
Chapter 13

“Hey Summer, I need your help.” I said, walking into my sister’s room.
“With what?” she asked hope gleaming in her eyes.
“I have a date tonight at L'Atelier Saint-Germain de Joël Robuchon.” I said and her eyes went wide.
“With who?” She asked.
“Adrian” I said looking down.
“Aww you two will be so cute together.” She all but screeched.
“Well if I show up looking like this then…” I trailed off not wanting to say then I’ll disappoint them both. I knew Stephen expected me over as soon as I could get there.
“Are you seriously asking me to help you get ready?” She asked.
I just nodded and she squealed. She grabbed my arm and quickly dragged me into her room.
“Okay I’ve been waiting for you to let me make you over forever.” She said pushing me towards the bed as she rushed into her closet. “Now you need to go in my bathroom, take a shower, use the pink bottles, and then put this robe on and come back out here.” She said rushing out of her closet and throwing a deep red silk robe at me as well as a large fluffy red robe. “Leave the silk one on the bed.” I nodded.
I walked into the bathroom and looked around as I stripped. My sister’s bathroom was large like the rest of ours, but she had chosen a fuchsia color to accent the lavender paint. She used a white stone for her tiling. All in all her bathroom was pretty and extremely feminine.
I sigh as I turned on the water and stepped into the shower. I let the water run over me and caress my body. The soft touch made my eyes close as I drifted back to Stephen’s cabin.
The memory of his callused rough hands sliding all across my body caused my skin to tingle like it had last night. The more I thought of it the more I missed the touch. I just hoped that it meant more than I was just horny.
I quickly finished the shower not sure how long it would take for Summer to get me ready. I turned off the water and pulled a towel around myself. I quickly dried my skin and put my hair up in the towel before pulling the robe around myself. I then walked into the doom my sister had waiting for me.
It was about 5:20 when Summer finally let me free. My hair was half up in an intricate twisting bun, my face held more makeup then I had ever worn in my life-not that that was saying much-and my feet were clad in 6” metallic stilettos.
I looked down the stairwell and saw Adrian staring up at me. His eyes slid over my face, slowed as they traced the sweetheart neckline of my strapless red gown. I watched his eyes move hungrily over the curves I didn’t even know I had until I put the dress on. I had only glanced at myself in the mirror but I had to admit I had liked the glance. Adrian captured my attention again when his eyes went wide at the sight of my bare legs. The dress only went to about my mid-thigh.
“You look great.” He said, as his eyes slowly made their way back to my face.
“Thanks,” I said a deep blush crossing my face as I descended the stairs. I felt slightly over dressed when I took in Adrian’s appearance. Though he was wearing dress pants and a proper dinner jacket he merely wore a collared white polo underneath. His dark chocolate hair waved slightly as it barely framed his face. His high cheekbones and strong jaw were the most dominate features with his hair style. Well that and his eyes that seemed to almost glow through his hair, not that it covered them but it could if his hair was left untamed.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked as he rested a hand on the small of my back.
I nodded and slightly leaned into him to see how it would feel. In all honesty it was kind of awkward. I felt like I was too wide to fit there. It was nothing like when Stephen had held me last night.
I closed my eyes and mentally slapped myself for comparing Adrian and Stephen. They weren’t the same person and I shouldn’t expect things to be the same. But then, what should I expect?
“Are you alright?” Adrian asked as he opened the car door for me and helped me into my seat. I hadn’t even noticed we had left the house.
“Yeah, sorry I was just lost in thought.”
“It’s fine. It’s nice to know that you have brains as well as beauty.” He said kissing my hand before shutting my door and heading over to the driver’s side.
“You really look amazing.” He said as we pulled out of my drive way.
“Thank you, you look really nice also.” I said. It wasn’t like I was really uncomfortable, I was used to hanging out with Adrian, but this wasn’t how we normally hung out.
“Is this too awkward for you?” He asked after a prolonged silence.
“It’s just a little strange, but I promised you I’d give it a shot. It won’t kill us to try.” I said sending him a warm smile.
He beamed back at me and took my hand. He brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss to it before resting both hands between us while they were still intertwined. “It means a lot to me that you are willing to try. I’ve liked you for a while now.” He said.
“Oh,” I said. I wasn’t sure about how I was supposed to respond.
“Sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable. I’m just nervous.” He said.
“Why are you nervous?” I asked, grasping for any means of conversation.
“Because I don’t want to mess things up with you. You could have anyone and you’re here with me now. I don’t want to lose that.” I said.
“Yeah, I have a line more than a mile long of men showing interest.” I said sarcastically.
“You have Morrow’s interest.” He said distain in his voice.
“He asked me to cancel on you tonight.” I admitted. He had the right to know that when it came to competition he had some.
“Does you coming with me mean that I’m the one you are choosing?”
“I haven’t made my mind up yet.” I admitted.
“Okay.” He said. The car then fell into an awkward silence.