
Chapter 7

"What the hell were you thinking?" Chris asked. I shrugged as I was driving.
"You are supposed to be with me." cried Adrian from the back seat.
"We have a date we are not dating Adrian. Comments like that may attract the slutty bottle blond bimbos that you play with, but I'm going to tell you straight up that it is pissing me off. So knock it off!" I hissed.
"Why did you to agree to go on the date with me if you don't want to tell people we are dating?"
"There is a difference between having a date and dating! I agreed to a date not a relationship." I said.
"Why wouldn't you kiss me the other morning but you were willing to make out with Morrow?"
"'Cause he had me trapped and that was the only way he would let me walk away. If I would have said something there would have been a fight. I wasn't in the mood to put up with a fight so I kissed him." I said pulling into my drive way. "Get out I have to leave or I'll be late." I said.
They both got out of the car willingly and started to head for the house. Chris turned back and looked at me. I rolled down the window and he said, "We will talk about this when you get home." before he entered the house.
I sigh as I pulled out of the driveway and down the road. I was soon pulling into the parking lot of the Library. I quickly grabbed my badge and rushed through the front doors.
"Rein, you are late?" Carlos asked. Summer hadn't been wrong when she had called Carlos hot. He was tall and lean. He was tanned slightly. He had shaggy light brown hair and hazel eyes that could make almost any girl swoon.
"Yeah sorry. There was a big thing after school that happened. I'm sorry."
"It's fine Rein just don't make a habit out of it." Carlos said smiling at me, showing white teeth.
I smiled and started returning abandoned books to their places on the shelves. I was soon finished with that and I sat down at the front desk and started reading.
"Um, excuse me." An all too familiar voice said.
"Yes, Stephen how may I help you." I asked looking up.
"I was wondering if you could help me find a book."
"What book did you have in mind?"
"Which ever book is your favorite." He said smirking.
"Well," I said walking around the desk. "I love a lot of books."
"If you had to pick one?"
"This one" I said pulling a small, tattered, paperback book from its place on the shelf.
"Garden Guardians? I've never heard of it."
"You probably haven't. It's not very popular, but it has a good plot and relatable characters."
"I pictured you for more of the super thick, long, romantic, novel type."
"I like those too, but this book is unique and well written."
He nodded and we went back to the counter for him to check out the book I had recomended. He then sat down on one of the couches to start reading it.
There were a few more customers through the day and Stephen checked out two more of my favorite books this time without asking for help. He actually picked them out on his own and I had to admit that I was impressed.
He sat down and was switching from book to book, reading a few pages of each before switching books. I was shocked, because I thought I was the only one who read like that. I would get bored with how easy reading one book at a time was so I would do what Stephen was doing, except I was up to four books.
Before long it was closing time and I still hadn't eaten today. It was about eleven and Stephen was still sitting at one of the reading tables and he looked ready to pass out.
"Hey, Stephen." I said.
"Finally you're the one starting the conversations." He said smirking.
"It's time to close up the Library." I said, ignoring his comment.
"Have you eaten anything today?" He asked randomly.
"Well you skipped lunch and you didn't have time to eat between here and school, so are you hungry?"
"I'll be fine. One day without eating won’t kill me."
"But it's not right, or healthy. Come on, I'll take you out to eat."
"No really, I'm fine."
"Please? I wouldn't feel right letting you go around without anything in your stomach." He practically begged.
"I'll run by a fast food place on my way home or something."
"Please, it's not like anyone will see us at this hour."
"I have to go home."
"My brother wants to talk to me about all the drama in the hall way earlier."
"Do you really want to put up with that?"
"No, but I want to get it done and over with."
"If you wait a little longer maybe he will fall asleep."
"No he won’t. He is pissed."
"Please?" He asked again grabbing my hand.
"I guess, but just something quick."
He smiled up at me. "But you have to also give me time to lock up."
"I have it tonight Rein." Carlos said.
I turned and gave Carlos a you had to say that? look. He met my eyes with a go have fun look. I shot him a glare as Stephen drug me out of the Library and into the parking lot.
"Hop in," He said opening the passenger door to his car.
"What about my car?"
"I'll bring you back to get it after. This way I can make sure you won’t run out on me and that you eat."
I sigh and slid into the car pouting. Stephen shut my door and walked around the car watching me the whole time like he was afraid I'd make a break for it. He slid into the driver seat and smiled at me as he started the car and we started on our way.
"How was your day?" asked Stephen.
I laughed, I mean really? He is practically kidnapping me and he is trying to make small talk. He either needed to do more reading, or watch more movies. He should have at least done some research.
"What is so funny?" he asked looking slightly hurt.
"You are practically kidnapping me just so you know that I have eaten, and you are trying to make small talk?"
"I'm not kidnapping you I'm insuring that you get at least some of the nutrition your body needs."
"Sure, you wanted to go on a date with me so bad you were willing to admit that it is not a date just so you could get a glimpse of what a date with me would be like."
"Someone is feeling extra full of themself this evening." Stephen said, smirking at me as he pulled off the main road.
"Always," I said then I noticed he was driving down some winding dirt road in the middle of nowhere. "Um.. Stephen, where are we going?"
"I'm taking you so you can get food."
"Where at jack the ripper’s house?"
"No I'm taking you to my house."
"You live way out in the middle of nowhere?"
"I wouldn't say that." Stephen said pulling up to a large log cabin.
"Then what would you call this? We are away from all of civilization, where no one can hear my screams if you try to kill me or rape me or something."
"You think I would rape you?"
"First of all I said try, and second I believe I said something about murder too."
"Sorry, I was thinking more along the lines of not rape but maybe some sex."
"Keep dreaming Morrow." I said as he walked up to me and grabbing my hand and walking me up to his home.
"Then I hope you don't mind me doing this." He said leaning down and brushing his lips against mine.
I was shocked and he smiled after he pulled away and then he lead me into a small stone kitchen. The floor and exterior wall were made out of stone and there was a stone-like pattern on the counter tops. The rest of the decor was a fresh pine look. The refrigerator stood out with its modern sleek silver look. Plus it was huge! Like twice the size of a normal fridge.
"This is so cute!" I said looking around.
"I'm glad you like it?"
"Wait what will your parents think about you bringing a girl home at almost midnight?"
"My parents passed away about a year ago." said Stephen, his voice growing husky and he looked down.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know." I said tilting his head up so he would look at me.
"I'll survive" He said.
"I really am sorry." I whispered and placed a light kiss on his lips. I went to pull away but he followed me not letting my lips leave his.