Status: Completed :) See Sequel

It All Started With A Kiss

Chapter 10

I was sitting in my room reading a magazine when a I heard a tap on my window. I looked up to see Joe...soaking wet.

He looks really hot.

Anyway I went to my window and I opened it and it was raining...more like pouring. I said to Joe "Why are you here? It's...12:00 in the morning."

He looked at me and said "Can I come in?"

I moved out of the way and he entered. "Now...the reason I came here is to see you."

He wrapped his hands around me and smiled. I laughed and said "You're making me wet you know that?"

He smirked and said " look hot wet."

I chuckled and then all of sudden he pushed me up against the wall. I looked at him and he smirked. He like ran up to me and started to kiss me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. He then moved his lips down to my neck and started to suck on the "spot."

I tried not to moan but I just couldn't hold it. I moaned and he smiled in my neck. I hated when he gets the best of me. So it is my time to shine. I slowly moved my hands to his back and I went up his shirt. He pulled away with a confused look on his face. And with that I moved my head to his neck and began to suck on his "spot". At first, he was just OK with it and then I sucked harder and he said "Don't suck to hard, you'll give me a hickey."

I pulled away and said "You gave me a hickey before, so now it is my time."

He shrugged and I continued. I heard him moan and I pulled away and said "OK time's up."

He looked at me with a smirk and lightly started to push me to my bed. Then I fell on to the bed and he got on top of me. We started to make-out. He licked my bottom lip to see if he could come in, I said, just to make him angry, I said no.

He started to kiss me hard. He wrapped his hands around me and slowly snook his hands up my shirt. Then he asked again and I said yes this time. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and explored everywhere. One second later, I swear to God, I went to heaven.

When he pulled away, I felt sad. "Are you OK Liz?" Joe said.

I shook my head yes and I said " you love me?"

He looked at me with a confused look and said "Of course. Why wouldn't I? Your beautiful inside and out. You have gorgeous eyes, sometime I get lost in them. And with all the girls I have ever dated, your the only one I love the most, more then myself. If anyone hurt you, I would kill them. And if I lost you, I would cry my self to sleep every night till I got you back."

I looked at him and began to cry, but not from sadness, happiness."Oh Liz don't cry. Make me feel sad."

I looked at him and he wiped away some tears."Joe these tears are not from me being sad, they're from being happy."

He smiled and said "I love you Liz."

I smiled and said "I love you too Joe."

And we fell asleep in each other's arms. Now I thought this night would go bad. Ha ha