Status: on pause

All She Ever Knew

Welcome To Germany

I was walking though the airport towards baggage claim. I was wearing my white and black Vldo Atlas high top sneakers a pair of baggy Camoufladged ufo pants and a black wife beater under a short fake leather jacket that ended right under my breast and three belts. my long black dreads where pulled back and out of my face so i didnt have to worry about them. but i was wearing dark big sunglasses for a reason.... i had been released from the hospital and then jumped straight on a plane..... not the best move but i had to get me and Duck Duck out of the country. our dad had found us.... Duck was un harmed but i wasnt.... i had a rather nasty black eye busted knuckles three broken ribs some rather nasty deep cuts along my side and the thick velvet band around my throat hid the ligature marks from where my father had tried to strangle me with some rope. i grabbed my bags along with Ducks things while he looked around. he was wearing his favorite pjs.... a grey and red jurassic park shirt with the bone trex on the front above the words Jurassic park and red pants with black tiger zebra stripes on them and his favorite shoes. he pulled free of me and took off running. i spun to look after him and smiled when i saw Gustav bending down to pick him up. Gustav held Duck on his hip as he walked over to me. I smiled and hugged him.
"Im so glad your safe now." Gustav said
"Im glad to be safe." i said. i was well aware of the pictures being snapped of the two of us. im pretty sure it looked rather scandlous to outsiders.... Gustav holding a small blonde haired boy who not only looked alot like me but alot like Gustav..... and me who looked very little like Gustav hugging on him obviously having something to do with the child.... and it being so late at night.... well early in the morning....
"Come on everyone is at the house waiting for you." Gustav said before kissing me on the forehead. i smiled up at him and nodded. i bent to get my things but Gustav handed me Duck and picked up the bags himself. Duck wrapped his legs around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.
"Gustav grab the blinket out of my bag please." i said he nodded and grabbed the small pikachu blinket out of my bag and drapped it over Duck who stuck his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes. we walked out of the airport and towards a waiting van. i put Duck in his seat before covering him back up again and climbing in myself. Gustav threw our things in the back and climbed in the drivers seat. we took off towards the house we would all be living in
"So tell me..... why the sunglasses at 3 in the morning" he asked me glancing at me
"I dont know what you mean Gustav." i said looking out the window. Gustav grabbed my hand and looked at my knuckles
"Well at least you got the bastard back." he huffed. i shrugged before i could do or say anything he ripped my sunglasses off. my eye wasnt swollen and shinny any more but the bruise was still there very plain for everyone to see.
"Start talking" i sighed and told gustav the whole story of how my dad found us. by the time i was finished we had pulled up to the house..... okay scratch that.... the mansion.... my jaw dropped when i saw how big the house was. the front pourch light was on and i saw Peace standing there looking worried. the second Gustav put the van in park she yelled something in the door and took off running i went to put my sunglasses back on but Gustav had hidden them from me. i glared at him and he just smiled. i climbed out of the car and braced myself for what was about to happen.... sure enough my friends who had been charging to me skidded to a stop.... well Peace and Tina did.... Tara ended up falling of the front steps because she stopped mid step....
"Hey!" i said smiling
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TIGER DREAM SMASHER RAVEN!!!!!!" peace yelled waking Duck Duck
"Shhhhhhh ill tell you in a minute first i need to get Duck Duck back in bed." i said glaring at my friend. she nodded and i walked inside.... Gustav lead me up a huge spiral stair case i noticed three strange boys standing and walking towards the main room but my back was to them.... i followed Gustav Duck was already starting to drift back to sleep. Gustav opened a door and i stepped inside... His room was decorated to look like a castle with fake fire lamps that actually put off light.... his bed was a four poster built into the wall with turrets and everything stuffed dragons and toy knights and other magical creatures where in the little cubbys on the turrets there was a huge play area in the shape of the dragon there was a slide that you came out of his mouth you could climb under his belly and have a secret cave and there was a reading nook under one of his wings.... it was amazing i smiled
"You didnt have to do all this Gustav." I said placing my baby brother on the Queen sized bed. i covered him up and put rexy in his arms before placing dragons and other mythical creatures around him.... so he would be shocked to see all the stuffed animals in the morning. i kissed the top of his head and straightned.....
"You ready for this?"
"You going to tell them the extent?"
"You going to tell them about the scars on your back?"
"What are you going to tell them."
"Im not sure yet." i said
"Just a though.... you might want to think fast because their going to have questions the second you get down there."
"Yeah i know." i said looking at my brother. for the first time that i could remember he looked peaceful as he slept .
