भेस में चमत्कार

The truth comes out

I jumped from my seat and headed for the door, cupping my mouth. When I got out of the sanctuary I sprinted for the bathroom. Nearly running straight into the boy I had been trying to avoid for months, the boy she loved.
"Whoa!" I couldn't tell if he was angry or concerned, but I didn't have time to care. I reached the toilet just in time. Morning sickness, why didn't my body know it was 8 at night?
A knock at the door made me jump "Izzy" a deep voice called from the other side of the door. A voice that a friend had once described as 'sexy'. "you OK?" He opened the door a crack, not waiting for a response.
"Oh now you care?" I didn't know exactly where that came from, but it felt good once I said it.
"Don't be like that. God you look awful, are you sick?"
I thought back to when he actually cared if I was sick or not and then hesitantly replied "Morning sickness"
Matt went pale, he was in complete shock. "but...but only pregnant people are..."
"Yes Matt I am pregnant"
"Why didn't you tell me!?" He questioned
"I didn't know how! You haven't exactly been around the last few months"
"I never thought you would become....a whore" His words cut through me like a sword. In my fantasies he made this awful thing OK, he was my knight in shinning Armour. You see, I am not a whore, I was raped on a missions trip over seas to India.Not only was my innocence taken from me, but now I'm pregnant with a strangers baby.
"Check yourself before you wreck yourself " I said fighting back tears "If you knew me at all you would know that is not true.:
"Then I guess I don't know you" Then he turned and walked out of the room.
suddenly I felt very sick. When I leaned over the toilet tears rolled down my face and quietly plopped into the water, and for the first time I realized that I was crying.
"Matthew have you seen Izzy?" His sister-in-law Katelyn questioned when he returned to the sanctuary.
"Bathroom" He crossly replied sitting down in the pew in front of her.
"Is she sick?"
"Yeah well...do you know?"
"Yes of course!...Oh Matt you didn't just find out did you?" He looked away and shrugged "Oh my, I'm so sorry, are you OK?"
"Whatever. Doesn't effect me."
"What happened with you two? You were so close..."
" Well...I don't want to be associated with people like her "
"People like...What do you mean?"
"She is pregnant Katelyn"
" I know but...I don't think you know the whole story."
"OK well is someone gonna let me in on the big secret then?"
"I think you should talk to your brother when he's done, I'm going to check on her, watch the kids please." Katelyn grabbed a pack and headed for the bathroom.
Back in the bathroom I had gotten up and was beginning to get a hold of myself. The sound of the door opening again made me jump.
"Only me" The friendly voice of her youth pastors wife called out "How ya feeling kiddo?" She asks offering a piece of gum.
"crumby" I leaned against the sink suddenly feeling exhausted. Coming to youth group was not as good of an idea as she had thought.
"It gets better!" Katelyn reassured " What's up with you and Matt?"
"I ju...I just couldn't tell him" I got choked up again thinking about him and a solitary tear rolled off my cheek.
"Hey, that's OK! You've got enough to deal with right now...Josh can talk to him if you want" I nodded, I could not express how badly I wanted Matt to know, to understand. "OK, that's not a problem" Katelyn put her arm around me "It's all gonna be just fine" I forced a smile "Wanna go back in?"
"Sure" Katelyn lead me back into the sanctuary. As soon as Matt saw us coming back he moved across the sanctuary, he was trying to avoid me as hard as I had tried to avoid him. But now I was tired of avoiding him, I just wanted my best friend back.
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New story!! Please like opinions, criticism, comments, ideas for what to come next! Thanks!