Together We'll Be Strange

Mr. Pretty Boy!

After several hours with laughing, snacking…mainly Mikey who did the snacking and catching up with the latest town gossip, we both laid around on Mikey’s sofas while we let the outside world pass us by while we enjoyed our time together as always.

Being at Mikey’s place was always a second home to me. I always knew I was welcomed to visit…even when his parents were never home due to work or on some crazy vacation, which left Mikey and his older brother the house to themselves. Lucky them they never pulled any house parties and I rarely ever saw Mikey’s older brother around anyways so it was always just me and Mikey. And being with Mikey I always know that I could go to him about anything. He was the sweetest person I’ve ever known and was a great friend. Even through the hardest times in my life.

Another hour passed by and I didn’t realize that I was getting lost in my thoughts again about how wonderful my moment of peace was at the moment that I fell asleep on my best friend’s living room until I heard Mikey’s familiar voice and him shaking me awake.

“Nissa? awake?”

I looked up at my best friend with a blurred view until I rubbed the sleep out of my eye and saw a clearer view of my friend.

“I am now.”

Seeing my best friend blush and hide his face by putting his head down, he mumbled quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

“Oh I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

Smiling to what Mikey said always warmed my heart. Knowing that he cared for me, unlike people I knew who I thought that would always be there for me.

“I’m okay Mikey. I always am in the end” I smiled at Mikey, giving him reassurance that I was okay.

Seeing Mikey smile and flip through the channels to see what to watch next while I got my phone out of my pocket to see if I had any missed calls or messages while I had my small nap.

“Oh my god!” I said in shock. To only see Mikey jump high up like I’ve never seen before
which made me quickly burst out laughing.

“What! What’s wrong?!” I could see Mikey with shock in his face.

While I was still laughing I was slightly capable to speak after seeing my friend jump five feet in the air for no reason.

“It’s almost 9PM! How long was I out?”

And with just that I saw Mikey’s facial expression change quickly from shock to the look of someone staring at you as if you asked the world’s dumbest question.

“Really Nissa? That was reason to yell? You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought something happened.”

With hearing Mikey it just gave me the more reason to smile like a idiot and shake my head.

“Nope. I told you Mikey. I’m always okay, but really how long was I out for?”

Seeing Mikey roll his eyes as if he had to deal with a child.

“A few hours I suppose.”

As I heard Mikey answer I checked my phone for any updates and saw that I had three missed calls and three new voice mails.
Leaning back onto the sofa I just took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

“Great!...I’m not even in the mood to hear what the messages are in those voice mails.”

So I did what I did best when I wasn’t up for listening to someone yell at me on the phone. I deleted them.

“There! Problem solved!” I said in victory to only see Mikey shaking his head.

“You’re crazy for doing that. What if it was something important?”

I looked at Mikey as if he was clueless to who left those messages.

“Like what? Saying I’m kicked out of the house for the night? Or that I’m never seeing my phone again once I get home? Either way you know I’ll call you or come by if anything goes bad or whatever else that goes on whenever I go back home.”

I just saw Mikey nod his head and suddenly heard Mikey’s phone ring to one of his favorite Smashing Pumpkin’s song. (Today)

As I saw Mikey pick up his phone to answer to whoever who was calling which was more likely one of our group of friends either wanting to see what we were up to or wanting to hang out for the night.

While Mikey had his conversation with whoever on the phone the next thing that came out of Mikey’s mouth caught my hearing.

“Really!? Really!? You are a lazy person you know that.”

As that caught my attention I could hear the person on the other side of the line whining which quickly made me smile because I knew who that very person could be that was whining on the phone.

“Okay, I’ll go get you soon. Be ready by the time I’m there.”

I smiled knowing what that meant with Mikey looking annoyed from our lazy friend.

“I’m guessing we are picking up Frank from work?”
I saw Mikey sigh and nod.

“Yep, you know Frank. He thinks he too pretty to walk alone to my house without thinking someone will kidnap him.”

I laughed thinking back about how many times Frank says that he’s too pretty for anyone to handle.

“Yep, that’s Frank for ya.” I smiled, knowing and loving how amazing and funny my friends are.

“Well let’s go pick up Mr.Pretty boy!”

*After we picked up Frank who was closing up the store we said all our hellos once again to Frank and decided that we were all going back to Mikey’s since Frank didn’t feel like going home just yet*

Once we got back to Mikey’s place I could hear music blasting from one of the rooms in the back of the house. That must be that Mikey’s brother his home. But oddly enough, even when his brother was home you rarely ever saw him or saw him out of his room and if he did you didn’t even realize that he was walking around the house. I’ve bumped into him a few times to the point he’s scared me. Not saying that he’s scary looking, but you never hear him walking around the house that you never know where he will be.

After following the boys to the living room again but this time instead of watching tv or a movie I saw them take out their video game console, which only meant..a very long game battle to see who’s the better gamer.

I sat back and relaxed while I knew I’d have a funny show to watch. Which was to see Mikey and Frank argue with each other about cheating and having never ending rematches.
I relaxed and zoned out my friends who were deep into their game to defeat each other and took out my phone from my pocket to see if I had any messages from anyone

Which I had one unread text message.
It was from Mikey’s brother.
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I'm very sorry everyone!!! I know I promised an update at least once a week but I've had a lot going on. I'm moving and starting up college somewhere new so that's had me pretty occupied lately. But I promise to try and stay updated with this story. I have so many ideas where I can take this story.
Please comment and if I get at least 5 comments I promise to post up the next chapter! It will keep me motivated to update more often.