Can't Finish What You Started

The Conversation

I woke up pretty early the next morning, which kind of sucked because I didn't have to work that day. I was on the floor, due to a rather petty arguement between Justin and me. I told him it really wouldn't be weird if we just shared my bed, but he couldn't be convinced so he crashed on the floor and I, ever-stubborn, took the floor space near him.

He was awake soon after me and now we could both laugh at our stupidity. (Although, I really missed the minutes I spent watching him sleep.) We thought we were the only ones awake at what was now 6:15 a.m., but we thought wrong.

We heard an odd agreement being made through the walls of this quiet apartment. "You know...what happened last night?" one wierded out voice said to another.

"Yeah, I can vaguely remember it," replied the other.

"I- I don't really know why-" the first voice stammered.

"Me either. It's like I was out of my mind or was someone else or something," the other interjected.

"Can't we just say-" the first voice began.

"It never happened," the other voice interrupted rather sternly.

"Yeah..." the first voice, more quietly, agreed.

We both looked at each other. "Did I just hear what I think I heard?" Justin asked, appearing to think there was a shred of humor hidden in that strange conversation we had just overheard.

Almost in a parental fashion I put a finger to my lips and shushed him. I didn't want Frank and Gerard to know we had heard. Gerard sounded so confused and perhaps afraid, and Frank definitely seemed freaked. I really didn't find it to be at all humorous, but that's Justin for you I guess.

Justin seemed to understand and went silent. I gave him a look that said, "don't let them find out about our accidental eavesdropping," and he nodded. I motioned toward the door. "C'mon, let's get off the floor," another message I conveyed silently.

We emerged from my room, nursing various sore limbs and spines, to find Frank and Gerard on opposite ends of the couch, a far cry from the close proximity they had previously inhabited. Both appeared lost in thought, with emphasis on the word "lost".

"Morning guys," I said, hoping there wouldn't be awkwardness.

"Morning," they mumbled in unison.

Justin pretended to be fascinated with my toaster. (I'm pretty sure he was pretending.)

Ray rose from the floor. "Good morning," he chimed in, stretching. Mikey was on the floor next to him, but wasn't awake yet.

Bob appeared somewhere behind me. (Where did this guy sleep?! The Bathroom?!) "Whoa, is everyone awake?"

"Not Mikey," I said, "but basically yeah."

"Rough night?" he asked.

Justin became more interested in my toaster as Frank grumbled an answer, "You have no idea."

"Breakfast?" I asked. Why we were all so borderline monosyllabic is beyond me.

"Toast?" Bob replied, eyeing Justin. Justin jumped, clearly hoping he wouldn't be spotted.

"I'm more of a cereal girl myself," I replied, coming to Justin's rescue. Then I added honestly, "but I could go for some toast and eggs actually." I looked at Justin, who loitered elsewhere now. He silently thanked me for the save.

"Bacon?" Ray asked.

"Not here. I'm a vegetarian," I answered, "Good news for you, huh, Frank?"

He looked up, startled, and nodded.

"I don't think he's awake yet," Ray said.

"Dude, what time is it?" Mikey asked suddenly, still half-asleep.

"6:31 a.m.," I answered.

"Toofuckingearly," he grumbled sleepily.

"Yeah, and I don't even go to work today. How fucked up is that?" I asked, as I busied myself fixing scrambled eggs. I just scrambled a bunch and figured whoever wanted them could help themselves. The others took care of toast in the background.

All awkwardness aside it was pretty sweet to hodge-podge breakfast with my heroes...

And the best part, yet oddly also worst part, was they were stuck with me all day.