Status: In Progess - I'll update often if I get readers/comments!



Well into the first week of school, I didn’t talk to anybody. There were many people I had come across that looked friendly enough to strike up a conversation with but I, however, held myself back.

During the last week of September, I finally spoke to someone. Her name was Erin. She was in my homeroom class and we never said a word to each other until now. She was an extremely outgoing, but respectful girl. She worked hard to maintain good grades but also kept up with her social life. She was one of the “popular” girls, but unlike the others, her head was on her shoulders.

That didn’t seem possible to me. She seems too good of a friend to be true.

I had straight A’s my whole life and worked under large amounts of stress and anxiety that I burdened upon myself. I had no time for a social life.

Erin and I spoke about music, popular television shows, and celebrity figures. As it turns out, she loves the Rolling Stones. Angie is her favorite song. What a girl!

Everyday during homeroom and English class we spoke. Even after school, we went to a near by diner to share a salad and a root beer. We would text each other as soon as we got home. I felt I might start breaking out of my shell and becoming a social butterfly.

Well, maybe it wouldn’t happen that fast.

By the time September was over, Erin and I were as close as best friends could be. For once in my life, I was happy. This happiness did not completely mask my feelings of loneliness and sadness. They always came back.

But none of that mattered at the time. I had a friend!

The first Friday of October, Erin told me she was hosting a house party and wanted me to come. I had never been to a party before. I was nervous and frankly, I was unsure if I even wanted to go. Erin was a tenacious girl. She insisted that I go. She wanted me to go and mingle with other kids. She even told me that we’d go to the mall after school to find an outfit to wear.

How did she know I didn’t have any thing to wear to a party? Do I make it that obvious?

After school, Erin’s mother drove us to the mall. I took a deep breathe as I pulled myself out of the car and into the store. I hung my head down low as Erin and I walked from store to store trying to find a sexy, yet appropriate attire.

“Pick your head up for God’s sake! You’re beautiful!” Erin proclaimed as she held my chin in her hand and pushed it up.

I find it hard to except any compliments. I never believe them.

Abruptly, Erin threw her arm out on my chest to stop me in my tracks. She gasped loudly as she pointed into a store. I turned my head to see what the hype was about.

She pointed to this tight red top filled with a pink floral pattern and this short skirt that appeared to be constructed of leather. Needless to say, that was not the type of outfit I would have picked.
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Guess what's going to happen in the next chapter at the party!
Thank you all. ♥