Status: Completed

Savin' Me

"Can I go home now?"

I lay here motionless on the most uncomfortable twin bed in my six by six cage with a minimum of a hundred emotions coursing through my veins. But the one emotion that stood out from the rest was regret. If I could, I would've never gotten in the car with Harley and Slade Matheson.

Time was passing by slower than ever, and there was nothing to do but stare; stare at the dull gray ceiling that seemed to taunt me with all the sins I've committed in the past two months. Would I spend the rest of my life cooped up in here?

I looked down and studied myself. My arms were covered with tiny holes created by needles, my ex-best friend Lindsey Lennox's skinny jeans were soiled with dirt and grass stains, the heavy smell of alcohol was evident from head to toe, and small patches of blood stained the brand new jacket and shirt I stole from Aeropostale last week. With bloodshot eyes, I began to stare at the ceiling again as the same song solemnly repeated in my head...

Prison gates won't open up for me

I missed all the opportunities of getting out of this mess before it really counted. No. Not missed. I turned them down.

Where was that 'get out of jail for free' card when you need it most? Oh, wait. Life isn't a game of Monopoly.

On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'
Oh, I reach for you

Now I'm here, begging for another chance, another intervention. Help me, please. ANYONE. I'll listen this time. Really I will. I'm all ears.

But there is no next time, is there? It's too late. I'm too late. I waited too long. My time's up.

Well I'm terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can't hold my soul in

My eyes glanced around the tiny, confined space that defined my freedom. What freedom? I have none. I gave it away. But I can't stay here. I'll go crazy! A girl like me who's sorry for everything she's done to land in a place like this doesn't belong here.

All I need is you
Come please I'm callin'
And oh I scream for you
Hurry I'm fallin'

He won't come. If my own family won't come bail me out, why should he? He was the one who warned me in the first place. But did I listen? Take a look around, Katie. Did you?

'Please, come,' I begged inwardly. 'I promise not to only hear, but to listen this time.'

Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right

If he only knew what it's like to be in my place. If he only knew how sorry I am for everything. For the drug and alcohol abuse, for allowing to become myself lost in the party scene, for letting myself get played as a fool, for all the things I said and did to hurt the people I love, and for those flashing lights that brought me back to my senses to realize all of this.

I was stupid to put all my trust in their hands. They were never my friends, they were the enemy. And I was even more stupid to push the people who truly cared for me away because I was selfish and arrogant and caught up in the rush and excitement. But I know it was wrong me now, and I am sorry.

And I'll show you what I can be

I've learned from my mistakes. Honestly I have. I'll never do drugs again. I'll never hold a bottle of beer for as long as I live. I know who I am and was and always will be my old self from now on. I'll never associate with people like them again. It may take some time, but I will redeem myself and we can be friends again someday. And there will never be another reason for those lights to appear in my rearview mirror if you save me.

Isn't that good enough? Isn't that what I'm supposed to learn from all this? Can I go home now? Somebody take me home.

Say it for me
Say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me

Come and say you'll take me home.

I have changed. Just say it please. Take me home and I'll show you what I can and will be.

Say it if it's worth saving me

'Come and save me'. The others didn't do it. They didn't want to do it. Will you do it?

Heavens gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'

You're my last chance. I can't do it by myself.

And all I see is you
These city walls ain't got no love for me

Please come. You're my last hope. You are my only hope.

I'm on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And oh I scream for you

My fate lies with him. I'm begging you! Can't you hear my plea?

Come please I'm callin'
And all I need from you
Hurry I'm fallin'

Just come this one last time. It's all I ask for. It's all I need.

Show me what it's like
To be the last one standing

Don't show me what it's like to not have someone be there for you when you need them the most. Harley and Slade have already done that.

And teach me wrong from right

Teach me again on who I can trust. Come save me.

And I'll show you what I can be

I've changed, I've changed, I've changed. I don't care how many times I have to say for you to believe it, I'll say it forever. If just saying it isn't good enough for you, then let me show you.

Say it for me
Say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me

It's up to you to decide whether I'm worthy enough to be saved. But please, Jake! If you will, hurry up! Before it's too late!

Hurry I'm fallin'

'SAVE ME!' I screeched in my thoughts, echoing like a gong in my mind. My sapphire pools moved around the cell again as I sighed heavily in defeat. No one's coming. I don't blame them. After all that's happened? After all that I've put them through?

No, he won't save me. I wouldn't even save myelf.

"Cooper," Officer Peyton's voice boomed. I lifted my head up in response. "You're free to go."

I scrunched my eyebrows, quickly standing up from the bed. My eyes glimmered with hope as they spotted the key that meant freedom slip into the hole and turn clockwise. The cell door slid open and my jaw dropped in awe. I slowly walked up to him, immersed in confusion. "but who in the world bailed me out?"

"Katie!" I heard a familiar voice yell. It was the voice I had hoped for to come to my rescue.

To good for it to be true, I turned my head around and saw him running towards me. Before I knew it, we were both embracing each other in a tight hug and tears of relief and joy. His familiar scent brought a smile to my face, remembering how good it felt to be in his arms once more.

The sweet moment was cut short when he pulled away, much to my discontent. My the corners of lips fell as Jake Cahill sternly stared at me with olive irises of worry and anger. His hands firmly grasped my shoulders. "Don't you ever do that again! You hear me, Kaitlyn?! Don't you dare scare me again like you did tonight!"

I smiled again at his wanted outburst, but weakly. It quickly faded as my gaze slowly dropped to the floor. The tears continued to pour but heavier.

His thumb brushed my cheek lightly, moving loose hair that had fallen into my view behind my ear. He lifted my chin up so that our eyes were leveled with one another's. "What's wrong, Katie-Boo? Don't cry anymore, I'm here."

"You answered my prayers, Jake," I began, skeptically looking up at him. "You bailed me out. After everything, why?"

"Because you're my best friend," he replied quietly, moving his hands down so his arms were wrapped securely around my waist. "I'll always be there with you, for you, till the end. No matter how badly you screw up. You can always count on me if you need someone, for anything."

A half-smiled formed on my trembling lips. "You're amazing, Jake."

He grinned cockily, though I knew he was only teasing. "I am pretty awesome, aren't I?"

My smile grew to a full one. "I don't know what I'd do without you," I said softly, moving closer to him.

He pulled me into another tight embrace with my arms crossed while my head rested on his chest, listening to the even beat of his heart.

"Thanks," I whispered, slightly pulling away and looking up at him.

He narrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. "For what?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck, my smile spreading from ear to ear. "Savin' Me."
♠ ♠ ♠
This was supposed to be an ending to a story I previously had up, but I lost interest in the story so I deleted it. Then I decided to post the ending as a one shot because it originally was & didn't want this to go to waste.
Like it? Hate it? Comment with your thoughts.
I'm kind of iffy about this one. I used to write a lot of my things in this format, but looking back on it now, I'm like, "WTF?" Lawl.

Also, check out my stories!
Everything I've Ever Known ft. Alex Gaskarth *NEW!*
Calling Dibs ft. Alex Gaskarth & Zack Merrick *NEW!*
One of the Guys ft. Original Characters *NEW!*
Before You Slip Away ft. John O'Callaghan *COMPLETED!*
I'm the One Who Understands You ft. John Gomez (Hiatus)
Started Out with a Kiss ft. Stephen & John Gomez *COMPLETED!*
Where The Story Ends ft. Jonas Brothers (Hiatus)