
Chapter 5

"Who was here?" I asked with no clue what he was talking about.
"Don't play games Rein! I saw him pull out of the drive way at three this morning!"
"Chris, I'm not playing games. I truly don't remember" I said.
"How often do you talk to him?"
"Um I talked to him the first time yesterday. I bumped into him at lunch, then in my next class, then at work. He came in right before we closed." I said.
"Is that all you have ever talked to him?" He asked.
No I text him too...and dream about him...crap was he here last night? "Yeah, Chris, that's all I have ever talked to him."
"Then why was he in our driveway at three in the morning?"
"I don't know maybe he took a wrong turn and was turning around?"
"At three in the morning?"
"I drive around sometimes when I can’t sleep at night."
Chris sigh and looked at me, "Rein promise me you'll be careful. I don't trust him, and it’s not because he plays soccer. Just promise me that if he tries anything you'll tell me okay?"
"I promise, but why is it you don't trust him?"
"I'll tell you later, we are going to be late if we don't leave soon." He said standing up.
We got up and left for school. I walked to class half asleep. It was official I was skipping lunch to sleep. That would leave me with only an hour after school to eat but that was plenty of time. I don't eat much with all the time that I work.
I slid into my seat sitting up straight, like always. Even when I'm tired I’m pretty good at keeping up pretenses. I was the perfect student and falling asleep in class would not look good and I would feel really guilty for undermining the teacher by so much as resting my head on the table.
I got out all my homework that was organized and made sure it was in the correct order. I had been running low on time lately. I pulled out my notebook and pen and awaited today’s English task.
"Okay class, this week and next you are to get to know someone well enough to describe then on paper to the class. Not their looks only, though that is to be included, but what they are truly like. I have assigned partners based on grades. Those with high grades will be paired with other people with high grades. This way I know you will both work and those with low grades will be paired with those who also have low grades. This way maybe at least one of you will work hard enough to keep up with the more advanced students." The teacher, Mrs. Morris, said.
There was a chorus of disagreeing sounds from much of the class, but Mrs. Morris held up her hand and everyone was quiet. This kind of thing was out of character for her. She was normally the fun teacher that every student loved, but every now and again she would throw things like this at us. My guess was that it was to test us, and I was fine with that. We all needed to learn to work with others and to help one another and that's what her tests were truly about.
"Mr. Martin and Ms. Johnson, partners. Mr. Morrow and Ms. Rivera, partners. Mr. Simon and Ms. Peppey, partners..." Mrs. Morris continued to name off partners.
I looked around and saw Stephen in the back corner of the class a conceded smirk on his face. When he saw that I was looking at him he waved me over. As everyone was now getting with their partners I got up and walked over to him.
"Why didn't you text me this morning?" He asked no more then I sat down.
"Um... I didn't know I was supposed to." I said. "I saw that you had called me last night but there was no message that said to text you."
"I told you when I was over last night."
"Do you seriously not remember?"
"I don't remember much of anything when I'm tired." I said.
"Oh well, you agreed to have lunch with me today." He said smirking.
"Well, I'm sorry but I'm going to have cancel." I said, feeling bad but I really needed more sleep before work.
"What? Why?" He asked looking hurt.
"I'm going to the library to sleep during lunch. This way I have the energy to make it through work."
"Why not just call off?"
"I need the money. I have a car payment due."
"Why not ask for help?"
"Because I'm not one to ask for help with anything."
"Why is it no one talks to you then? I mean other than your brother and his friends, I never really see people talk to you."
"I think the guys don't really talk to me 'cause they are afraid of getting on the bad side of the wrestlers. The girls I think are just upset that I can pull off the grades I do, that I have rich parents, and I'm the only one to be close with all the wrestlers."
"So fear and jealousy? Isn't that a little cliché?"
"Oh well, I read when I get a little free time so maybe it’s making me paranoid."
"Actually I think you are right. That doesn't mean it isn't cliché, though."
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway we need to write this report on one another. So we need to learn about each other."
"I'm learning a lot about you. You are a work-a-holic, you don't remember things when you're tired, you are living a cliché. Then I just have to spice it up and add in how beautiful you are, and I could write my report, but this is one assignment I don't want to half ass."
"Well I still need to learn about you too."
"Well when can you do that? All you do is work."
"Saturday, if you come over around one then we can work till four. Then I have to leave for work."
"Looks like I'm getting that date after all."
"No it is not a date."
"So you don’t want to date me?" He asked looking upset from the obvious rejection.
"I don't know you and you don't know me."
"That will soon change, but just for kicks and giggles, for what you know of me now what do you think?"
"I think you are a cocky, egotistical, unique guy. You are full of yourself and you have amazing ocean colored eyes. You are attractive physically, but I don't know enough of you to date you." I said. "Your turn?"
"I think you are beautiful. You physically attract me to no end. I don't know much about you, but I think if you would give me a chance I could learn everything there is to know about you. You are unique, smart, and almost to the point of addicting." He said.
After he said this I noticed the whole class was quiet and upon looking around they were all watching us. I turned crimson and looked down. Then the bell rang and I escaped.
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Thank you toeverone who is readng this. I really hope you have enjoyd it so far. This is a rough draft, a very detailed outline if you will. I would love feed back on what you think of the charactrs and the baics of the story line. Also I'm adding a summery I'm sorry hadn't realized that I didn't add one.