Status: Completed!

Boys With Girlfriends

Chapter 016- Ending

Anonymous (Rookie) wrote: she's not even that pretty guys..

Anonymous (Sophomore) wrote: whats up with the glasses? lol guess its the only thing that will fit on her fat nose!!!

Anonymous (Sophomore) wrote: what happened to lucy? liked her better than this girl

Anonymous (Veteran) wrote: Oh my god. You guys are horrible. Stop attacking the poor girl over the internet and be happy for Jon!

Anonymous (Rookie) wrote: this joelle chick is a whore! its obvious she was sleeping with him while jon and lucy were together! y would he be with her right after lucy took off??

The lid of Joelle's laptop came slamming down with a brutal bam. Joelle jumped and swiveled around in her chair. Jon's big hands ran through his hair. That was the third time he had caught her looking at the baby blue forum. The words were digested and hurt the pit of her stomach. It brought back bad memories of highschool. Except she didn't even know these peoples names. She didn't look up at Jonathan who stared down at her. She could feel his gaze beating into the top of her skull. "Why do you give a shit about what these creeps are saying?" He yelled in frustration. Joelle's new interest was the hardwood floor as she shrugged in reply. The first two times he had been a little more consoling. But now the Hawks had just been kicked out of the playoffs and he had been on edge about everything. Soon he was taking Joelle home to meet the family. That added to her growing anxiety. The very last big exam was on the horizon, along with her diploma. In the fall, Mercy Hospital wanted her to come in for orientation. Everything had just started to fall into place. Until the whole internet drama had started since Jon and Joelle were spotted together in Millennium Park. A few pictures of the two holding hands popped the day after. In one day Joelle became famous. She had been so used to being invisible.

Every imaginable flaw she had been picked apart more then once. A lot of the girls ragged on her glasses and nose. A lone tear dribbled down her, she tried to brush away before Jonathan saw it. But he did. Bending down to her level he softened up. Balancing on the balls of his feet, he gently pressed his big hands to her knees. Squeezing her eyes shut, Joelle held back hot tears. "We have better things to worry about." He whispered to her. Trying to lighten the mood. Opening up her eyes, she nodded and gave him a small smile. Wiping away the dampness from her eyes Jon pulled her up and out of her chair. "Like what you're gonna wear to my cousins wedding this summer." In response Joelle sucked in a big breath, obviously nervous. When the Toews parentals called up to Chicago about those pictures, they didn't sound the happiest. More condescending and worried. But when Jonathan dropped the bomb that him and Joelle were engaged, Joey left the room. Leaving Jon to fend for himself against his parents. Joelle's parents on the other hand were overjoyed, having met him a few times in the past. Then in a matter of a few minutes, the rest of her family were calling with congratulations. Caroline squealed and nominated herself maid of honor. "Once they meet you, they'll love you." Jonathan assured her. She nodded but in her mind, she begged to differ.

"What I need to worry about is not tripping in my heels during my commencement." She changed the topic. The date was set for her little graduation ceremony on June 9th. Jon chuckled knowing that would be the first thing on her mind. He too would be hoping and praying for her grace that day. "You'll be fine. I'll take you out for beer and doughnuts after." Jon promised her with a smile. Making a face of disgust, Joelle shook her head.

"What kind of a combo is that?" She asked him. He shrugged and said, "Makes you feel like a beached whale, but it's good. Especially a Heineken and vanilla dip with the sprinkles."

Joelle grinned up at him, giving her head a subtle shake. Her mind was taken off the heat of the Blackhawk fangirls. A sense of happiness washed over her, whenever Jonathan was around. Just looking at him a crowded room gave her a new confidence. Standing up to her tip-toes, she gave him a kiss. It was quick but Jonathan put his big paws on either side her face and smothered her in a sea of his own kisses. When he had her wriggling in his arms, giggling, he let her go. "Love you." He told her. His husky voice, jumped up an octave. For some odd reason he was always nervous she wouldn't say it back one day. The thought sent a hurtful pang through his heart. "Love you." She replied. That was what always testified every doubt. He beamed, knowing the only women he wanted, wanted him too.


They both sat cross legged. But while Joelle sat lose to the stage, Jon sat where he couldn't even see her. In the hot heat, Joelle fanned herself with her graduation cap. One of her classmates a few chairs down laughed and did the same. Molly, that was her name. Joelle had talked to her a few times because they shared a class. Sometimes they had a few good laughs. Molly wanted to work in the special care unit for newborns. As they winded their way down the long list of names, Joelle had to squirt some extra perfume on. This had to be the most boring part to any graduation ceremonies. People at the very back had the time to take a nap.

"Joelle Moretz, receiving master's degree in biology studies and human genetic studies." The dean of UChicago said into the microphone. As everyone clapped, Joelle's face lit up ten shades of red. All eyes were on her as she made her way up to the stage. Her knees threatened to buckle under the pressure. Taking a deep breath she climbed the few stairs. The black gown had a green trim with a long hood. It felt awkward on her body, swaying with every step. With a grin, she accepted the two pieces of paper that symbolized all her hard work. Her diamond ring gleaming in the sunlight. With a sigh or relief she posed for a picture then left the stage. In the crowd, Jon clapped and wolf whistled. Caroline joined in with him, congratulating her friend from afar. Taking up a whole row in the auditorium was the Moretz family up from North Dakota. Parents, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins had made the special event. Each and every one of them had taken the time to introduce themselves to Jonathan. Joelle's father, a big man of very little words, Jared Moretz, gave Jonathan the family blessing. That's who he sat beside in the audience, Mr. Moretz. They had a big conversation while they waited for the rest of the class to get called up. "So, when do you think the wedding is going to be?" Jared asked the Blackhawk captain.

