You Are, in Fact, My John Cusack

Do you remember?

Do you remember that time you got obsessed with the film Say Anything? How on a hot, summer night you found yourself under my window with a stereo held over your head, playing our favorite song? Can you still see it as clearly as if it just happened yesterday? It must look different from your perspective.

Well, I remember. I'll never forget that night or that summer. I remember sitting at my desk writing and suddenly hearing loud music.

That was you. You stood on our front lawn and blasted that mixtape. You gave me that tape about a week later, but that's another story. Your arms were shaking. Were you nervous, or was your boombox heavier than you'd previously estimated?

I ran to my window, and when I saw you my heart melted. It was the sweetest, most romantic gesture I had ever recieved honestly. Especially because I knew how much it meant coming from you. It was so you, that gesture.

Then, of course, I laughed. I couldn't help it. Because it was so you. I should've known you would do something like it someday. There were tears in my eyes, and the laughter just made them worse. "What are you doing?!" I shouted.

You looked so cute just standing there, boombox aloft in quivering hands. "I love you!" was the simple reply.

That was the first time either of us had ever said it. I swore then I'd never forget. I think that was the moment I truly fell in love for the first time. "I love you, too!" I screamed back.

We were disturbing the peace, of course. Do you remember how fast you ran when my dad came barrelling out of the front door yelling? Did you catch the things he said, or was the music too loud? Where did you go after you sprang away into the cover of night and my mom's shrubbery? What did that night look like from your perspective?

Would you do it again?