To Lose What Was Never Yours


It shouldn't have happened. There was no way I could meet him by accident. I went looking for him. I could find a way to blame my dad for all this happening, but overall I am glad I met him. I wouldn't be me otherwise.

You're probably confused at this point. Let me start at the beginning. My name is Mary, and I am 16 years old. I have brown hair and brown eyes, and my face is sprinkled with freckles. I am not pretty and I don't pretend I am. I am me and I am proud to be who I am today.

My best friend of all time is a guy, which people find weird, but most of my friends are guys. His name is Jack and I tell him everything. He knows me as well as I know myself. He thinks he is ugly but I think he's a little cutie. Anyways, I didn't know Jack in real life for about four or five months after I started talking to him.

One day me and one of my good friends, Stacy, were hanging out and we decided to prank call her friend Jack who I'd never heard of since I went to private school. Anyways we used my phone since her phone was about to die. He didn't know who I was, but after I while I told him my name was Mary and I had been with Stacy.

We started talking about ourselves and we got on a conversation about eyes. Neither of us liked our eyes, and we both wanted color contacts. We talked almost every day. Since I had never met him I felt safe telling him my secrets. He knew a lot about me and that scared me.

People that I have trusted have so many times broken that trust, and I was afraid if I met Jack and he judged me like most people do that he would tell people what I told him. So when he asked me if he could meet me I kept making excuses not to. I knew that he lived somewhere near me though.

One day I was really bored so I contacted Jack and told him he should go to the local park, Kent. He had already been there and I walked over from my house. When I got to the park I let my feet guide me, before I even knew where I was going. I walked over to a man who was standing next to Stacy's other friend, Max, and said "Hi are you Jack?"

"Yes, I assume you're Mary. How did you know what I looked like?"

I had never seen a picture of him before and had no idea what he looked like, but he definatly wasn't ugly like he said he was.

Jack couldn't stay very long, but we continued talking after he had to go. He really was a nice guy.

Shortly after he left he sent me a text...

"I like your eyes."
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not much yet