Status: wolf's rain fan fic;

Thunder Wolf

the new era.

Raksha's p.o.v


I watched as master walked to and fro. A cane in his hand as he slowly made his way from one end of the room to the other. I sat there, my head held high, my head turning as he passed me once and turning when he passed me twice. I waited for him to speak, for I was awaiting commands. Master sighed and stopped. The house in which we lived in was fairly big, grand stairs up to the second half of the house, carpeted and cozy flooring. I looked down and saw a black spider running along the carpet. I happily slapped my paws onto the carpet, missing every now and then.

Like a playful little puppy I hopped with all fours onto the spider, it slipped from under them and I growled slapping it again. I finally had it, I had squished the spider under my paws and ignored my master for a moment. I looked up and he was gone. I heard unique music playing outside and trotted to the front to see master opening the front door. I sneaked under his spread out legs and watched fearfully as a charade of uniformed men with battle rifles and other weapons walked down the street. There feet drummed against the paved road like bombs going off. They were extremely loud and it hurt my ears as they went flat against my head.

Then all of a sudden, the marching stopped and they stood there, millions of people from around the city came forth to the middle of the square in which the most occurred. Wolves of all shapes and colors accompanied their masters and watched intimidated for we have never seen anything quite like this. As wolves who were intimidated, many of them showed signs of aggression and stood their ground of dominance.

A soldier stepped forward, instead of having a black and golden uniform, he wore a puke green one, a commander hat and pulled out a scroll with letters that he were soon to put in words and read to everyone surrounding them.

"This letter was delivered to all the cities in our regions from General Zhau!" He exclaimed, his voice echoing across all the frontier, "All laws have been re-enforced and will be placed up on the town bulletin board! Every living being in this city and all the following others need to come to town hall and answer following questions of where they live and whom their spouse is. Male children will be taken to an all male boarding school that will be placed in the City of Thunder Bay. A man from each family, over the age of 18 must attend war camps around the cities. Women will not attend school and must hand over all their belongings and money to their male spouse. If you are a widow, or not married, you must hand them over to us." The man wrapped up the decorated scroll and looked around at every individual.

He stepped forward, "There is another law that must be enforced. All wolves must be banished from the homes that they are currently living in." I heard gasps and cries of shock all around. Children smaller than their wolf pets clutched onto their fur crying. Master leaned down and grabbed my collar, pulling me back from the charade. I barred my fangs barking and growling in rage. Who are they to come into our lives and enforce new rules that were unbelievable. My bark was not the only one, mine was just one of a million in the town center. Some people couldn't handle their wolves and they had gotten loose, charging at the soldiers and ripping into their skin. I tried ripping out of my master's clutch, shaking my body furiously trying to wiggle out of his hands but he pulled back my collar furiously, "Enough is enough Raksha! Down!" He ordered.

Shots rang out as one wolf fell after the other, the ones that attacked were murdered on the spot. Blood was shed and pools of it lay around the wolves that were down, "Bloody hell!" The commander spoke up, "All wolves must be out of the cities borders and banished to The Out lands before sun set!"


I sat at my master's feet, speaking to him, "Master please." I begged as he threw on an over coat over his plaid shirt, "Let me stay, I will be good, I won't bark anymore, I will listen, please master." I whimpered. He bent down in a weak attempt and ran his wrinkled hand through my fur, pulling at my ears playfully.

"You are a wolf Raksha, you must be off in the end anyway. I am old now, I will not be able to take care of you much longer Raksha. Now with the new General in is a hard time. You must go." He clicked on a leash to my collar and opened the door, "I will escort you to the edge of town myself." And he pulled me along.

The leash was long, it allowed master to keep some distance and walk his own pace while I walked mine. It was usually I who was in front of master, walking tall and proud and protecting him, making sure no muggers from the dark alley's tried to attack, making sure that I was in front of the danger at all times and not him, but this time he was pulling me along. My head was no longer held up in pride, it was hanging in shame as I watched my white and gray paws shift along through the rainy and dirty streets. I looked around and had seen wolves in the same position as I. Ashamed to be called house pets any longer. The bond between wolves and humans were being broken, and there was nothing more anyone could do about it, for General Zhau and his soldiers had taken over the region.

We had made it to the edge of the city. It was a border, a dark, burnt line on the grass forbidding members of the town to go past it. The banished would cross this path and never return again. We had all known the rules, if any would return, they would be killed. The city of Blue Dove would never be the same, for I had already seen blood shed of people beaten senseless by soldiers and wolves slaughtered for no reason. The walk of shame had been horrifying, but banishment was something I never even dreamed of.

"Cut loose your wolves." The commander ordered. A line of soldiers were behind the crowd of wolves, they had long range rifles and snipers. There was something that did not make sense. They were hawking us, many soldiers laughing of which they would 'hit' first. Master unhooked his leash and ripped off my collar, "This will be over before you know it Raksha. Be strong." He kissed my head as I whimpered, licking his face as he laughed his deep laugh which would be forever stuck in my head.

Wolves had already began their walk through The Field and into The Out lands. I looked down at the border line, slowly throwing my dirty paw over it. My heart dropping as I forced myself over it. I stopped and turned back to look at master. He smiled and egged me on although I saw sadness in his eyes. I turned back and started walking slowly when I heard something I did not want to hear. Children shrieked as did women, screaming and crying for them to stop. A lot of wolves turned there head and saw as people were shoved out of the border line by soldiers who had cocked their long shot snipers and aimed them at us. Red lasers indicating where the shot would go were pointed at a thousand of us in their range.

"Aim!" The commander shouted over the roar of people shrieking bloody murder, "Steady!" Wolves growled and some had stood their ground, but as soon as a laser set upon a wolf, they broke off their pride for once and raced through the grass, including me. Shots rang off into the air and yelps and howls of pain surrounded me. I turned back, fear overwhelming me. Not once in my life was a I afraid of anything, but today marked the day I was afraid of dying.

"Help me! Someone please! Anyone!" I turned back at the cry of a young wolf pup. My fur rose in fear as I watched two pups struggling to survive. I raced back as bullets shred past me. I skid to a stop and scooped up both pups in my jaw as they whimpered in fear. So small and so delicate. I could not see them get slaughtered. Then my adrenaline rush had started to disperse as bullets shredded into me. I heard soldiers hooting out laughing as they had gotten me. Making this a game of how many points they'd get if they shot certain parts of my body.

I had finally ducked past The Fields and towards The Forest, getting lost in there and dropping the pups onto soft mushy dirt before falling onto it myself out of breath and hurt. I puffed and gasped and finally caught my breath before letting my head fall onto the mud. The two pups got up shivering, they were cute, adorable..innocent.

One of the pups confronted me, staggering towards me and licking my muzzle, "Are you alright?" She said softly. I strained trying to get to my feet, whimpering as I did. I looked at my hind legs which were bloodied. Thankfully I wasn't shot anywhere badly, mostly grazed, but it hurt. I wondered what in the world I was going to do. The other wolf pup sat there whimpering and crying as the other comforted her, "Where are your parents." I asked, "Sleeping out there." One said softly. I turned my head and looked out from the hideout of the thick forest to find many wolves dead.

I sighed looking back at the pups, "Would you like to stay with me? I can take care of you." I offered. The crying wolf looked up at me as the other exchanged a glance, "Will you leave us like they did?" She wondered looking out at the bodies of the fallen, "Never." I promised.
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had to find something interesting as the first chapter. so this is how the wolves were banished! making things clearer. the next chapter will be out asap!