I stood beside Peace a little worried.... Peace was normally just like her name sake.... peaceful.... not tonight.... she was pissed. her hands where on her hips and she glared up at the stairs waiting for the three people we had just seen to come back down.... i hadnt gotten to see the two new faces but from behind gustavs cousin looked pretty nice......a few minutes later we spotted Gustav walking down the hall way right behind him was the girl.... she was wearing three studded belts a short cropped fake leather jacket with studs and chains and spikes on it. black grey and white camoflauged pants a black wife beater and white and black sneakers. her long black dreads where pulled back from her face.... her profile was strong and graceful.... her nose was small perfectly straight and slightly pointed at the end her jaw line was perfecty sculpted to look femine and gentle and her perfect long graceful throat was decorated with a thick band of black velvet that she wore like a choker.... she had ample breast and ass and a nice flat middle.... she started down the stairs one hand on the railing.... i noticed her knuckles where raw cuts and bruises that looked half healed.... Gustav stepped away from her and we all got to see her face fully for the first time.... her stunning green eyes that didnt even look human.... the sheer beauty of her face...... was marred by the nasty half healed black eye that graced her left eye and most of the left side of her face.
"Tiger Dream Smasher Raven you had better have a damn good excuse for that shiner." Peace hissed Tiger smiled... i blinked.... her canines where way longer than normal and looked sharp.... like a vampire.... okay so she had an obbsession with vampires.
"I got in a bar fight" she said smiling. i saw gustav roll his eyes.
"Oh.... we did you kick the bitches ass." Peace said smiling now.
"Yep....." Tiger said.
"Nice but i see she got you."
"Yep she sure did..... her fist just bam...." Tiger said smiling i could tell this was awkward for her and that she was lying through her teeth.
"Guys this is my cousin Tiger. Tiger this is Georg Tom and Bill."
"Hey." She said shaking Georgs hand first... i could tell Georg was worried about hurting her then it was Toms turn. again the same thing.... finally it was my turn.... she was tiny.... not just in height but in weight.... i blinked at her a few times.... her strange green eyes held mine before she extended a hand... i wrapped my hand around hers amazed at the raw power i felt from her despite how gentle she was.... and how soft her skin was. i smiled and she smiled back.
"where is my lil duck duck." Tina said smiling as she appeared out of no where.
"Duck Duck is was a long flight and he didnt sleep a wink on the plane."
we where all sitting around talking.... we where all starting to get sleepy but Tiger was already passed out leaning against her cousins.... i found out that Peace and Gustav where cousins and Tiger was their cousin. Tigers head was resting against Peace's shoulder and her legs where in Gustav's lap. Gustav smiled at his cousin and moved her legs.
"I had better get her in bed."
"Put her in the bed with Duck Duck.... they are going to end up sleeping together the first few weeks.... until Duck gets used to his new home." Peace said Gustav gently picked up Tiger bridal style and carried her out of the room. i decided to follow since my room was across the hall and next door to Tigers room. i leaned in the doorway as gustav gently placed tiger on the bed beside her brother. he pulled her shoes and socks off.... i was shocked to see that the bottom of Tigers feet where scared.... like she had walked on glass or something Gustav pulled her belts off then her pants.... i was thankful to find she was wearing a pair of gym shorts underneath.
'Help me get her jacket off.' Gustav said to me i walked into the room.... he was propping her up. i pulled her jacket off
'and the hair bow.' he said i reached into her dreads and pulled the hairbow out of her dreads carefully once that was done Gustav laid her back on the pillows as i moved stuffed animals. he pulled the blinket over her... the second she was all settled in her brother scooted closer to her in his sleep and she wrapped her arms around him pulling him closer to her.... they where both sound asleep.
'your really close to her.' i said in german
'how can i not be. the first time i was in america visiting my family i stayed the night with her and her family..... something really bad happened that night and i was the only one that was there to save tiger.... i was the one who cleaned her up..... she was so weak she couldnt even walk i had to carry her to Carrots house.... Peace was out of town visiting her Sister Rainbow in san fransico.... so peace doesnt even know what happened that night.... Tiger wasnt the same afterwards..... nor was her family. thats when things went from bad.... to complet and utter nightmare.... when Duck Duck was born she became more like his mother..... she did everything for him since her mother wouldnt. more often than not Tiger has risked her life for Ducks.'
'why.... what is her story Gustav.' Gustav motioned me over. i walked over he pulled up her wife beater just enough to show me the dark bruises that covered her middle the dark bruises and the shattered ribs that lay exposed under the tight skin of her perfect middle....he pulled her shirt down and re covered her. i was to shocked to move so he dragged me out of the room flipping the switch for the big light off. the fake tourches and soccers doorways set off enough light for a five year old.... (the doorways are white frosted looking windows with the lights that change colors of the rainbow behind them so they look really cool) Gustav stood there in the doorway with me for a moment looking at his cousins. before he shut the door.
'Shes running away Bill. I told her she could come here and be safe.' he said looking at me with serious somber eyes.... something i wasnt used to seeing on Gustav's playful face.
'who is she running from?' i asked wondering if it was a old boyfriend or something that was trying to hurt her.
'Shes running from her father.... the same man who carved up her back and tried to kill her when she was 7.' he said i blinked and looked at the door.
'Thats why i swore she would be safe bill.... because if i ever see that mother fucker i will kill him and not think twice about it' Gustav said his eyes narrowing and glaring at something other than me. i nodded. Tiger was going to see that the world wasnt all bad.... even if it killed me doing so