Status: Trying something new? Comment during commercial breaks. ;D

It's Raining Diamonds. Try To Catch One.

The Party Don't Start Till I Walk In.

I arrived at the Maddox charity function, fashionably late. And unfashionably stag.
I gave a little cute smile to the waiter after I had stolen one of the champagne glasses from his tray. He did a double take and nervously smiled back.
I looked around the gallantly decorated room and realized that the drink in my hand would be the first of many.
I had been asked to attend this function as a favor to Mother, she won me over with the mention of Milo Maddox's attendance. Seeing as it was his mother who was throwing the whole party.
I sucked up my disappointment for the loss of a Friday night. But if Milo would just talk to me, I could make him mine.
I had been insanely attracted to him ever since I went to the Hamptons during the summer and saw him everywhere, and I noticed all the traffic to and from his room. The guy was basically the embodiment of sex. And I wanted a taste of that body. I'm the player where I'm from, and I love a challenge. Except every time I said a word to him or even nodded to him politely in the elevator, he seemed too sweet for me. Sweet as candy. And it bothered me, I can't chase after dessert! I get hot over the main course, the thing everyone can't wait for, what everyone came to dinner for.
But I still had my doubts, sometimes I'd catch him down at the bar the same time I was. I'd see him hitting on women, in such a strong, mysterious, and sexy way. It was like there was a fiery passion in his eyes. I wanted to talk to this guy. Not the boy scout in the elevator.
But we were on our way home before I could.
Maybe something would happen tonight, and sure enough, Mr. Milo Maddox was striding across the floor towards me.
I tried and tried to get my jaw off the floor as he stood before me.
Speak of the devil and he doth appear.
And my mind was devoid of thoughts for the moment as his eyes met mine.
The godliness of his demeanor astounded me, I couldn't keep the butterflies down.
He was taking steps toward me and I might've almost fainted. His eyes trailed over my body almost approvingly before he spoke, "Hello.." He trailed off with some kind of undertone to his voice. "Have you seen the Bartender?"
The mirage shattered into thousands of pieces. I directed him to the bar where the bartender had just gotten back from his break, without words.
I thought tonight would be that night, where Milo Maddox finally talked to me, asked me for a drink or a last dance, but no, nothing.
I fell back against the wall, huffing to myself. That would've never happened, I swatted at my dress, the stupid thing wasn't even comfortable. It wasn't that pretty, and I looked like a fool for sure.
I mentally cursed Daphne for insisting I wear this dress specifically. I'd better just go home, charity functions that I have nothing to do with aren't really my scene anyhow. I lifted the hem of my dress, and walked out of the doors, saying a quick thank you to the doormen at their sides.

