Status: I just love those puppy dog eyes!! :D

Raindrops In My Heart

Part 1

"I just don't get it Johnny. Why'd you ever drop out of school to begin with?"
"I don't know man. I'm not smart and just not cut out for school. I'll just work in some store or something when I need to." I said keeping my head down and eyes glued to the sidewalk below my old shoes.
"You're not stupid and sure you would of, I woulda helped you out. Listen I'm not trying to force you to go back to school; I just hate being the only one in the gang thats in school." Ponyboy said shifting his books to his other arm. A school bus drove past us and we turned the corner to the high school's grounds.
"Aww thats okay Pony you can just home school me." I smiled and stopped at the bottom of the small hill the school sat on.
"Yeah right. I'll see you later." Ponyboy said turning and walking up the hill. I nodded and kept on walking. It was usually lonely when Ponyboy was in school. He was my best friend and I hung out with him more than the other guys. But I was sure glad he stayed in school. He was smart enough for an education and he deserved to get one. Darry, his older brother, definetly wanted him to stay in school and follow his footsteps to graduate. Pony was better off that way anyway.
The smell of cigarettes filled up my nostrils and the sound of rich laughter drowned my ears. I pushed my head back down, stuck my hands in my pockets, and narrowed my eyes.
"Hey greaser! Why don't you get over here and carry my books!" Socs as usual. I knew better not to say anything, just to keep my head down and keep walking. The group howled with laughter then I felt a quick sting in my shoulder and felt liquid drip off my hair and slide down the side of my face. I walked a little faster kicking the milk carton that hit me.

Finally I came to a gas station I knew pretty well. When I walked in I heard Steve Randle call my name. "Well hey there Johnnycakes. What brings you hear?" He was behind the counter wiping it down.
"Nothin... can I see that towel?" I barely spoke loud enough for people to hear but when I was with the guys I spoke up a little.
"What the hell do you got all over you?" Steve asked squinting his eyes walking to the front of the counter.
"It's milk." I mumbled looking down.
"Damn kid was it those Soc's at Pony's school again? Next time they throw somethin at ya, throw it back!" He said nodding his head. "Take off your jacket. Hey Soda!" He yelled down a dim hall.
"Yeah!?" Soda yelled back from one of the rooms.
"Bring out some wet towels!" Steve called taking my jacket and laying it out on the counter.
"Why? Spill something again?" He came out with three wet towels smiling as always. "Hey Johnny."
"Hi Sodapop." I smiled. I really liked Pony's other older brother Soda. He was a nice guy and always friendly.
"Now what happened here?" Soda asked handing two towels to Steve.
"Them damn Soc's threw a milk carton at 'em." Steve said wiping my jacket off.
"Aww don't worry about them Johnny, their no better than we are." Soda said placing the towel to my hair and face. He was always trying to make people feel better.
"Thanks guys and yeah I know. I just hate them thats all. But I'll be fine." I said finishing wiping my face off.
"Why don't you help us out here. Promise we'll pay ya." Steve said walking down the hall.
"I guess so." I said following him and Soda. "I hope Pony's having fun in school." I thought back to him.

Ponyboy's P.OV.
English is the only class where I can read and write alone without being in a group. I hated group work because we never got to pick who we get to work with and kids always talked about how smart I was. So most of the time I was stuck doing all the work. Thats why I prefer to work alone.
"Alright class you may read alone or with one other person! Chapters eight and nine." My teacher Mr. Syme shouted to the class. I enjoyed reading alone. It let me think and really get into the book and picture myself as a character.
I was half way through chapter nine when I heard an unfamiliar soft voice say, "Um excuse me? I was wondering if I could read with you?" I looked up and met two big hazel eyes looking down at me with a shy white smile.
"Um sure I guess you can." I said not knowing what else to say. This girl was new arounf here and I was really curious as to why she picked me.
"Thank you." She smiled again taking a seat at the desk next to me. Her loose, very light brown curls that fell just a little past her shoulders bounced when she sat. And her voice was nothing like from around here.
"Wait why'd you pick me to read with." I just had to ask to get the thought out of my head.
"Oh the teacher said you were a good partner to start out with. I hope thats ok?" She said looking down at the wooden desk. Thats when I noticed her pretty face matched her pretty voice.
"Are you british?" I asked looking a bit surprised.
She laughed, "Yes I am, I just moved to Tulsa from Rhode Island."
"Oh. Your not from England?" I thought out loud to her.
"No, my parents are and I have family there but I was born in America. My mother's a college professior and she got transfered to a college down here so I came with her instead of staying back with my father." She said opening the cover of her book.
"Why didn't your father come?" I watched as her face dropped.
"My parents are divorsed so I had to choose to come or stay. I'm such a curious person so I decided to go." I realized while she was telling me all this she knew nothing of me and I didn't even know her name.
"Sorry to hear that. My names Ponyboy Curtis." I said so she knew at least something of me.
"I wish I had a name like you. I'm Danielle Forester. But call me Dani." She smiled shaknig my hand. Then the bell rang.
"Hey let me see your schedule I can show you around if you want." I offered.
"Sure that'd be really nice. Maybe we can meet up at lunch and talk more." She said standing and walking to the hall.
"Yeah that sounds good to me ." I said taking her up the steps.
We arrived to her next class. "Well here's Chemistry."
"Thanks Ponyboy. See you later." She smiled and waved goodbye.
"See ya." I said turning and walking off. It's a good thing she doesn't know about Greasers and Soc's. She would of never even talked to me if she did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so if it seems like Pony and Dani might have a thing for eachother then I'm sorry to tell you no ha their just gonna be friends. Dani meets Johnny in the next chapter I promise :)
Thanks for reading I hope you like this :)