Status: I just love those puppy dog eyes!! :D

Raindrops In My Heart

Part 2

After School:
"Hey Ponyboy!" I turned to see Dani next to me.
"Oh hey Dani. How was your first day?" I asked continuing to walk.
"Excellent actually. I think I'll like it here." She said looking around the area.

At lunch I told Dani pretty much everything I can think of. About being a Greaser, and the Soc's, the guys in the gang, and the town of Tulsa. Since lunch we knew eachother pretty well now and she didn't even care about Soc's or Greasers which I was glad about.

"So where do you live at?" I asked shifting my books.
"Across the street from that really big church."
"Oh the North Side." I said looking at her.
"Yeah but my moms not gettting home until 8:00. I was wondering if I could hang with you? I mean you seem fun." She smiled brushing hair out of her face.
I didn't mind that and it could be fun. Dani was a good friend to have. "Sure you can come to my house, maybe meet some guys in the gang."
"Yeah that sounds nice thank you." She said grinning, pushing her purse up.

I was a little nervous she would get scared being in my neighborhood so I stayed close to her until we got to my house.

"Well here it is." Its nothing to be proud of but at least I had a home.
"It looks cozy." She smiled walking up to the porch.
"Your werid." I smiled opening the door as she laughed. "Darry I'm home and I brought a friend!"
"In the kitchen." He called back.

We walked in to find him wiping off the stove. He turned and smiled at us.
"Darry this is my friend Dani. She's new in town from Rhode Island. Dani, my older brother Darry."
"Its very nice to meet you." Dani smiled shaking his hand.
"My pleasure of meeting you and welcome to town." He said. "What a nice accent you have also."
"Why thank you." She smiled. " And yes I love town already."
"Good to here. You kids hungary I was just gonna make something." Darry turned and pulled out a pot from a cub board.
"Sure." I said. "Are the guys stopping by?"
"When do they not." Darry smirked opening the fridge.

Just then we all heard something coming from the porch.
"Ow Two-bit watch what your doing." Steve yelled.
"There they are." I said rolling my eyes.
End P.O.V

Johnny's P.O.V
"Cut it out guys." I said pushing Two-bit in the door. The guys were wrestling around as usual.
"Anyone home!" Steve yelled.
"Of couse they are dumbass." Soda said pushing past them.

"Hey boys whats... Hot mama!" Two-bit said walking into the kitchen. I gave him a werid look to see what he was talking about.

Then for the first time my heart stopped, my breath got caught, my eyes widend, and my mouth dropped.

"You guys this is Dani. She's a new friend of mine from school and she's new in town from Rhode Island." Pony said. I heard him talking but I couldn't look at him because my eyes were locked on those beautiful hazel eyes and light brown curls. I never seen anyone so beautiful in my life before until I saw Dani.

"Dani these are the guys, Sodapop, Steve, Two-bit, and Johnny." Pony said.
"Its nice to meet you all." She nodded smiling.

Her voice stunned me. I had never heard anything like it and I guess Two-bit agreed.
"Haha I like the way you talk, say more words." He said flopping down on the couch with a beer.
"She's British Two-bit." I said defending her.

I was surprised by my sudden out burst to talk.
Dani set her eyes on me and I felt frozen. "Why thank you and yes I am." She said.
I felt a little smile creep out of my lips. "Man I hope I'm not blushing." I thought to myself.

We heard the screen door slam and a loud yell coming from behind us. "Man I hate those wise ass cops." It was Dallas Winston.
"Oh yeah? What they get you for this time?" Soda asked tossing him a beer from the fridge.
"Thought I was involved in come gang violence. I told 'em I was at the bar playin pool most of the day, they let me off for now with some shitty warning." He said leaning around until he saw Dani sitting at the kitchen table next to Ponyboy. I looked closely at her face and features. She had a smile on her lips and her eyes twinkled. I knew she would fall for someone like Dally... not me.

Dally swallowed his beer. "My, oh my how can I help you sweetheart?"
"Easy Dal, this is Dani. She's a friend of mine from school." Ponyboy said. He knew the type of guy Dally was.
"It's nice to meet you Dallas." Dani said extending her hand to his.
"Yeah it is a nice meet. Very nice." He said shaking her hand and checking her out. "Cute accent." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes. Dally always gets his ways.

