
Chapter 8

“Stephen, I can’t…” I said pulling away.
“Why not?” he asked.
“I have to get home sometime soon. Chris is probably having an aneurism.”
“Chris is my brother and you two will have to start getting along if you want there to be a chance at there being an ‘us’” I said as he kissed my forehead.
“What if he doesn’t want to play nice?”
“I’ll talk to him too, but you have to put in an effort also. I know how my brother is and that is something I will take care of. But if you truly want to try this then you have to prove to me that you’re in it to stay. You have to prove to me that I’m not just another fling.” I said.
“Anything you want just ask.”
“The only thing I am asking for is commitment and understanding.”
“So does that mean you are giving me a chance?”
“No, I’ll let you know Saturday.”
“Why not today? Or tomorrow for that matter?”
“Because I have a date with Adrian tomorrow,”
“You are still going on that? After all this?”
“I made a commitment. I promised him one date and I don’t have to go on a second one. I am willing to give people a chance.”
“Adrian has had years to ask for his chance it’s my turn to try.” He said wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Ste…” I started only to be cut off by his lips on mine. I was backed up against the counter and he was pressed up against me.
“I have to leave soon.” I said a minute later, when I was free again.
He sigh and looked for a sign of hesitation, he found none.
“The pizza should be almost done.” He said, taking a step back and walking toward the oven. He used a knife to lift the edge of the pizza and reveal the perfect gold underneath.
He pulled the beautiful pizza out of the oven. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until the smell of fresh dough and melted cheese hit my nose. My stomach growled.
Stephen looked up gave me a weird look. My stomach responded before I could. I looked down at my stomach and then back up at Stephen with a sheepish grin.
“I’m glad I had you come over. I don’t think you would survive that monster in your stomach all alone.” Stephen joked before turning to cut the pizza. He opened the cabinet and pulled down two plates.
“You know paper plates are less clean up.”
“They also cost more.” Stephen said.
“How do you afford all of this?” I asked looking around.
“The state plays for schooling and I design webpages for local companies. It pays enough to put food on the table.”
“You’re good with computers?” I asked, shocked.
“Good enough to have to pay taxes on the money I make.” He said smirking. “For the last three years.” He added.
“Three years?”
“Yep, the first year paid for my car the second year paid for the taxes of the first two years and this year has put food on the table and has enough set aside for taxes this year.”
“So, you learned from your mistakes.” I said. It wasn’t a question. Then I took a huge bite of pizza.
“Yeah,” he said. “I had to learn and I had to learn quick.”
“It must have been hard. I can’t imagine being all alone.” I said, covering my mouth as I chewed.
“I’m not alone.” He said.
“What do you mean you’re not alone?” I asked.
Just then, soft footsteps announced a new arrival. I looked up and saw the cutest little girl ever. She was probably about ten years old, with long blonde hair that waved all the way to her waist and unique teal eyes. Though her eyes were a different color than her brother’s they were just as mesmerizing.
“Rein, this is Olivia my little sister. Olivia, this is Rein.” Stephen introduced.
I swallowed quickly and looked at the little girl in her blue night gown. I smiled and set down the amazing pizza.
“Hi, Olivia.” I said.
“Hi, Stephen where were you?” she said.
“I was making sure that Rein got something to eat. She works really hard so I was trying to help her.” Stephen said.
“Why do you work so hard?” Olivia asked.
“I have what I need to survive, but I want to earn it. I don’t like it when people just give me things.”
“Why don’t you like presents?” Olivia asked.
“I don’t mind small presents, but when my parents wanted to buy me a brand new car, I thought it was too big of a present.”
“So you don’t like big presents?”
“Or expensive ones.”
“Don’t worry Liv; I’ll get her over her adversity to getting gifts.” Stephen said, stepping behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Stephen, is she your girlfriend?” Olivia asked, smiling at the two of us.
“No, I asked her to be but she said no.” Stephen said, pouting at his sister.
“Why? Do you not like my brother?” Olivia asked liking hurt.
“Your brother is a really nice guy, but…” I said, and then I twisted out of Stephen’s embrace. I walked up to Olivia and whispered, “I’m playing hard to get.” So only she could hear me.
“Why would you do that?” she asked smiling like she knew why I would do something like that.
“I do it ‘cause it is funny and because guys don’t talk to me a lot so I want to make sure that there is no joke going on.”
“My brother wouldn’t ask you out because of a joke. Why would anyone do that?”
“Guys do stupid things to impress their friends. I would know I have a brother too.” I said now talking at a normal volume again.
“Really?” She asked. “How old is he?”
“He is the same age as me. He is my twin.”
“So he looks like a girl?” Olivia asked.
“No, it’s complicated. All the girls love him, but he is really protective.”
“The same reason I like to protect you. And the same reason I’d also protect Rein.” Stephen butted in.
“Why is that?”
“Because I care about the both of you.” Stephen said.