Status: good

An Innocent Girl Turns Bad for a Boy

An innocent girl turns bad for a boy chapter 2

"What the hell makes them so special?" Landon wondered, his eyes looking from the girl in the center to Daisy.

"I keep forgetting that you're new," Daisy shrugged. "Everyone here knows about the Mastersons. Their family is a legacy. A dynasty even. Kind of like the Baldwins or the Jacksons. Except they're obviously way better looking than anyone in those families. And not as... insane," she explained. "Their fathers are brothers, and all ruled this very school when they attended. The blonde one you had the pleasure of meeting this morning? That's Dante, he's a sophomore. His dad is the third oldest brother, Brock. He also has a younger brother who's still in junior high. You see, Mr. and Mrs. Masterson, the grandparents, are some kind of old school hippies who like unique names. The three dark haired boys you saw in the hallway? Those are the triplets. Phoenix, Sawyer, and Zane."

Landon's hazel-green eyes flickered back to the table. The girl in the center was looking right at him and gave him a small smile and a nod. The guy on her left noticed her nod and looked right at Landon. He seemed to have that glare reserved for Landon and Landon only. His features softened slightly when he turned to the girl. He said something to her with a frown. She looked at Landon a few seconds longer before turning her head and replying. "Which ones which?" Landon asked, eyes moving back to Daisy.

"The one who just glared at you, that's Phoenix. He's the oldest out of all five of them. The brown haired one next to Dante, that's Sawyer; and the other one with black hair next to him, that's Zane. He's the youngest out of the triplets. Their dad is the oldest brother, Logan. The youngest brother, Forrest, has a few kids too, but they're still in elementary school."

"And the girl? The one I ran into in the hallway, I mean," Landon looked at the middle table again. She was now looking at some magazine with a blonde girl. "She's fucking hot," his eyes were on her as he spoke. Actually, the girl was more like fucking beautiful. There was a difference. Hot was what one used when they wanted to see a girl naked. And he wouldn't have minded that sight. But beautiful? He'd never really called a girl beautiful before. Models and actresses, maybe. But never girls he knew personally. Well, shit. He couldn't really explain that one. She just... was. Sure, there were other pretty girls at the table, but for some reason, this particular one captured his attention. He was like a magnet and she was constantly pulling him towards her presence.

Daisy laughed. "I wouldn't go around publicizing that thought. She's untouchable. She's an only child, so her cousins are very protective of her. Especially when it comes to other guys vocalizing their dirty thoughts about her. They don't let anyone near her."

"So what's she like? Is she a bitch? The hot ones usually are. And they're usually the best in bed."

"No, Dannon's actually-"



"Like the yogurt?"

"Not quite," Daisy said, an amused smile on her face. "She's actually really nice to everyone. Friends with everyone. Which is kind of odd, considering who her parents are. You see, Dannon's dad is the second oldest brother, River. And when he was a senior here, he dated the the Queen to his King, Fallon Kennedy. I'm told that they were both assholes in their own right. Actually, they still kind of are, but that's not the point. Long story short, they got together, had Dannon, who's named after River's mother and Fallon; got married, and now here we are."

"Wow, that's some story, Daisy," his tone was sarcastic. "I would have thought it was a little more interesting than that. Considering how she's the Queen and all. I mean, it sounds like her cousins were planned and she wasn't."

"She wasn't," Daisy chuckled. "River and Fallon like to do things a little differently. You should hear the story of how they got together. But back to Dannon. She's the only girl in the next generation of Mastersons. Here, she's the undisputed Queen because both of her parents ruled the school. And she's probably one of the sweetest people ever. The other four? They rule too, but Dannon holds most of the power. She just has this way about her. People rarely ever tell her no."

"I like a woman on top," Landon smirked. "In more ways than one, of course."

She shook her head of pink hair. "Dannon's not like that. If I'm not mistaken, she's the only virgin left out of the five."

Landon's hazel-green eyes went wide. "There's no way a girl who looks like she does is still a virgin. I would have figured there were guys lining up to nail her."