"Who wants to watch cartons!?" Two-bit yelled from the couch.
"Who wants to help me cook you all lunch?" Darry said knowing no one would.
"I'll help you." Dani said standing and looking at Darry.
"No your a guest you don't have to." Darry smiled.
"No, no i insist on helping. I always cook for my mother and I." Dani said.

I liked the way she talked. It was proper and it gave me a warm feeling. I could listen to her voice forever.
"Okay if you want." Darry laughed.
"Have fun." Pony said to Dani walking into the living room. Us guys followed and scattered ourselves in the living room. Steve passed around a carton of cigarettes and a lighter and said, "Soo Pony that new friend of yours is really nice."
"And pretty." Soda said with a cigarette in his mouth.
"Yeah how'd you get her as a friend?" Two-bit asked passing the box to me.
"We just started talking and became friends. But you guys better be nice to her too." He said glaring his eyes at Dally. "That means you."
"Aye I was just bein nice to her. Its not everyday a beautiful girl is in your kitchen."
"I know but I just don't want you bothering her thats all." Pony said taking the box from me.
"Alright, alright I'll be on my best behavior." Dally rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Okay boys chicken sandwiches with barbecue sauce." Dani came in carrying a tray of sandwiches.
"Haha I like how you said chicken and barbecue." Steve laughed taking one off the tray.
"Ha believe me you guys say words werid to me too." Dani smiled handing a sandwich to Ponyboy who smiled.

"Here Johnny." Dani leaned down the tray so I could take one. Her face showed a smile and her eyes showed care. The way she said my name was almost irresistible to not hear.
"Th- thh- thanks." I managed to get out. She nodded and handed me one. My fingertip brushed against hers and I could feel my heart stop.

"Darry's gonna bring your drinks in." Dani said walking back to the kitchen. When she walked past Dally, he let out a whistle. Pony glared at him but I noticed Dani looking back and smirking.

"Why should I get my hopes up." I mumbled.
"Whats that Johnnycakes?" Two-bit asked staring at the TV.
"Nuthin." I said nibbling on my sandwich.
"Did you all thank Dani?" Darry said coming into the living room.
"Thank you!" The room said.
"You guys are all welcome." Dani said looking at the TV.

I caught myself looking at her as we all sat in silence. I would glance over at her and just stare. Once in awhile her eyes would drift a little and I'd pull my eyes away instantly. I don't know what it was about her but I just couldn't stop myself from staring.

A little while later, all us guys got to know Dani pretty well and she was a really cool, interesting girl. She found out some things about us but I didn't say much. I don't really like to talk about myself and my life much. Its not that great to talk about.

"Hey what time is it?" Dani asked after laughing at a joke Two-bit told.
"Um around 6:30." Soda checked his watch.
"Oh then I guess I should probably start heading home." Dani said kinda bumed.
"Okay I'll walk ya." Pony said standing up from the floor.
"No don't do that I'll drive you there." Darry said.
"It's fine Darry I'll walk her, and besides the truck's not running to good right now, not after when Two-bit drove it." Pony said helping Dani up. Two-bit sunk down on the couch.
"What happened to my truck?" Darry asked confused and puzzled looking.

"It was very nice meeting you all. I had a really fun time and I hope to see you boys again." Dani smiled and looked around with both hands on her purse.
"You're very welcome. And please come over any time." Soda smiled his famous smile that killed girls.

"Hey if your not busy Saturday maybe you can hang with us then. We're all going to a bonfire." Steve said.
"Idiot." Pony said looking at him. Steve glared back.
"No Ponyboy that's alright and it sounds like a lot of fun." Dani nodded.

The guys alll said thier goodbye's and Dally even hugged her. Then I heard Pony speak to me, "Hey Johnny you wanna come with us?" I looked up at him holding the door then over to Dani who was smiling back at me.
"Uh sure." I said standing and picking up my jacket. "See ya guys." I said.
They said their goodbye's again as we left.

Stepping out into the cool air of the neighborhood was normal for me. I always sleped outside when my parents fought or when they hit me. Sometimes I just couldn't stand living there.

The three of us walked in silence for a few moments. Pony and I made sure we stayed close to Dani, we both new how dangerous this place could get. After sometime Pony said, "Man I wish I brought my coat, it's chilly out here."
"Yes it is a bit cold." Dani said rubbing her arms.
"Here you want my jacket?" I asked her taking it off.
"Oh thank you very much." She said smiling.