Him and Joelle hadn't really discussed a date, just not anytime too soon. "Me and your daughter haven't thought of one yet. I guess just when it feels right." He answered his future father in law. The two men watched as Joelle returned to her seat. She couldn't see them, but they saw her. "You make her happy Jonathan. Just keep doing that and she would marry you tomorrow."


With her black gown flying out behind her, Joelle jumped in Jonathan's strong arms with a squeal. Spinning her around, she nuzzled her face into his neck. Joelle wanted to jump his bones when she took a step back and saw what he was wearing. One pair of black shorts that hugged his ass and a white polo. His biceps were begging for release from the sleeves as it stretched across his body leaving little to the imagination. Then for the next 20 minutes Joelle was passed down her family, having a quick chit-chat with them. When she got to Caroline, Joelle could see the blondes eyes sparkling with tears. Caroline busied herself with fixing Joelle's hair and gathering up Joelle's black gown. Grabbing hold of her shoulders, she stopped Caroline from now picking the lint of the dress Joelle wore. Caroline was forced to look her long time friend in the eyes. "What's wrong Caroline?"

Letting out a shaky sigh, the corners of her lips tugged upward. "Just don't forget about me while you become this full time doctor and wed a Canadian icon, okay? And I know in a few years you'll shooting out little hockey playing geniuses." Joelle laughed and held Caroline close. They swayed together to imaginary music while holding onto each other for dear life. It made Joelle's heart throb to know that Caroline thought she could ever lose her. They had been there for each other since highschool and nothing was going to change. Linking arms, the two walked with the rest of the celebratory crowd down to a local restaurant.

The whole group took up a section of the Italian tavern. Joelle sat in between her two older sisters, Maisey and Beth. Her 6 year old niece, Ophelia, sat on her lap admiring her two rings. "Here try it on." Joelle slid her engagement ring off and slid it onto the little girls' tiny finger. Holding it in place for her, Joelle pointed across the table to Jonathan. Whispering into Ohpelia's ear, "You wanna marry Jon?" Ophelia blushed and nodded looking at the big handsome man in front of her. Jon was listening to a conversation further down the table. "Jonathan," Joelle called to get his attention. When he turned to face the two he shot them a smile that made both girls sigh. "Meet your new fiancé."

Ophelia waggled her fingers around with the diamond ring jingling on the tiny extremity. Reaching across the table he grabbed the girl's hand and gave it a chaste kiss. "Quel plaisir, belle fille." Jonathan spoke the foreign language. Ophelia bust out in a fit of giggles and looked up at Joelle. "What did he say JJ?"

Jon smirked at the brunette beauty sitting across from him, waiting for her to answer. Wondering if all those years of tutoring indeed payed off. Taking a minute to think, she confidently answered. "My pleasure, beautiful girl." The little girl started to giggle again. Joelle smiled up at Jon and felt her heart race. He stared at both of the two girls. He looked at how natural Joelle was with the young girl. Not to mention how alike they looked. His insides warmed when the thought of having a little girl just like Ophelia with Joelle. For sure one day it was to happen. And the thought showed all over his face.


Now it was nearing 10 o'clock at night as Joelle's laughs filled the space around them. With his arm slung around her shoulders and Joelle snuggled into his side, they sat together in a secluded booth. Drinking beer and eating doughnuts. Jonathan had lived up to his promise weeks prior. Joelle finished off her third Heineken and second vanilla dip with sprinkles. The tipsy burps and hiccups had started coming, which is what made her laugh. Jonathan was smiling himself, feeling a buzz. "Told you it was a good combo." He pointed to the food and drinks in front of them. Feeling her nod against his shoulder in response. "I shouldn't have doubted you."

Another comfortable silence passed between the two while they enjoyed each others company. "My family adores you." Joelle whispered with a faint smile.

Like he had discussed with her father hours before, Jon was looking for a time where it felt right. He didn't know if it was the little kick Heineken or the day out with her family, but it felt right. It had only been a few months since they had gotten together but, in reality they had been in love a few years. It wasn't too fast to him, but moving at the right speed. "What do you say to getting married this summer? Like late August." He took the first leap in asking. Almost sobering up in a moment, Joelle looked up at him with big eyes. Her contacts had been replaced with her glasses. Looking back down her, he looked like Captain Serious. "You don't think it's too fast?" She inquired. Shrugging, Jon took another swig of his beer.

"Only if you do."

Having to allude her gaze away from his begging chocolate brown eyes, it cleared her mind for a time to think. Picking away at the label of her beer bottle. The longer she sat in silence, the stupider Jonathan felt. Too fast. Way too fast, idiot. He mentally kicked himself. When she had final come to a conclusion, and a pile of Heineken label later, Joelle finally replied. "Well, then I guess we better start planning a wedding, eh?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last 'official' chapter! There will be an epilogue hopefully soon. Grad outfit. Another century has gone by before I updated.... Sorry if you guys are all like 100 now. The new mibba is definately interesting but nothing really new and entertaining. I don't think needed to change it, really. But yes I have hurt myself once again. I have now aquired two gastly stitches in the back of my head. All from whacking my head hard enough on one of those restrooms hand dryers after gym class. Looong, embarrasing story! I broke it too! Yeah haha, but comment! Give me some major feedback for finishing this thing off! I loved writing this as much you hopefully loved reading it! Thank you lovely ladies<3