Status: Completed :)

Love Game

Make A Move

Jacoby and I were only inseparable during concert time, but even then I stayed close, standing offstage and watching their set. I kept fighting myself on whether or not to get involved in Sasha’s personal life. I mean, I knew that I had promised to stay out of it, but the longer I was here and getting to know Jared, I realized he was a really awesome guy. And I had no doubt in my mind that he was crazy about her. I really wanted to know what had happened between them that freaked Sasha out so badly.

I guess my main reason for wanting to get involved is because I wanted my best friend to be happy. Most of her relationships ended badly, and even though she would never actually tell me what went wrong in them, I knew that it ended up with her being hurt. I wanted to find a guy for her that I felt could treat her the way a girl like her should be treated, and I was pretty sure Jared could be that guy. Not to mention, he was damn good looking and it would be a great way to tell her exes to eat their hearts out.

“Got to get ready for the show,” Jacoby said, kissing my lips lightly.

“Have fun,” I smiled.

“Always do.” He and the guys left the dressing room for last minute preparations and their nightly ritual. I kicked back on the couch, kind of glad to have some time to myself. I really needed to figure out what I should do. Either way I acted would be for Sasha. It was just whether or not I would break my promise or not.

It was shortly after Papa Roach started their set that I saw Jared walk by the dressing room, and that was all it took to make up my mind.

“Jared!” I shouted, and he paused to look at me. “Can I talk to you?”

“Sure,” he replied, walking into the dressing room. He took a seat in one of the chairs. “What’s up, Cate?”

“There’s something bothering me, and Sasha won’t tell me shit.”

“And how do you want me to help? I haven’t talked to her since that night.”

“That’s what I want to talk to you about. What happened that night?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Can you just tell me anyway, please?” I begged.

“You saw us flirting,” he replied. “We hit it off pretty well. I was making her laugh, and she was talking to me like I was the only person in the whole place other than her. We danced for a little bit, and next thing I know, we’re at the hotel. Best damn night of my life by the way,” he added with a smile.

“So what happened after that?”

“I had to leave the next morning because we needed to get to the next venue.”

“So like you two didn’t talk about anything?”

“She was still asleep when I left.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, that I didn’t want to wake her up because it was way too early in the morning when I left. And I couldn’t give her my number because I couldn’t find her phone or even a piece of paper to write on, so I was just going to get yours from Jacoby so that you could give her mine.” Now it all made sense.

“That probably wasn’t your smartest idea,” I said.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I think Sasha’s under the impression that she was a one night stand for you.”

“Why would she think that?” God, he was clueless.

“You left without telling her bye and without a phone number.”

“Yeah, I guess I can see how she got that impression. But she’s got my number now, right?” I didn’t answer, but he knew the answer. “She doesn’t have it, does she?” I shook my head.

“She threw it away.”

“You did explain right?”

“Didn’t matter,” I replied.

“Well this sucks.”

“You really like her don’t you?” I asked.

“It didn’t take long to know I’d met the most amazing woman on the planet,” he replied with a smile.

“You know, I promised her I would stay out of this, but I think it’s best for all three of us if I do.”

“How does this affect you?”

“Because I want my best friend to be happy with a guy who really cares about her.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“When are you going to be in L.A.?” I asked.

“In a couple of months.”

“Call me about a week before you get to L.A., and I’ll let you know what I’m planning.”

“Does this help me get Sasha?”

“Of course,” I replied.

“Then consider it a deal.” I smiled.

“You know that this means that you have to treat her right or else I kick your ass.” He laughed.

“Trust me, Cate, I’m not going to screw up again.”

“I knew there was a reason I liked you.” He laughed.

“Do you say that a lot?”

“When it comes to Sasha? No, not really. Most of the guys she’s dated have been dicks, though she doesn’t tell me anything.”

“So I’m lucky that you like me.”


“So does this thing go both ways? Like does Sasha have to approve your guys.”

“She looks out for me and tells me her opinions, and I don’t date a guy unless she supports it. Though, this is the first time either of us has gotten actively involved in the other’s love life.”

“Well, I’m glad you did.”

“Yeah, well, somebody had to make a move, and you and Sasha didn’t seem like good candidates.” He laughed.

“Yeah, I probably wasn’t the top choice. I’ve got to go. See you later, Cate.”

“Bye Jared,” I said with a smile as he left. Sasha was going to hate me, but I couldn’t give a damn. She’d thank me eventually.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song for this chapter: "Make A Move" by Icon For Hire. And I don't know how many of you all actually listen to the songs I use, but if you don't know this song you should definitely listen to it because Icon For Hire is an amazing band.

So, anywho, what'd you guys think of the chapter? Are you excited and ready to see what happens next with Sasha and Jared? It'll be a couple more chapters, so you'll have to wait though.

Thanks to bloodyvengeance for commenting. I don't know how many of you guys read the comments, but she told you all to comment on this amazing story. So maybe you guys should listen to her?