We stopped walking and I put my arm around her placing the jacket on her. It felt good doing that. I was glad it was dark out 'cuz I didn't want them to see my cheeks all blushed up.
"No problem." I said looking at the side of her face from under my grease slick bangs.

Her head tilted to the side and her eyes met mine.
For about four minutes I felt that time was frozen and the world around me just disappeared. I also noticed my lips were about ten inches away from hers. I'd give anything right now to kiss her and I didn't even know her that well!

"I hope that helps." I spoke quiet and soft. I felt like I had to with her.
"Yeah..." Her voice trailed off as she stared holes into my eyes. I don't know if it was just in my head but I felt a connection with Dani, almost as if I could see myself with her. Being with her for a life time and being happy for once in my life.

I opened my mouth slightly to say something. I had no idea what I wanted to say but I wanted to say something. But then I heard, "Hey guys look! It's a dead toad. This is gross."
I looked over to see Ponyboy squatting by a small shrub barley on the sidewalk.

"Ponyboy thats sick." Dani turned and giggled. I pulled myself away disappointed. I shoulda said something when I had the chance. Now I might never.

Pony stood up, "Come on lets get going we don't wanna be late."
"We're almost there." Dani said turning a corner.
For the rest of the walk we were silent until about thirty minutes later we come to her house. It was a modern white house with a grassy green lawn ans drive way. The red door and windows matched it and the chimney topped it off as a perfect family home.
"Wow nice home." Pony said.
"Yeah." I agreed. Her life stlye was so different than mine or the guys. It was werid how she liked us and not the Soc's.

"Well I guess I'll see you guys later then." Dani said turning to us.
"Yeah see you tomorrow at school." Pony nodded.
"Oh about Saturday if you boys don't mind I'd love to go." She said hopefull.
"Sure that's not a problem." I jumped in before Pony could protest.
"Yeah it's fine." Pony said giving me a werid look.
"Okay great. Thanks for everything boys really." Dani smiled stepping forward and hugging Ponyboy.

Then she wrapped her arms around me. She could probably feel my heart pounding as I hugged her back. "It was really nice meeting you Johnny. I hope I get to see you again soon."
"Uhh yeah you too." I said nervously.
She stepped back and smiled, "Good night."
"Night." We both said smiling. She turned and walked up the drive way to the door so we turned and started to head home.

"So Johnny what do you think about Dani?" Ponyboy asked me after some time.
"She's okay I guess." Leaving some words left unspoken.
"Yeah she's a good friend and a great girl." Pony said looking down. "I was worried the guys wouldn't the guys wouldn't like her." He said with a goofy smile looking at me.
"What?" I asked confused looking back at him.
"You kinda like Dani. Come on man I know you to well I could see it on your face and how you acted." He said laughing.
"N-no I don't, I just met her Pony. Look she's a nice girl and all but no man I don't like her. I'm always nervous you know that." I said trying to cover up my true feelings.
"Hahaha Okay Johnnycakes whatever you say." Pony said dropping the subject.

We talked some more until we got to the park. "You go on home Pony. I"ll sit out here for awhile." I said leaning against a yellow slide.
"You sure?" He asked a little concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine really." I said laying back and folding my hands together on my chest. "Night Pony."
"Night Johnny." His smile was small then he turned and walked away.

For awhile I layed there gazing at the sky. I closed my eyes and out of no where Dani's face was there above me smiling brightly.
"Dani?" I said puzzled. She just kept smiling and looking down at me. Then her face lowered closer to mine and I could feel her lips brush against mine and press herself against me.

But my eyes opened suddenly to the sound of thunder. "Great." I mumbled.
I stood up and started walking home. My hand traveled up to my lips. It was just a dream. And that's all it was ever gonna be is just a dream.
♠ ♠ ♠
I fixed it up a bit so its easier to read, thanks 2 Benjamin Barker! thanks again :)
Sorry if my charater Dani seems like a Mary Sue (Its rly hard 2 make up original characters for me) but I hope you like this one and the next part should be out shortly. Also sorry for the length if its too long hehe... I like writitng a lot.
I don't own anything but the title and Dani :)