
Chapther 12

“What do you want?” Stephen asked grabbing my hand. He looked at me so protectively, like he would do anything to keep me safe. Maybe that’s why he was taking an interest. So he could protect me.
“I want everyone to stop fighting. I want people to put the past and their differences aside and just stop fucking fighting.” I said.
“We aren’t doing this to upset you. I just don’t want to lose you to him.” Adrian said pulling me from Stephen’s grasps.
“Well I’m not a shiny new toy, I’m not a prize, and I’m not a charity case. And you two are fighting like I don’t exist. I’m right here. I’m human. And I’ve lost interest.” I said turning and sitting next to Chris.
“Rein I never meant to make you feel like you didn’t have a say. I thought I was protecting you.” Stephen said softly.
“I don’t want protection I want to be able to trust you to tell me everything. I want to be able to relax and have nothing to worry about.” I said, refusing to look at him.
“I’m sorry…” He said, cupping my face in his hands.
“Get away from her.” Chris snapped finally. He stood up and towered over Stephen’s crouching form.
“Back off I’m doing everything I can for her.” Stephen said.
“Like you did two years ago?” Chris snapped.
“Stop this. Now!” I said loudly. “I obviously don’t want people to know about any of that.” I said quieting my voice to where it was barely a whisper. “We will talk about this but not here and not now.” This part was directed at Stephen.
“You aren’t talking to him again.” Chris said.
“You are not dad and you have no control over me.” I said.
“When did you want to talk?” Stephen asked interrupting whatever Chris was about to say.
“I’ll call you.” I said turning to face the board as the teacher walked in.
“Mr. Morrow, Mr. Carter take a seat.” Mr. Scott said without sparing them a second glance.
Adrian took the open seat next to me and Stephen sat behind me. The class was awkward. Adrian kept shooting me worried glances and I could feel Stephen’s eyes on my back. I doubt either of them paid any attention to the class.
Finally the bell rang and I once again was more than ready to leave. I piled up my books and everything I’d need for the weekend.
“Hey Rein?”
“Yeah?” I asked, turning with my stuff to find that Adrian and I were the last in the room. Even the teacher had already left. I did notice in my sweeping glance that Stephen was just outside the door.
“How pissed are you at me?”
“I’m not happy with you.” I said shortly heading in the direction of the door.
“Wait,” He said. I stopped and turned to look at him, eyebrows raised. He walked up to me and caressed my face with one hand. “Are you still willing to go out with me tonight? I didn’t mean to upset you and I’m really sorry. I’ll bite my tong when Morrow is around from now on if that will make you happy. So will you please still go out with me tonight?” He said, obviously nervous.
“Where were you planning on taking me?”
“L'Atelier Saint-Germain de Joël Robuchon” He smirked.
“But that’s all the way in Vegas.”
“It’s only a three hour drive. And you can sleep on the way back. I promise I won’t do anything.” He said.
I raised my eyebrows. Then I sigh and said, “What time are the reservations for?”
He smiled widely and said, “8:30”
“So how long till you pick me up?”
“I’ll be outside your door at 5:00”
“Okay,” I said, trying to turn away.
He caught my face with the hand that still caressed it and turned me to face him. “I’ll see you soon.” He said leaning forward and gently brushing his lips against mine.
Then he walked away from me and out the door. I turned slightly shocked at what just happened. I began to slowly walk towards my locker. No more then I exited the door of the class Stephen pulled me to the side.
“Hey, I was thinking, and why don’t you just come over tonight? After your date.” He asked.
“I won’t be getting back till after midnight. I wouldn’t want to wake up Liv or you.” I said thinking it would be a very rude thing to do.
“I’ll still be up. I have to work tonight anyway. I probably won’t even get a chance to sleep and it would be so much more pleasant with you there. And this way if Liv has a nightmare she won’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“You make her sleep on the couch when she has a nightmare?” I asked. I was shocked he had seemed like such a grate guardian.
“Only if it’s a night I’m designing on a near deadline. Because I have to finish and I only design on the desktop because that’s where all the programs are. If I didn’t have to I wouldn’t. Besides I might need a females help with Liv soon. She is reaching that age and…” He trailed off his face twisting into a grimace.
I laughed as realization hit. “Did she start her period?” I asked and he winced at that.
“I don’t think so but I really don’t want to explain that kind of thing with my baby sister. Besides when that starts isn’t it time for the talk or something? That would just end up being me telling her there is an evil thing called sex that she is never allowed to do.”
I laughed again. Was he serious? “So you want some girl she just met to tell her she will one day bleed out of her va…”
“Ahhh I don’t want to hear that.” He cut me off. “And you don’t have to tell her right away, but get her to trust you so when the time comes she doesn’t, you know, freak.”
I laughed again at the embarrassed look on his face. “So will you? Please?” He asked.
“Sure, but I have to go.” I said, turning to step away.
“Hey Rein,” he said catching my arm.
“I’m looking forward to seeing you later.” He said pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately.
Before I knew it I was pressed up against the wall and my body was molded against his. His hands were on my waist and mine were in his hair. He bit my lip and I allowed him to deepen the kiss. Electricity shot through me as we kissed.
He pulled away for a quick breather. “I said I have to go.” I said and turned walking away slipping out of his grasp. And I headed to my locker before finally heading home.