
Chapter 2

"Chris we have school, so get up!" I said walking into my twins room.
There were two people in the room. Adrian was on the bed and Chris was on the floor. Last night Chris had invited Adrian over to tell him that I'd go out with him.
This caused Adrian to follow me around all night like a lost puppy dog. Clearly this guy didn't know what "back off" meant.
"Chris" I said again, this time kicking my brother, "Get up or I'll drench you you in ice cold water."
"Mom woud kill you," Chris mumbled from the floor.
"Mom only cares if you are on the bed." I replied.
"Let me sleep!"
"Mom will kill us both if you miss." I said, sitting at the edge of Chris's bed; away from Adrian.
"Say I'm sick."
"We have a test today in history, she wont fall for it."
"Come on Rein break the rules once, and let me sleep." Chris whined.
"Yeah Rein, let your brother sleep." Adrian said now sitting behind me with his legs wrapped around my waist. His hands rubbed up and down my arms after moving my long blond hair from the left side of my neck.
"If you two want a ride you better be ready when I want to leave." I said.
"So let's be a little late?" Adrian said, kissing my neck.
"I'm going to go get ready for school. You two have about twenty minutes." I said, standing up.
Adrian grabbed my wrist, I looked at him with raised eyebrows. He smiled at me and pulled me closer.
"Don't I at least get a kiss good morning?" He asked.
"Yeah, if we turn serious, which we are not right now so for now no." I said smiling back and then turning away.
His grip tightened on my wrist and he pulled me back. "I'm not letting go until you kiss me."
"Is that a threat?"
"No babe that's a promise."
I raised my eyebrows and leaned in. I left a few milimeters between our lips for a few seconds then I moved to his cheek and kissed it. I then moved my lips to his ear and whispered "time to let go", before pulling my hand away from him and strutting from the room.
Adrian sat with me in the front seat on the way to school that morning, which didn't attract much attention. He had a test to make up this morning so he had to rush off right away. No one noticed anything different until lunch.
I was sitting in the corner of the lunch room writting poetry, like I do almost every day, and someone sat down next to me. I glanced up for a second and met a pair of gray eyes, surrounded by pale skin and light brown hair.
"Hello Aiden" I said writting.
"So Adrian told me the good news." He said smiling at me.
"That we have a date Friday?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"That you two are a couple" Aiden said.
"No you see he had my brother talk to me so I'd go out with him this Friday. That is all that has happened."
"Well we all know Adrian. After the date you'll be smitten as a kitten."
"Are you taking a ryming class or something?"
"Poetry and it counts for creative arts."
"That would explain it and obviously we all know that I don't become "smitten" very easly" I said.
"Well I guess it'll be a fight to the end then."
"Why are you invading my personal tme?"
"Your boyfriend and brother have a different lunch and wanted me to keep you safe."
"Safe from who? I sit in a corner alone everday and I don't mind it. What is the worst that can happen?"
"You just jinxed yourself."
"You just asked what could go wrong. That screams trouble."
"Good-bye Aiden" I said standing up to go to the bathroom, hopefully Aiden would be gone when I got back. Then I ran strait into a hard muscular chest.
"I'm sorry" was my knee-jerk reaction. I then looked up into the toned face of Stephen.
"You're fine, it was my fault." he said catching me at the waist to steady me.
I didn't know what to say so I just stood there. Stephen did the same, with his hands still on my waist.
After a few seconds of strained silence I said, "Um... excuse me" then I attempted to walk past him, but his grip on my waist tightened.
I raised my eyebrows at him. "I'm Stephen" He responded.
"Rein"I said.
"I are you really dating that Adrian guy?"
"I have a date with him this Friday, but that is it." I said with a sigh.
"So you're not interested in him?"
"To be honest I don't know. I've never given him much thought." I said.
"So is there someone you've given thought to?" He asked.
The bell rang then and I really needed to go to the bathroom.
"I'm really sorry, but I've got to go." I said pulling away and rushing to the nearest bathroom.
I made it to class just in time. I slid into my seat silently. The teacher started to drone on and write random stuff on the bored. Suddenly the seats next to me on either side were filled.
I looked to either side trying to figure out what was going on. To my right was Stephen and to my left was Xavier.
"Am I about to be mugged?" I mummbled sarcastically.
"Only if you want to be." Stephen said.
"or if you keep avoiding the questions you are asked." Xavier asked.
"What is this a mob attack?"
"Stop asking questions" Xavier said.
"Learn some manners."
"Well I can tell you two wont be getting along."
"I don't like being told what to do."
"Obviously, I've never had a girl tell me off before."
"Then it's about time it happened." Stephen mumbled.
"What you tired of getting shot down."
"Will you two just shut up? I am trying to pretend to pay attention." I mumbled staring blindly ahead.
"Stephen I aprove." Xavier said.
I turnned looking at both guys in turn with my eyebrows raised. I turned first to Xavier who only shrugged. Then I turned my quizical expression on Stephen.
Stephen leaned in and whispered in my ear, "You'll see." As he pulled away he stopped for a second and kissed my cheek.
The bell rang then and I stood up and left, not letting what had just happened register till I was well out of sight. When I got to my Cardio class I let the blush finally show itself as I thought about what just happened.
Was Stephen high? Had he been drinking? Was he messing with me? Was this all for a bet? Does he have feelings for me? Was he trying to piss off my brother?
Should I tell my brother what had happened? No, I might not know what the reason was behind what just went down, but if I told Chris then there would be a fight. I didn't want to cause a fight. I wasn't worth it.
I quickly changed into my Cardio outfit and walked to the class. We followed a workout video and then cooled down then I headed off to my Adv. trig. class. My last class of the day, which I just so happened to have with Chris, Adrian, and Stephen. Joy (note the sarcasm).
I walked into class and took a seat next to Adrian. This left the last open seat in the class to my left. Then Stehen walked in and filled the seat. Adrian and Chris glared at Stephen who only sat there watching me. This was going to be a long class.