I slid into the waiting limo gracefully, accepting the fact that, maybe this was the only thing I could do gracefully and properly. Mother had drilled into my brain that nothing I ever did would ever be good enough for her, or anyone. I assumed that the reverse psychology had worked, seeing as I tried my damnedest to do everything perfectly, I had succeeded by the world's social standards, but not by my own.
I settled into the leather seats as the driver began to twist around the corners to get to my loft. Which was a part of my father's building, I stayed there when I didn't feel like being with Mother.
"Take a left. We're not going to the loft. I want to see Mother." I called to the front. I saw his hat move, and felt the car turn left.
I resumed my glowering in piece. Milo Maddox. The most beautiful man in Manhattan as far as I was concerned. This was disconcerting, knowing that he probably had never heard my name, tonight hadn't been the fist night he spoke to me, but it was the most words he'd ever said.
Forget about that, I had my mother to worry about now. Th social climbing bitch, with five spare engagement rings in her jewelry box from various suitors. Oh, poor, single, Mother; With no one to keep her company besides Daphne and her engorged status here, in New York.
"Thank you, Mr. Gates." I stepped out of the car then, taking small cautious steps, so as to assure my dress wasn't dirty when I demand that Daphne take it back to wherever she got it.
I pressed the last button on the elevator and lazily watched the doors close before me. I fiddled with my hair while waiting for the elevator to reach the top floor. Oh Mother, always insisting she be at the top of everything, everywhere.
No one was there to greet me as the door opened. I sighed and made my way over to where two maids were staying in the shadows, ready for whatever their employer might ask for at any given moment. I strode past them, surprised to see a quite a troubling sight, which included an over friendly scuffle on the carpet of the library. Weird the maids stayed for this.
Oh, Mother; I guess she has more company than Daphne and her New York. I cleared my throat.
"Blake, darling! I thought you were at the Maddox Charity function for the night?" Scrambling around, looking for some absent article of clothing, I'm sure.
"I didn't feel like staying. I heard the good crystal clinking, had to make sure the company was just as well." I smirked and leaned against the door frame. I noted the flickering lights beside me, Candles. How cute.
"I just wanted to pop in and pick up a few things, Mother. I'll be out of your way soon." I scowled as I turned away. Why does Mother always feel the need to hold her obviously private escapades in plain view?
"DAPHNE!" I shouted as I stomped up the spiraling stairs that led to my room. Her room was by the kitchen, and if she wasn't present in the next two minutes, I would stick my stiletto so far up her- "Yes, Miss Blake?"
"Oh, Daphne, there you are. Unzip me will you?" I turned around to let her help me with that difficult zipper. "Where did you get this ungodly dress? I swear some sad, forty year old woman read one issue of vogue and decided that she wanted to be a fashion designer."
"There you are, Miss Blake."
"Daphne, she failed horribly. I need you to take it back immediately." I went to the other side of the room, into my closet. Daphne had to shout so I could hear her, "But Miss Blake. Your mother brought it home for you. I do not know where it came from."
I poked my head out of the closet, exasperated, "Well what was the name on the bag, Daphne?"
"Maddox, Miss Blake."
I froze, the one leg in my new skinny jeans stayed a few inches above the ground. "Maddox? Really? It was one of Alice Maddox's? Milo Maddox's mother... Hm." I was mainly talking to myself at this point. Daphne was stuttering about how she doesn't know much of those things, blah blah blah.
"Enough Daphne. God. You know, I think I'll keep that dress after all.."
"But, Miss Blake. You say you hated it-"
"Never mind, Daphne! Just, call me a car. I don't plan on staying the night here."
"Yes of course, Miss Blake." She bowed out of the room, and I locked the door behind her.
Us kids in the upper east side, always have an after party going on somewhere. Even if there's no original party in the first place.
I took a bag from my closet and routinely packed the essentials. Mini mouthwash, lip gloss, key to the loft, phone, and wallet; which was equipped with fake I.D., two hundred dollars cash, and a platinum and gold card for back up. You always have to have back up. I threw in my passport in case of another impromptu, drunken adventure to Canada. That night was fantastic.
I tossed my strapless bra onto the floor and put on my red lace push-up bra, a black Marc Jacob v-neck long sleeved jersey shirt, a white vest, and my black Jimmy Choo cosmic suede pumps. I looked in the mirror and smiled after ruffling my long, black wavy hair. I took off my showy jewelry, and put it in my dresser. I wiped off most of my make up, noticing how overly glamored up I looked, and darkened my eye make up.
Someone knocked on my door savagely. I sighed and unlocked it, making way for Mother to stride over the threshold and stare pointedly at me.
"What?" I asked, shutting the door behind her.
"Why did you eave the charity function? I was counting on you to stay and represent our family, Blake."
"Mother, what family? Me, you and your thousands of boyfriends? Two of which who have been from my school."
She lost her words for the moment and stared at me, stunned. I shook my head and walked past her to grab my purse.
"Mother, I have to leave. Kate called and she's really upset. I think maybe her and Skylar had a fight. I've got to go. I'll see you on Sunday for brunch." She nodded and sat down on my bed to stare at the floor. I scoffed and left.
I got in the elevator after Daphne had informed me that my car was here. The man at the front desk smiled at me before I whisked through the doors and outside.
The driver was already outside, holding my door open for me. I smiled and said thank you as I slid inside. I pulled out my phone and called the one person I knew that always had a party waiting for me.
It rang four times before he answered, "Blake! Where have you been?"
"Out, Adam. Where's the party tonight?" I laughed when I heard him trip over something.
"96Th on Broderick. Little Poppy's parents are dining in France as we speak."
"Great, I'll see you in ten."
"I'll count the seconds." I hung up, smirking. "96Th on Broderick." I called to the driver who nodded, finally given an address we zoomed toward it, I barely had a chance to enjoy a drink.
