Status: on pause

All She Ever Knew

Sing for the moment Sin for life

I stood in front of the mic the heavy drum beats filled my head and soon i was pulled away into the world i wrote about when i sang

Do what you, what you want
If you have a dream for better
Do what you, what you want
'til you don’t want it anymore (remember who you really are)
Do what you, what you want
Your world’s closing in on you now (it isn’t over)
Stand and face the unknown (got to remember who you really are)
Every heart in my hands
Like a pale reflection
Hello, hello, remember me?
I’m everything you can’t control
Somewhere beyond the pain
There must be a way to believe
We can break through
Do what you, what you want
You don’t have to lay your life down (it isn’t over)
Do what you, what you want
‘til you find what you’re looking for (got to remember who you really are)
But every hour slipping by
Screams that I have failed you
Hello, hello, remember me?
I’m everything you can’t control
Somewhere beyond the pain
There must be a way to believe
Hello, hello, remember me?
I’m everything you can’t control
Somewhere beyond the pain
There must be a way to believe
There’s still time
Close your eyes
Only love will guide you home
Tear down the walls and free your soul
‘Til we crash
We’re forever spiraling
Down, down, down, down
Hello, hello
It’s only me infecting everything you love
Somewhere beyond the pain
There must be a way to believe
Hello, hello, remember me?
I’m everything you can’t control
Somewhere beyond the pain
There must be a way to learn forgiveness
Hello, hello, remember me?
I’m everything you can’t control
Somewhere beyond the pain
There must be a way to believe
We can break through
Remember who you really are
Do what you, what you want
i finished the song and opened my eyes. the guys where staring at me their mouths hanging open.
"Where did you learn to sing like that?" Bill asked i just shrugged and sat down on the fold out chair beside Gustav
"I remember the look on everyones faces in high school when we preformed in the talent show" Peace said smiling a far away look on her face. I felt my self blushing then jumped up and walked back into the house. i walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.... there wasnt alot of food in the house that i was willing to feed anyone since most of it looked past its prime.
"Whats wrong?" Bill asked me causing me to jump about three feet in the air.
"Oh nothing just trying to decide what i was going to cook for dinner but you dont have any food in here thats good anymore."
"Yeah we need to go shoping but we just havent had the time"
"Well what are you all doing today?"
"Nothing" he said smiling
"Good well you all need food cleaning supplies and duck needs some real clothes." i said looking at Gustav.
"You all do" he grunted and headed upstairs. I stuck my tongue out at him. Bill blinked a few times
"You have your tongue pierced?"
"Yeah its the only piercing i got that didnt get ripped out." i said i stopped myself before i said anything else
"Tigger tigger tigger tigger guess what Tommy said" Duck yelled running into the kitchen i picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist.
"What did mr Tom say?"
"That he will teach me how to play guitar like Tina!!!" he said
"Thats wonderful!" i said hugging him "But first we need to do some shopping" i said
"ill tell the others and get ready." Bill said i nodded as Duck dragged me up the stairs. we walked into his room and i looked through the bag that had not only his clothes in but mine as well. he was playing with his toys and testing his new room out while i pulled out two layers of clothes for him to wear. before grabbing the thickest jacket of his that i could find. it wouldnt do much but it would have to do for now. Duck stripped down and put on his underwear by himself for once. i then helped him slide into the long underpants before helping him put on his pants then a long sleeved shirt with a thick shirt over it Gustav knocked on the door.
"We're all ready to go." he said i spotted bill behind him
"Well you didnt have a five year old to dress. so here you go" i said picking duck up and handing him to Gustav
"You two can put his socks and boots on as well as his jacket and hat." i said handing bill the jacket boots hat and socks. i then slipped past them and into my room with another pair of baggy pants a tight shirt and a zippe up bat man hoodie i had stolen from peace and a beanie. i slipped on the pants over my shorts and slipped the shirt over my wife beater. i then slid my feet into my shoes and pulled the hoodie on before pulling the beanie on. i grabbed my sunglasses and walked out of the room.... Peace Tina and Tara where standing against the wall laughing their asses off. i could hear Duck screaming. i spotted Peace holding a video camera. i looked over to where i heard the screaming and laughed..... Gustav was holding a struggling Duck in his lap while georg and Tom tried to put socks on his feet. Bill had his hands over his ears one of ducks boots in his hand.
"See why it took me so long to get ready?" i said smiling
"HOW DO YOU DO THIS!!!!!!" tom yelled
"You'll master it when you have kids." i said
"i have new respect for mom now!" bill said
"we where never this bad!!!" Tom yelled
"Yes you where!" Bill snapped. i was laughing with the other girls
"Do you need me to show you how its done?" I asked
"YES!!!!!!" the guys yelled together
"Duck!" i said in the mommy voice. he stopped yelling and struggling but the guys where frozen in place as well.
"You sounded like our mom"
"Yeah thats called the mommy voice. the voice that you know if you disobey will result in a ass whooping" Peace said "our little tiger has had that voice down pat for five years."
"Well your forgetting i practically am Ducks mother. Now duck stop and let mr Tom and Mr Georg put your socks on" Duck held up one foot so Tom could slip the sock on before holding up the other foot for Georg.
"Now be a good boy and put your shoes on and Mr. Bill will tie them for you" he took the boot that bill handed him and slipped it on before taking the other boot and slipping it on then holding he foot up so bill could tie the shoes.
"Now say sorry for being rude and thank you for helping me get dressed."
"Sorry for being rude and thank you for helping me with my shoes"
"Boys say your welcome."
"Your welcome" they all said together
"Damn we have a army of hot robotic men now!" Peace said "and Tiger is in charge."
"Shut up peace."
"Yes Ma'am" everyone was laughing now as we walked out of the house. Duck was holding hands with Gustav and talking about everything and anything asking a hundred different questions. Gustav put Duck in his car seat while Georg and Tom climbed into Toms escalade along with Tina and Tara. Peace climbed up front of the suv with Gustav while i climbed in beside the car seat and bill climbed in beside me. Duck talked the whole way to the grocery store.
"Duck Duck..... lets play a game okay" i said
"Lets play the quiet game okay" he nodded. Gustav pulled him out of the seat and started walking into the store with Duck holding his hand the whole day went smoothly or so we though.... me and duck had more than enough warm clothes that looked stylish on us to last a life time and enough groceries to feed the house for atleast a month..... we had no idea as we put everything away laughing and joking that there was a media storm brewing.... one that would put us on the map alot sooner than we wanted
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the first version of this chapter i did sucked.... i was trying out my friends advice and it just didnt work with this one so ive re written it and hopefully its better