Status: Work in Progress

Secrets from the Vardin: Arlea

Chapter 2

When Arlea stepped into the Elder's Circle, all eyes were on her.

"Do I have something on my face?"

Hartly sighed. "No. I told you they wanted to see you"

Arlea whispered back, "Well you could have told me everyone was here!!!"

he shrugged as he said, "Oh I guess it slipped my mind."



Arlea turned towards the deep voice that said her name.

"Come here"

Arlea had no choice but to walk towards the man with the stern expression. He was the High Elder and no one disobeyed him when he called.

As Arlea walked towards him she noticed he had more wrinkles on his weathered face and maybe a few more gray hairs since she had seen him the previous evening.

Arlea knelt in front of him.

"Child, do you know what today is?"

"It is my 16th Moonday High Elder Filtiarn"

"That is correct. You are growing up and so therefore need to know the truth about yourself."

Arlea was puzzled. What did he mean by "truth about herself". She was raised by her father Faolan and her mother had died only a few months after she was born due to a fever that would not come down when she caught pneumonia. What else was there to know???

"Child, Faolan is not your father, nor was his wife your mother. You were found in the woods, abandoned."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Faolan found you one night when he was on a hunting expedition. He tried to track the trails leading away from you, but they were too well covered after a few yards. He brought you back to his wife, who could not have children, and with all of our blessings, they kept you."

Arlea was shocked. The High Elder had to be lying.

"Your lying!!! It isn't true!! It cant be true!"

She turned to the man she had always thought was her father. He was her world. Faolan was all she had. He would not meet her questioning gaze.

"Father...Father tell me its not true. I am your daughter!"

Arlea grabbed his shoulders, "Father...please"

When he finally did look up there was such sadness in his eyes that she could not handle it any longer. Tears started to stream down her cheeks.

"Child, there is more you need to know."

Arlea gaze left her father's sad eyes and she turned to the High Elder. Anger suddenly flashed in her green eyes.

"No. There is nothing more I need to know. Faolan IS my father and nothing will change that! I don't need to hear anymore of your lies!"

Arlea turned and fled the circle. The High Elder turned to Hartly. "Follow her. Bring her back"

Hartly made a small bow and turned and walked out of the Elder's Circle following Arlea trail.
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