I got out of the car, and slung my bag over my shoulder. I knew exactly where little Poppy Winston lived. She is one surprising little freshman, if it's as good as I hear it is, she'll definitely be bumped up a few notches on the food chain.
I reached the final floor of the building, which was the third and highest, and pulled the rope to open the service elevator.
And it was definitely a party I had arrived to.
In fact, it was in full swing. Almost everyone in the sophomore and junior year was here. I spotted a hot tub on the terrace which was filled to the brim with either high, drunken, and/or horny teenagers.
I was very impressed with Little Poppy Winston.
"Blakey!" I turned around and was attacked by 105 pounds of a very drunk Kate Ruxton.
"Ah, Kate! Gerrof me!" I screamed as best I could with her hair shoved in my mouth. Someone pulled her off me, and I stood up and fixed myself.
"Sorry Blake, I lost her for a second. Glad you're here! Where were you?" A Skylar Scott stood, holding up his drunken girlfriend.
"Apparently missing half the party." I stated, putting away my compact. Hey, damage control was needed.
Skylar smiled, showing off a row of shining white teeth. "Nah, the party never starts until you show up, you know that."
"How flattering. Speaking of, I really do need a drink. With the horrid night I've had."
And then Kate brought back some shots and her lunch for us all to see. Gladly, in the opposite direction of me. I stepped around it and let whoever else clean up Kate's sick. I needed a drink, and that's exactly what I was going to do.
I walked up to the bar and looked through all the bottles lined up on the counter, with glasses behind them. I took a shot glass from behind one of the unopened bottle of tequila and poured myself a shot. I poured another, then another, then another and lined them up.
I went through them in order until every glass was empty. I poured another then held it as I measured up the company in the room, Satisfactory.
I made eye contact with a guy across the room, he was cute, an athletic blonde boy who most likely played on the lacrosse team, the way he smiled at me as if I were a prize, which I clearly am, but in more of a sense that he thought he was a complete player. I motioned him over to me, I'll show him a player.
"Can I get you a drink?" He smirked my way, "Hold on." I threw back the shot in my hand and placed the glass on the counter. "Now you can." I smirked back at him playfully.
I noticed the way his lips pursed when he was focusing on mixing liquid from a pink bottle, a blue bottle, and a clear bottle into a scotch glass. He slid it over to me, I sipped it skeptically, and smiled, "You, obviously know how to make a drink. Now let's see if you know how to dance." I didn't wait for a reply as I pulled mystery man to the area where everyone was dancing to an insanely loud DJ booth. I took big sips of the best drink I had tasted since Santa Barbra in '09, and placed mystery man's hands on my hips, and I was corrected, he was a great dancer. He easily followed the rhythm of my hips he knew exactly where to put his hands, at one point it stopped being me dancing with him and became him dancing with me.
"What's your name?" I asked him, astonished. He smiled and answered with a simple, "Harley. Harley Emerson." I smiled.
"Blake. Harley.. I like it. Care to join me on the-" I was knocked off my train of thought abruptly as I saw who walked through the door at that exact moment.
"Join you on the what, Blake?"
I remembered that I was with someone, "Oh, um, will you excuse me for a moment?"
"Yeah, sure..." I didn't care about his response as I strode up to Adam's side, near the elevator that Milo Maddox had just strutted out of.
"What in the hell is he doing here?" I whispered harshly into Adam's ear. He flinched back, "Oh, Jesus Blake! Even my ear can smell the buckets of tequila you've ingested. I have a face that you can talk to."
"I'll smack that face of yours if you don't tell me why the hell Milo is here." I yanked the back of his hair, while I whispered in the same way.
"Oh, baby stop. You're turning me on." He smirked.
"Ah, gross, Adam!"
I backed up a few feet in disgust. "Blake, obviously Milo was invited. For the same reason you and I were."
I shook my head, and Adam walked away from me, meaning he was done with this conversation as well.
My night was close to being ruined, but the fire in my stomach consumed me and a whole new person came out.
A girl who forgot about anything she had to do tomorrow or for the rest of the week as far as she was concerned.
A girl who strutted her way over to the bar and took a whole bottle of Grey Goose for herself.
A girl who became the center of the party after half of that said bottle.
A girl who stripped off her designer clothes for a crowd of people to a 30h!3 song.
A girl who climbed into the hot tub in her underwear with several other people inside.
A girl who made out with four of the seven other people in that hot tub, two of which were girls.
A girl who blacked out for fifteen minutes and resurfaced inside of a closet, redressed.
A girl who got into a cab without any underwear on, wearing a stolen jacket, and slurred out her address to the cabbie like a gurgling baby.
A girl who nearly passed out in the elevator and had to have one of the doormen help her to her room.
A girl who passed out in her bathtub, slept for 11 hours and woke up feeling like complete and utter shit.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled in agony and instantly regretted it as a migraine enfolded on the inside of my skull.
Goddamn it I hate hangovers. I got up and went to the kitchen, getting the secret ingredients together to create Adam's miraculous hangover cure.
I didn't know how he managed to make something like it, but whatever, it worked magic. I winced as I turned the blender on, but suffered it until it was done. I poured it in a glass and chugged it, feeling the hangover magically go away. You're never supposed to drink it after you throw up, Adam was super serious about that, said it made it worse.
I sighed and decided to not look into a mirror until I had taken a shower, and the task was easy, especially when the hot water fogged up the entire bathroom.
I stripped what little clothing I had on and stepped into the scorching hot water, feeling all the tension in my shoulders melt away underneath the pulsating water. I washed my hair and rinsed off before I shut the water off and wrapped myself in a towel.
I went into my room and looked on top of the dresser for my brush, I found my phone.

37 New Messages.
12 New Voicemails.

I groaned.
What a wonderful morning this'll be.
♠ ♠ ♠
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