Status: Feed back is MUCH appreciated!



It wasn't hard to guess what Jonathan Toews did when he walked in his apartment from the strange nights occurrences. He hopped on his computer and typed two words into the Google Search bar: Mindy Newman.

He clicked on the link that read, 'Mindy Newman's Got A Silver Spoon Up Her Ass.'

It looked to be a blog of some sort that reported on the famous youth of today. He scrolled down and started to read what this person had written about Mindy.

“It's hard to believe that someone can be famous by just having rich parents, yet somehow Mindy Newman is always in the spotlight. Her dad, the wealthy owner of FreshFaced Cosmetic's is wrapped around his daughters fingers like that 2.5 million dollar ring he bought her as a 17th birthday present.

Once again Mindy was caught being drunk and disorderly at a local Chicago bar and . . .”

Jonathan didn't need to read anymore, after a few lines on the girl he knew her type. Hell, he had slept with her type. Shallow and self involved, he didn't need to waste anymore time on her.

With that smart and calculated decision he was off to his 6:00 a.m practice.

It wasn't hard to guess what Mindy Newman did when she walked in her apartment after getting off the elevator. She sat down at her top of the line Mac computer and typed 'Jonathan Taves' into the Google Search bar.

She clicked on his Wikipedia link, Jonathan Toews.

“Weird pronunciation.” She muttered, before reading about how he was the Captain of the Chicago Blackhawks and was fresh from his Stanley Cup win. She knew he looked familiar.

However, Mindy was hardly one to stay interested in something too long so sooner rather than later she turned off her monitor and slipped into bed.

Another late night practice for the Captain of the Chicago Blackhawks. At least thanks to Mindy Newman he didn't have to wait for the new night guy to let him pass through to the elevators, now he could just waltz right on by.

It had been a few days since he had last seen Mindy and he really hadn't noticed, as far as he was concerned, a girl like that taking a liking to him was a very bad thing for his image. He didn't need a distraction that was as . . . distracting as Mindy Newman.

He was surprised when the doors to one of the elevators opened and even more surprised as a scandalously clad Mindy Newman rushed out and pushed past him, without even realizing who it was she was pushing past. He watched as she stopped at the door and muttered, 'Shit', obviously having forgotten something, before rushing back in his direction towards the elevator. She finally noticed Jon's presence and smiled walking into the elevator and pressing her floor, and his.

It was awkwardly silent as the two stood in the elevator but then Jon heard Mindy start to hum. It was quiet at first and then proceeded to get louder. The tune was unmistakable, Chelsea Dagger.

“Da da da da,
da da da,
da da da da da da da.”

She started to shimmy her shoulders and kick out a leg or two every once in a while and then she started to belt out,

“Chelsea, Chelsea
I believe, that when you're dancing slowly
sucking your sleeve
The boys get lonely after you leave
It's one for the dagger and another for the one you believe!”

She was laughing hysterically at this point and could barely finish the last verse before the elevator opened and she got off, calling, “Bye Jonny Boy,” over her shoulder haphazardly.

“Hang on.” Said Kaner, tugging his jersey over his shoulders, “She just started to sing and dance, in an elevator?”

“Pretty much.” Jonathan replied, throwing the rest of his clothes in his locker.

“That's pretty much the greatest thing I've ever heard!” He laughed, suddenly he looked serious, “Was she wearing pants this time?”

“A dress, she was going out.” Jon replied, not knowing why Kaner was so interested in his interactions with this girl. It wasn't just the Right Wing that was so interested, either, it was the entire team.

“Damn.” He said, “Shame. You should get her tickets to a game, or let her come to practice. If you aren't going to make a move, I will.”

“Without even knowing what she looks like? Patrick Kane, are you finally acquiring some, dare I say it, depth?” Tazer asked sarcastically, lacing up his skates and leading the team out of the locker room.

“Dude, it's Mindy Newman, everyone knows who she is. She's a fucking knock out.” Kaner said, punching his shoulder as they skated onto the ice, ready for practice.

“You just started to sing?” Caleb asked Mindy as they pounded back shot after shot of the most expensive Tequila, courtesy of Victor Newman.

“I guess. I wanted him to know, that I knew who he was.” She said, her words becoming slurred and her vision beginning to sway, or maybe that was just her.

“Well, that was the most unconventional greeting ever.” He laughed, their breathing was labored due to the dancing that they had been doing previously, and he stopped laughing at her to ask, “So is he hot?”

“Eh.” Was all she said, thinking that if she said anything more Caleb would see through her bluff.

“Oh god, he must be smoking hot!” He laughed flamboyantly as his friend got up from the table and excused herself to go to the washroom, she smirked devilishly and motioned to the necklace that hung around her delicate neck, it was a heart shaped locket that Caleb knew was her hiding spot for a small bag of premium blow.

He shook his head and watched her leave.

When she came back her pupils were dilated and her cheeks were flushed.

“Let's get this party started.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for the comments and support you guys!!!!!!!