
‘Were living on borrowed time kid, you know?’ he exhaled stale smoke in my face.

Scrunching up my nose and frowning halfheartedly I whispered I know.

‘Well then what are you doing here?’ he laughed, I looked up at him for the first time not even thinking about the words and spat out, ‘Not living of course.’ He coughed at that, most likely covering for a laugh, I could tell though the lines curling around his eyes. I could always tell. ‘You really are too young to be saying such things, you have no idea how bad life really gets.’

I quietly hmph’d and replied, ‘What is this? Some type of intervention? If I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?’ Shrugging his shoulders and walking away, leaving me he whispered maybe I will. Everyone says that, they all say the exact same things. I’m too young for everything. Maybe they’re wrong and maybe they’re right. I can’t help but feel maybe I’m too young to feel. That all my emotions and feelings are simply my overactive imagination at work…I couldn’t really know true pain could I?

Luckily, unlike everyone else, I knew better. For I had always known better and this was just one more thing I’d have to keep to myself. Write it all down in my diary and maybe one day publish it to the world under a false name. I fancy that and then I don’t, I later decide to title it 88. My life work will be called 88 and it will be brilliant and no one will have ever read it or heard of it, I shall love 88 and it will love me and become a living thing.

Welcome to 88.
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enjoy your stay.