Pushing You Away

Hateful Words

I never thought it would come to this.. I never thought that our arguments would escalate this much. I never thought you'd leave. I always expected you to be there for me through whatever, so I guess that's why I would always hurt you. I would always fight with you. Sure, sometimes it would get out of hand and I'd say some hateful things. I didn't mean them, I just said them out of anger and I figured that if you really loved me then the words would be bypassed. I guess I would always fight with you because that's what you do when you love someone, you fight with them. Why? Because you know that no matter how bad it gets if they really love you they'll always be there, they will always forgive you. Well I guess you didn't really love me because you're not here anymore. You left me, and I have honestly never felt so ashamed, so guilty. I always end up pushing away the people I love. 
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Okay, this is very very short. I wrote this on my iPod in about 5 minutes. I'm sorry if it's complete and utter shit!