Status: Completed!

Like Phantoms Forever

All We Are Is Bullets

Wes’s POV
I ran back into the house. “She fucking left! Does anyone have River's number?”
“She might have it written down on the chalkboard.” Gerard said, heading into the kitchen to look.
“Would someone like to tell me what's going on?” Mikey said, still standing there. I would have ripped his head off but Gerard beat me to it.
Gerard whipped around to face his younger brother. “Yeah, you fucked her head up and now not only is she drinking again but she left!”
I turned on Mikey myself. “I swear to God you need to get out of my sight or I'm going to do something I'll regret later.”
“I'll talk to her, I'll fix this.” Mikey said, running a hand over his face. I so badly wanted to beat his face in for doing this to Emmy.
“If she'll even pick up her damn phone.” Gerard snapped.
“I'll go to where she is and talk to her through a door if I have to.” Mikey shot back.
“How could you be so fucking stupid Mikey?!” Gerard demanded.
“I don't...I don't know Gee. Fuck.” Mikey groaned.
“Well fucking think of a reason so you can goddamn fix this.” Gee honestly looked like he was considering killing Mikey. Maybe he does like Emmy as more than a friend.
“I said I'll fix it, just tell me where she went!” Mikey yelled.
“She said she was going to River's house. It might be in the Caller ID on the house phone, Wes.” Gerard said. I had already thought of that and was on the phone with him. I waited impatiently as it rang.
River picked up on the third ring. “Hello?”
“Riv, its Wes. Listen Em's on her way over and she's really messed up. She's started drinking again and I'm really worried. I just need to know where your house is so we can come over.” I said.
“It's 346 Golden West. How long ago did she leave?” River asked.
“About five mintues tops. Do me a favor and don't let her know I called? She'll freak out and maybe leave and then I don't know where she'll go.” I couldn’t keep the note of panic out of my voice.
“Okay. It's a good thing Sylvie's at our mom's house. If she's as messed up as you say, Sylvie doesn't need to see this.” Of course River would be thinking about that.
“Okay, we'll be over in a little bit.” I said before hanging up. “Okay I have River's address, who's coming with me?”
“That fuckface for sure.” Gerard said, pointing at Mikey.
I grabbed Mikey by the shoulder none too gently. “Gee please tell Frank what's going on when he finally gets home.”
“Will do.” Gee said.
I glared at Mikey. “You stay quiet until we get there or I just might kill you.”
“I wouldn't test her on that.” Gerard commented.
“I’m not going to.” Mikey said, following me out.
“Where's she at?” I said when we finally got to River’s house. He had been pacing back and forth in front of the house.
“She hasn't shown up and I've been calling her. She hasn't been picking up her phone.”
River said.
“Shit...shit...shit...SHIT! This is all your fault you selfish asshole!” I started smacking and hitting Mikey, trying to get my frustration out.
“What the fuck did you do to my sister?” River growled and I saw the River I’d known. Not the history teacher and father, but the one who didn’t take anyone fucking with his family.
Mikey, who wasn’t stopping me from hitting him, just said, “I'm going to find her and fix this I swear” before taking off.
Emmy’s POV
I slipped my sunglasses on before I even left my hotel room, knowing the fluorescent lights in the lobby would amp up my hangover. I opened the mini bar last night, finally giving in and cracking open a few bottles of the alcohol. I had to drink a bunch to get a sufficient buzz. It would have been cheaper to go to a bar and order a few rounds of shots, but I didn’t feel like going out and being around people. As it was, I stayed in my room except for my daily pilgrimage to Starbucks for breakfast.
My sunglasses filtered out most of the sunlight so my head was totally splitting open as I made my way down the block to the Starbucks. I braced myself for the noise of Starbucks as I went in.
I ordered my coffee and sat down next to the window to wait for it. My head was spinning and I was seriously considering running to the bathroom to puke my guts up.
The bell over the door dinged, so loud that it sounded like the church bells in Notre Dame. I let out a soft groan and held my head, trying to keep it all in one piece.
“Emmy?” Oh God. Oh no. My head shot up so fast my neck cracked. Alicia was standing in front of me, looking pissed as hell.
“Tall coffee drip for Emmy!” The barista called and I almost tripped over my feet trying to get to the counter. Of all the people to find me, it had to be Alicia.
Before I could hightail it down the street, Alicia caught me by the arm.
“I see you Emmy, don’t even think about it.” She said, almost hauling me over to the tables. My butt landed in the chair I’d just recently vacated and she sat down across from me.
“Where the fuck have you been for the past five days? You couldn’t have called one of us?” Alicia demanded. “We thought you were lying in a ditch somewhere.” I didn’t know what to say honestly. What do you say to the girlfriend of your first love, who you recently slept with? “I’m sorry”? “Whoops”?
“Are you even listening to me Emmy?” Alicia’s voice brought me back from that particular train of thought.
“I’m sorry, what?” I said, trying to focus.
“I said, everyone’s been worried sick about you. Your mom has been calling nonstop trying to see if we’ve found you.”
“I would really appreciate it if you didn’t try to take me on a guilt trip. I left for a reason and I don’t know if I even wanna go back.”
“I get that you’re struggling with drinking again, but running away and hiding from us isn’t going to fix it.”
“I need a break from my shit storm.” You could tell I was about to cry just from the way my voice sounded and Alicia picked up on it.
“Come home Emmy.” She said softly.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” I couldn’t answer that question. It seemed like she didn’t know that Mikey and I had had sex. If I had to tell her I had no idea what she’d do.
“Alicia, you don’t know?” I could barely get the words out.
“Well now I’m worried more.”
“Alicia….Mikey and I slept together.” I was grateful for my sunglasses. I wouldn’t have to look her in the eye.
A flicker of pain passed over her face and then it was gone. “I should have guessed it.”
“I am so sorry.” I was only half lying. I did feel bad that I had helped Mikey cheat on her. But I wasn’t sorry for being with him for one last time.
“Any time you were in the room, he’d never take his eyes off you. I should have seen it coming.” She dabbed at her eyes with a napkin.
“He loves you.” I knew it wasn’t enough.
“But he’ll always love you more.” She stood up. “Think about that Emmy.” She walked away before I could say anything.
Man I hope they restock mini bars, cuz it looks like tonight is gonna be another long night.
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