relatively quickly. This was a shame, because I didn’t have anyone to put up with in that class. There had been a few whispers and glances in my direction but people didn’t have too much of a chance to talk.
“Are you alright?” Adrian asked pulling me into his arms.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked trying to hide my fear that he knew my secret too.
“Well I heard Morrow made you center of attention again, but this time with a larger audience. You like to hide your beauty.” He said nuzzling me.
“I’m on the lower end of average on looks. And I’m fine.” I said, trying to back away.
“That’s an understatement. Actually understatement isn’t the right word. That’s completely wrong.” A voice said from behind us.
“What is?” I asked, turning in Adrian’s arms to face Stephen.
“That your looks are only on the lower end of average. I wasn’t lying earlier when I called you exquisite.” Stephen said stepping close to me so I was pressed between Adrian and him.
“Back off Morrow.” Adrian hissed.
“It’s not my fault that you passed up your chance Carter.” Stephen said.
“That’s why I’m the one who has a date with her tonight, right?” Adrian said pulling me behind his back. “She chose me to take her out and bailed on you and turned you down. She picked me over you.”
“Excuse me” I said.
“She hasn’t made her choice yet. And you better be careful, your jackass is showing.” Stephen growled now towering over Adrian.
“You better be careful, your desperation is showing. What’s your plan to try and knock me out then lay her down right here in front of everyone. Would you really embarrass her like that? Or do you plan on taking her to a supply closet to rape her that’s a little better right? No one will see her. Is that you showing her respect or being greedy? Probably the latter because if you were going to hide her to show her respect you would take her some place classier and more comfortable. Like the back seat of your car, maybe hers.” Adrian taunted as he looked up the inch maybe two at Stephen.
“You have no idea how much I want to turn you into a bloody corpse. But I respect her too much to make her watch something like that. You’re also not worth it. But I think you should get your hands off of her.” Stephen said refusing to back down.
“Boys!” I said. I forced myself between the two steaming boys. Their attitudes were going to send me straight back to the monsters that have haunted my dreams for two years. “What about what I think?” I asked, finally drawing their attention to me.