Status: on pause

All She Ever Knew

Talent lays hidden within the eyes of a broken child

I felt Duck wiggling out of my arms i opened my eyes and looked at him
"Ive got to pee." he whispered. i smiled and let him go he got up and walked to the bathroom and i got up. i noticed i was in my gym shorts and wife beater i shrugged and slipped on my ankle socks before walking down stairs. i wasnt the least bit suprised to find Peace and Gustav up.
"Morning" i said following the smell of coffee. i smiled when Gustav handed me a cup. he remembered that i liked it sweet. i took a sip and felt the last dregs of sleep disappear from my mind.
"Tigger." Duck said walking into the kitchen
"Yes baby." i said setting my coffee cup down and lifting him onto the counter
"Im hungry." he said
"Okay well i was going to cook breakfast for everyone. You wanna help?" i asked smiling. he smiled and nodded.
"Bill and Tom are Vegitarians like me you tina and Tara." Peace said i nodded and went to the fridge.... i smiled.... i had everything i needed to make a yummy breakfast of homemade coconut and peanut butter muffins which despite the way they sounded where to die for along with fresh orange juice and well as veggie omlets for us vegitarians and eggs waffles and bacon for the meat eaters like Duck. i went to work cooking..... about the time i finished everything the others had waken up come down stairs gotten coffee and where sitting around the kitchen.
"Wow i didnt know we had a chief in the house" Tom said yawning. Bill just looked at his brother.... i had never seen bill without make up or his hair styled..... right now he wasnt wearing any make up and his hair fell in a mess around his face he was wearing a wife beater and pants while tom hadnt even thrown on a shirt.
'Duck go grab on of Toms shirts from the laundry room and give it to him. Make sure its clean' i said in Creole duck nodded and jumped down and disappeared. Peace smiled
"what was that language?" Tom asked
"Creole my family is orginally from New Orleans so i picked up Creole at a early age. it was my first language." i said as duck appeared with a shirt for tom. he tugged lightly on toms pants tom turned and looked down
"you have to wear a shirt at breakfast." Duck said tom blinked a few times before smiling and taking the shirt from Duck he said thanks and slipped it on over his head. we all grabbed plates of food and started eating
"This is the best thing ive ever had!" Tom said muching on his muffin
"Tiger is a good cook" Peace said smiling "shes got many many many talents"
"Like what?" Bill asked i blushed and ate in silence
"Well she can cook clean and take care of people like a mom, but she can also sew write draw paint and sing. We had a band back in the states but it wasnt going anywhere... we couldnt ever get any gigs or practices.... maybe we could pick it back up here." Tina said smiling a sparkle in her eyes"
"we got a practice area here why dont you give us a show?" Georg asked winking at Peace who giggled like a little school girl. i raised a eye brow... there was something between them.
"Why not?" Tara asked "we havent got anything better planed today" i shrugged and grabbed everyones empty plates. i went to work doing dishes while everyone else was off doing something else. when i was finished i felt some one gently tap my shoulder i turned wiping my hands on a towel. i smiled when i saw it was bill
Tiger was washing dishes humming while she was working.... i dont think she even relized she was humming or that i had been standing there. i watched her as she worked. her dreads where almost to her hips.... i wondered how long she had had them. her tanned skin seemed to glow golden in the light of the sun that was shinning through the window. her wife beater complemented her killer curves and she looked cute in her knee length shorts i stood there and watched her until she was finished then i decided i had best let her know we where all waiting on her. i walked up and touched her shoulder she turned and smiled.... my heart shot up into my throat. her smiled was breath taking
"Hey whats up Bill?" she asked
"we're ready." i said. she nodded before turning and following me we stood outside the pratice room and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath... i could tell she was nervous
"Dont be nervous." i said smiling she nodded
"Im ready"