Status: Completed :)

Love Game

My Little Secret

Jacoby's P.O.V.

The day after the tour ended, I decided to take Jordana back to my place for a couple of days before she had to go home. She was obviously excited. The whole time I drove, I would steal glances at her to find a huge grin plastered on her face. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal for me to take her to my place, but apparently it was to her. In fact, she explained that she never brought a guy to her place unless she was in a serious relationship with the guy. So I guess that this was her way of knowing we were serious, but I wasn’t aware there were doubts to begin with.

I pulled into the driveway of my house. As I parked, I looked over at Jordana, to see that her excitement had faltered. She bit her lip, staring up at the house and deep in thought.

“Everything okay, babe?” I asked.

“It’s a lot more real now that it’s happening,” she stated.

“It’s not that big a deal, Jordana.”

“I guess I never thought about it before.” I leaned over a kissed her.

“C’mon, baby, think of it as your second home.” She laughed lightly and got out of the car. We went to the trunk and pulled out our suitcases before I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her up to the house.

“Okay, I feel a little bit more at home now,” she admitted as soon as she walked inside and took a look around at the living room. “But I always thought rock stars had messy houses.” I shrugged.

“Even rock stars have standards.”

“Yeah, much like models should.”

“You’ve got standards,” I argued.

“I did. That went away when I decided to fuck you,” she retorted with a smirk.

“Well, that’s not my problem.”

“No, I guess it isn’t, Mr. Dick.” I smirked and grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to me.

“You know, when you say that name, it does things to me,” I growled in her ear.

“What name?” she asked innocently, eyes wide. “Mr. Dick?”

“Exactly,” I said, kissing her roughly. Her hands snaked up my chest and hooked behind my neck as she pressed her body against mine, forcing me backwards down on the couch. Her hips grinded against mine as she made it more heated.

“So, you got food in this dump?” she asked as she pulled away. “Because I’m starving.”

“Thought models didn’t eat?”

“This model eats like a pig and works her ass off to keep the weight away. You should remember that.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Well, there’s probably food in there, but you’ll have to cook it because I can’t cook.” She sighed, shaking her head with an affectionate smile.

“Alright, hopefully there’s something not complicated in there,” she said, getting up and walking away, purposefully swaying her hips as she did. I swear this girl was trying to drive me crazy.

I decided to go ahead and carry our suitcases up to the bedroom. Opening the door to the bedroom, I realized that it probably wasn’t the best idea to bring Jordana back to my house. How the hell was I supposed to hide all the women’s clothing in the closet and dresser that didn’t belong to her?

I didn’t mean for any of this to actually happen. I’d been dating Jessica for a year and a half before I met Jordana. That day that I met Jordana, I’d forgotten about Jess, focusing solely on Jordana. When she told me off, I figured I wouldn’t get a chance and continued dating Jess, but it wasn’t the same anymore. I hadn’t been expecting Jordana to actually show up to the concert, and I certainly wasn’t expecting us to hook up. Don’t get me wrong, I was crazy about Jordana. Hell, I was in love with her, but I had yet to do anything about Jess. Mostly because I hadn’t seen Jess in person since I got with Jordana and breaking up over the phone was an asshole move. I had promised myself I’d end it with Jess as soon as I got a chance, which would be just a bit longer because Jess was out of town, and I was fixing to go on tour again.

“Coby, dinner’s ready,” Jordana shouted after a while.

“Coming,” I called, giving up on trying to hide Jess’s clothes and running downstairs.

“I made Ramen since it was the easiest,” she said, pushing a bowl of Ramen noodles over towards me. I smiled, leaning over and kissing her.

“I love you, Jordana.” She blushed and smiled.

“I love you, too, Jacoby.” We ate in silence but kept smiling at each other. This girl was amazing. I don’t know how I managed to get her, but I was happy I did and refused to let her go.

After we finished eating, we decided to watch a movie, so we made ourselves comfortable on the couch, her laying against me, one arm on top of me, while I kept an arm around her. I couldn’t focus on the movie though. Inside, I was freaking out about the fact that she could figure out at any moment that I had another girlfriend. She wouldn’t believe my excuses.

She never figured it out though. After the movie finished, she grabbed me belt loops and pulled me to her, resulting in us making out and later doing a little more upstairs in the bedroom. She fell asleep shortly after, and didn’t even bother with going through my clothes the next day. I still knew it would be awful if she found out. I just hoped I could changed the situation before she did.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Hides* Don't hate me! I know it sucks, but wait until you know what's gonna happen! Also, I apologize for the shortness of this. It's a little shorter than usual, but why expand when you all already hate me?

Song for this chapter: "My Little Secret" by Cavo.

Thanks to bloodyvengeance for commenting. I repeat, don't hate me! Please!