"I told you, her cousins are really protective of her. If you have a Y chromosome and aren't 'in' with their crowd, you're lucky if you get within a one foot radius of her. They never let her out of their sight here, at school functions, parties. One of them is always looking out for her. Anyone who tries anything with her gets a broken bone and a bruised ego. Just ask Troy Parker. He was her first kiss and ended up with a fat lip for a week. I feel bad for whoever tries to take her v-card. The poor bastard will probably lose the family jewels."

"Ouch, tough life," he quipped. "What about the others at the table? Are they all related too?" Landon asked.

"Mm, no. But they all grew up together. The strawberry blonde girl sitting next to Dante is Blair Scott," Daisy nodded at said girl. She was engaged in an easy conversation with Dante. "She's a sophomore too and her mother and father are best friends with Dante's mother and father. Um, the girl next to Phoenix," she nodded the blonde girl. She was still reading that magazine, not paying attention to the conversation at all. Dannon was now talking to some other guy at the table. "That's Grace Brady, she's a junior. Her father, Garrett, is one of Dannon's father's best friends. And the guy with dark brown hair talking to Dannon is Nathaniel Adams, Junior. We just call him Nate or Junior though. He's a senior. His dad is also best friends with Dannon's dad. Junior's also secretly in love with Dannon, but he just won't admit it."

Sucked for him. But Daisy was right, Landon could tell that the guy was head over heels for the dark haired girl sitting next to him. He could see it in his body language. Dannon's body language told him that the feeling wasn't reciprocated. "How do you know so much about them anyway?" Landon asked Daisy.

"I told you, I know everyone who's anyone," her tone was matter-of-fact. The girl shrugged. "Zane and I used to have a thing. Nothing serious, just a good fuck every now and then. Plus, Dannon's one of my good friends. My best friend actually. She's my neighbor, so I'm guilty of growing up with the social elite. Oh, and her dad and my dad are best friends too."

That surprised Landon. He would have never guessed Daisy and Dannon were friends. And holy fuck, how many best friends did Dannon's father have? If Landon counted correctly Dannon's father belonged to a group of four. And he was one out of four brothers as well. Daisy said he was an asshole, right? Landon grinned. Assholes really did travel in groups of four. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"Please. Dannon and I are too different to be seen together at school. My decision, not hers. She's always asking me and Christine to sit with her at lunch, but we always decline. You see, Christine grew up with us since one of her fathers-"

"One of her fathers? As in, more than one?"

"Yes, she was adopted by a lovely gay couple," she said simply. "As I was saying, one of her fathers is Dannon's mother's very best friend, Perry. But Christine sits with me because she has a thing for my cousin, Tyler," she said loud enough for only Landon to hear, jerking her thumb towards the boy on her other side. "No idea why though, but opposites really do attract," she whispered. "And Drew's here because he's Christine's foster brother. He won't let Perry adopt him for some reason. It's not really my place to ask, so I don't. He sits with us some days and then some days he sits with the Royal Family."

"I see," Landon mused. Holy shit, this girl really did know everyone. Not to mention everything about everyone. "Do you have a problem with her or something? A falling out?"

Daisy shook her head. "Oh, no, nothing like that. It's just weird with Zane," she shrugged. "And Dannon's too damn nice sometimes, which is one of the main reasons why the boys are so protective of her. They're afraid she'll let someone walk all over her, but Dannon's not stupid. Piss her off enough, she'll chew you up and spit you out. She definitely has Fallon's attitude on a rare occasion," she looked at Landon and noticed a small glint in his eyes. "Whatever you're thinking, new kid, I'd stop. I know that look and if you're thinking of corrupting the nice girl, then I hope you're prepared to deal with the consequences."

"Come on, Daisy," Landon frowned at her. "I'm an asshole, but I don't make a habit of taking advantage of the innocent ones," he looked back at Dannon. "But it would be fun to push her cousins' buttons a little."
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