Status: Completed :)

Love Game


Sasha's P.O.V.

“Come on, Sash,” Cate whined, leaning against the car and tapping her foot impatiently. “I want to eat. I’m fucking starving.”

“Well, it’s not my fault you put the window down and tangled up my hair,” I retorted, looking in the mirror to see how bad it was.

“Oh, it’s cute like that. Now I’m hungry, and we’ve got reservations.” I rolled my eye and got out of the car.

“You’re such a cry baby.” She flipped me off as we walked up to the Italian restaurant. I wasn’t sure what the reason was behind this. We barely ever ate at restaurants like this when it was just the two of us. It was only during business meeting or group lunches or double dates. However, Cate was insistent that we had Italian tonight.

“It’s under Sheppard,” Cate told the hostess, who nodded and led us back to our table. The table was for two, placed in the more private section of the restaurant. We sat down, and I watched Cate suspiciously as she sent a text.

“So what’s the reason for this?” I asked.

“I wanted to treat my best friend and best agent to a nice dinner,” she said innocently. “I can’t do that?” I shrugged.

“You just seem suspicious,” I replied. The waiter came over and asked us for our drinks. Cate didn’t touch hers. After the food was brought to the table, Cate excused herself to go to the bathroom. I was trying like hell to figure out what this was about.

“Hey, Sasha,” a soft male voice said. Even though it was quiet, I jumped as though he had yelled those words. I looked up, seeing the man I thought I’d never see again.

“Jared?” I said, surprise evident in my voice. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m about to have dinner with the most beautiful woman on this planet. If that’s alright with you, that is,” he said.

“Why would it matter—?” I started, looking around for Cate. I spotted her near the wall, Jacoby by her side. She had a huge grin plastered on her face and gave me a little wave. Everything clicked at that moment. Cate was getting hell when I saw her next. I turned around to find Jared taking a seat in the abandoned chair. “Jared, this is a huge mistake,” I said. “I told Cate to stay out of this.”

“Maybe I didn’t want her to stay out of it,” he countered, taking a sip of the drink.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that if Cate getting involved was the only way I was going to see you again, then I want her involved in this.”

“Why?” I asked. None of this made sense. The way he was looking at me, the fact that he wanted to see me. I mean, I’d just been a one night stand for him.

“I mean that I might not know you very well, but I do know that I want to be able to have the chance to try us out.”

“Why? I thought that what happened that night—” He cut me off.

“It wasn’t. I had to leave, and I didn’t want to wake you up because you looked so beautiful while you were asleep.” I blushed and bit my lip. “I couldn’t find your phone, so I just decided I’d get your number from Cate, which took a little longer than expected.”

“Did you call me beautiful?” I asked.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Sasha.” I blushed a little more. But then I remembered that this shouldn’t be happening.

“Jared, you seem like a really great guy, but I can’t do this.”

“Why? What’s the problem?”

“The problem is that I’m scared,” I admitted. “I’ve been in so many bad relationships.”

“Cate mentioned that,” he said. I shook my head.

“She doesn’t know half of it. I’ve been cheated on, controlled, and abused physically, verbally, and sexually. Basically, whatever horrible things you can do to your significant other has been done to me. So, unless you’re some kind of hero, I don’t want to do this.” He reached across the table, taking my hand in his. I looked up at him curiously.

“I don’t know about being a hero, but I can promise you that I know how to treat a woman. If you give me the chance, I’ll show you.” I looked down at our hands. As much as my head said this shouldn’t be happening, my heart was saying to give it a try. I took a deep breath before answering.

“If you can get me out of this dump in the next five minutes, I’ll let you have the chance,” I said with a crooked smile. He grinned and waved the waiter over, asking for the check.

“So, why’d you want out?” he asked as we walked around L.A. Cate had taken her car, and Jared and Jacoby got here by taxi, so we decided to just walk around town.

“Because I could feel the pressure for romance, and I don’t like pressure.” He chuckled, taking my hand in his.

“Somehow I don’t doubt that.”

“It’s why I’m not a model. Well, that and the fact that I’m much too short.”

“You’re not that short.”

“Cate towers over me. I’m a freaking midget.”

“Would it help if I said that I think it’s cute?”

“It might,” I smirked. “But it probably won’t.” He laughed again.

“You haven’t changed.”

“I wish I had. This wouldn’t be happening if I could just tune out my heart.”

“You’re that scared, huh?” I sighed, leaning against him.

“Terrified. I don’t want to get hurt again.”

“It won’t happen if I can help it.” He paused, a confused expression on his face. “What’s that noise?” We stopped, and I strained to hear what he was talking about.

“Oops,” I said, reaching into my back pocket. “My IPod accidentally turned on.” He reached for one of the ear buds, putting it in his ear to listen.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Lady Gaga’s ‘Bad Romance’,” I admitted. “I’m obsessed with it at the moment.”

“I think I recognize this song,” he said. I squealed with shock when he pulled me next to him. “Je voux ton amour/ Et je voux ton revanche/ Je voux ton amour/ I don’t want to be friends,” he sang softly in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I buried my face in his shoulder, trying to hide my blush. He kept his arm around me as he slipped the IPod back into my pocket. We continued walking, not really talking, and I realized we were near my apartment.

“Mind going to my place?” I asked. “I’m kind thirsty.” He shrugged and let me lead the way to the apartment building.

Once inside, we went to the kitchen, and I poured both of us a glass of Coke. We stood about a foot apart, facing each other as we drank. His blue eyes watched me intently, and I swear those eyes were going to be the death of me.

“So, how’s this date going so far?” I asked. He smiled.

“I think it’s going pretty great. I mean, it could be a lot better,” he added with a wink, making me laugh. “How about you?”

“It’s not so bad,” I said with a smile. “Like you said, could be better.”

“How so?” he asked. I set my glass down and walked over to him, standing on my tip toes and wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Like this,” I said before pressing my lips to his. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, and kissed me back. He pulled away after a couple of minutes and studied me.

“So, found your hero?” he asked.

“Not sure about that,” I replied, “but those damn eyes are going to be the death of me.” He smirked. “Stay tonight?” I asked.

“Sure thing,” he said before leaning down and kissing me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song for this chapter: "Hero" by Scarlet Haze.

Aw, yay for Sasha! Anyone else as happy as I am for her? Also, this chapter got a little inspiration from this video. Also be prepared for Jacoby and Cate in the next chapter.

Thanks to bloodyvengeance and Squeak for commenting.

And little note, I'm super depressed right now because the Papa Roach concert tonight is like an hour away from me but I can't go because I didn't have money for tickets. So sad. Comments will cheer me up though haha.