What's the worse thing I could say?

The interview

" Wow " I gasped as we entered the doors to our suit.
" I'd say the same " Gerard answered coming behind me.
" Oh an.. " I rushed into the bedroom and fell down on the bed " Perfect "
" Oh No don't get to comfy " Gerard said entering the bedroom
" What, why ? " I jumped up on my feet again
" We're having a concert in less than 5 hours and an interview in about 30 minuets, we gotta get ready "
" Ow man, do we have to do the interview ? "
" Yes we have to Frank, now get dressed " Gerard demanded
" Yes ma'am " I muttered

" Sometimes I wish I wasn't in the band " I said pulling on a new fresh shirt
" Oh.. " Gerard said " You can always quit you know "
" And leave you behind ? Never "
Gerard smiled. " Oh c'mer you " He said pulling me into a kiss.
" You guise ready in there + We gotta be there in 10 minuets " Mikey said knocking on the door
" Yeah Mikey we'll be there soon " I yelled back
" You better not be late, Bob's gonna kick your asses if you do "
" We won't "

" Good Morning Liverpool, this is Brant Merton speaking and you're watching MTV live from Liverpool stadium.
I'm here with, who are you again ? "
" We're My Chemical Romance " we all answered into or mics
" Okay so we're here with My chem who are going to play live here in Liverpool this afternoon, how do you think this show is going to be ? "
" Just like every other show, extraordinary and fantastic " Gerard answered
" But they're not all the same are they ? "
" No No, the crowd's not always the same but somehow the concerts are always fantastic "
" Right right, so how long have you guise been touring now ? "
" about two-three months " Mikey answered
" Any of you married or ? "
We all shook our heads
" No ? Oh I was just gonna ask how the people at home are doing "
" I have a girlfriend if that can help " Ray answered
" yeah, so how is she taking it ? have you been talking much or ? "
" yeah we talk a lot, maybe a couple hours a day, and sometimes before a concert. She is like my spirit animal, she always brings me into a good mood y'know "
" Oh how sweet, is she watching right now ?
" Yeah I think so "
" Why don't you say something nice to her? "
" Hey Krista, I just wanna say that I love you very much and I'll be back soon "
" oh how sweet " The guy Brant said " So guise, what do you do for fun on the bus ? You know when you're out driving for a couple hours. "
" I Uh read " Gerard said making us all laugh
" Porn "
" Porn "
" Porn "
" I like playing video games " Mikey said
" Oh hey, I like that too " Ray answered
" So you watch porn but you do like video games, is that right ? "
Ray nodded
" Okay; I understand tat you guise have a tight schedule. what are you gonna do next ? "
" uh first we're gonna eat, then sound check and then the concert "
" Wow what a tight schedule "
We all nodded
" Well I understand that you better get going. Thank you for coming "
" thanks for having us " Gerard said
" Okay this was Brent and you are watching MTV live, we'll see you soon with more fantastic bands, bye "