
Chapter 4

"Boys! Stop! Why are you fighting? Will you please stop!" I yelled watching Adrian and Stephen try and rip each other’s throats out.
Then Stephen threw a strong punch that hit the side of Adrian's head and knocked him out. I looked in horror at my surroundings. Adrian was a bloody heap on the ground and Stephen was panting looking at me.
Next thing I knew Stephen had me in his arms and was holding me close to him. I had no idea what was going on, but he just knocked Adrian out in front of me and I didn't want to piss him off. He hugged me tight and I let him just standing there tense and slightly afraid.
"What's wrong?" He asked in a soft voice looking at me with his ocean colored eyes.
"Nothing" I squeaked.
"Don't worry Rein he won’t be able to hurt you. I won't let him."
"He tried to hurt me?" I asked, trying to remember.
"I came in when I heard you scream. He had you pinned to the bed." Stephen said nodding behind me I turned to see my bed and my eyes widened in horror. "Don't worry you're safe." Stephen whispered, he then kissed my forehead.
I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. I was confused. I didn't know what was happening, and then I felt him pick me up and he sat me on the bed. He then turned and threw Adrian's body from the room.
He then turned around and said, "If you need me just call me." He turned back to the door and started to head out.
"Stephen, wait!" I said and he stopped and turned to look at me. "You really did save me?" he nodded. "Then will you stay with me?" I asked, scared.
He smiled and came over to the edge of my bed. "Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded and pulled the covers back and patted the spot next to me. He kicked off his shoes and looked at me. "Do you mind if I take my shirt off?"
"If that's what you want to do." I said.
He slowly pulled his shirt over his head and I got a good look at the strong well-muscled chest. He slid into the bed next to me and I rested my head on his strong chest. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. I traced shapes on his perfect abs and closed my eyes.
"Rein?" Stephen asked.
"You're okay right? He didn't hurt you before I got here?"
I looked up and saw worry in his eyes. "I'm fine" I said. Then I reached up and placed my lips on his.
I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat. I sigh when I realized everything had been a dream. I didn't know what had gotten into me. What did my dream mean?
I lay back down and closed my eyes. Then an arm wrapped around my waist and I turned around facing the intruder.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yelled slapping Stephen's sleeping form.
His eyes opened and he smiled at me. "Hi there, Beautiful." He said tightening his arm around my waist.
"Why are you here in my bed?" I asked.
"I came in through the window in hopes of finding a day that you are free and you patted the bed next to you. I assumed you were awake and wanted me to lie down." He said.
"You are shirtless why?"
"I asked if you were okay with it you said if I wanted to." I flashed back to the dream I just had and realized it wasn't all a dream. "You didn't seem to mind when you were rubbing my abs."
"I was asleep; you can't count any of it." I mumbled. I was suddenly happy we were in a dark room where he couldn't see the blush spreading across my face.
"You look cute when you blush." Stephen commented running a finger across my burning cheek.
"How could you see that?"
"The light is behind me so I can see your beautiful face but you can't see much of me."
"Well that's not fair." I pouted.
His arms tightened around me and he rolled us so I was lying on my back and he was hovering over me. Now I could see half of his face. He was smirking and he leaned down. "I really like this position" He whispered in my ear.
"Will you please get off of me?" I whispered, bright red.
He smiled and rolled again. This time I was on top and he positioned me so I was straddling his waist and lying on his chest. "This better?" He asked.
"I'd rather not be in any sort of compromising positions." I said still blushing like crazy.
"Why not?" He asked caressing my cheek, scattering my thoughts as I felt his warm breath against my lips.
"I-I... there isn't any real reason to be in one."
"Rein? Are you nervous?" He whispered his lips only millimeters from mine.
"No, I'm just not sure that I shouldn't be calling the police right now. You did break in through my window."
"So I could talk to you. You weren't picking up your phone I got worried."
"There wasn't cause for concern and no indication of foul play. You had no right."
"Shhh, I promise I didn't hurt you." He whispered.
"You need to get out, please." I said standing up and walking over to my desk.
"Please go, or I'll go get my brother."
"Sleep well, Rein. Please text me when you wake up for the day." He said.
I turned around to check the time and to yell at him, but he was already gone. Distracted from the time, I looked out the window and saw taillights as a car drove away. I then looked to the clock. It was only 3:00 am. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle school and work on only two hours of sleep so I slid back under the covers and slipped into a calm sleep.
The next morning I didn't remember anything from the night before. All I knew was I was that I hadn't gotten near enough sleep. When I checked my phone after my morning shower I had five missed calls from Stephen. Well that was strange. Oh well, he can wait till I get to school.
"Chris, you better be ready I'm running late as it is." I said walking into Chris's room again.
For the first time in our eighteen years of life Chris was up and ready without a huge fight. He was sitting on his bed watching the floor. He had on a simple black tee-shirt and blue jeans. He looked like something was eating at him. I raised an eyebrow in concern as my brother looked up.
He patted the spot next to him in the bed and I sat down. He looked at me and I saw a ghost in his eye, now I'm really worried.
"Chris what is it?"
"Why was Stephen here last night?" He asked looking me in the eye.